CoX Issue 12 starts work on improving PvP




City of Heroes Issue 12: Midnight Hour, now in Open Beta, brings with it a vast assortment of Quality of Life fixes and tweaks.

One small but highly significant fix slipped through the net and missed appearing in the first round of patch notes: the buildup of Brute Fury in PvP and against Archvillain and Giant Monster class enemies has finally been persuaded to work the way it should have. Brutes gain an additional 5 points of Fury when attacking these targets, which more than doubles their Fury building rate. The short version: a Brute can now kill you far faster than you'd expect, and can contribute more to drawn-out fights against the game's toughest enemies.

The Brute community has anticipated this change for a long time now. Without the fix, their viability in PvP was not much to write home about. Now, Castle the Powers Guy has made a lot of Brutes very happy.

Other features that swing the balance back towards the Villains in PvP are the addition of a Perception buff to O2 boost, adding a valuable low-level counter to stealthy heroes, and the hero Psi Blaster being a less fearsome opponent than many Villains had feared.

Knockback in PvP has been radically revised, with Acrobatics no longer giving near-total immunity. Caging powers now follow suppression rules, meaning you can't keep some opponents locked out of the fight. Most impressively, Power Boost has been nerfed, its effectiveness cut by a third; and it now won't stack, meaning it will no longer be possible to achive godlike debuffs and holds. This directly tackles one of the Villains' main complaints about Hero Epic power pools, namely the easy access to Power Boost which they did not have.

It looks like this the start of a continuing trend. The Arena has already seen some fixes, and a long list of known issues suggests that more are on the way. Pohsyb, the ingenious developer responsible for implementing the huge array of user interface improvements in Issue 12, has told us the Devs 'will be revisiting all that is bases and base-raiding'. It's common knowledge that the base raid system intended to be launched with CoV has never gotten off the ground properly. Now, at last, there is hope for this potential to be realized.

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Made of win to be honest and there is lots hinting towards revamping PvP which makes me a happy bunny from i13 and onwards.






I hope the continuing trends of PvE nerfs for PvP reasons continue.

(In all seriousness some extra Arena stuff would be awesome - some purpose built new maps and maybe a game mode or two).



Good to see brutes Finally got sorted. The only thing I'm confused with is the powerboost nerf would a dominator still be able to use powerboost, domination and megalomaniac all at the same time for uber mezzing potential?







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You're staying?? :'(

My poor domi still has bruises from last night



Now fix catherdral of pain



They are/will start from scratch, the CoP Trial is apparently too broken in concept and application right now to get working.



The only thing I'm confused with is the powerboost nerf would a dominator still be able to use powerboost, domination and megalomaniac all at the same time for uber mezzing potential?

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Im wondering about the same thing.
The "nerfing" of PowerBoost is lacking with almost seems like they are lowering the effectiveness across the board...which means Dominators will take a much more serious hit instead of Controllers.

Jeg leser i h�nden, om tiden som kommer.
Jeg lytter til havet, og ser tiden som var.
Jeg snakker med fjell, og tiden st�r stille.
Jeg snakker med meg selv, og tiden g�r.
Jeg lukker et �ye, og ser halvt.
Jeg lukker begge, og ser alt.

La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...igjen.



The only thing I'm confused with is the powerboost nerf would a dominator still be able to use powerboost, domination and megalomaniac all at the same time for uber mezzing potential?

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Im wondering about the same thing.
The "nerfing" of PowerBoost is lacking with almost seems like they are lowering the effectiveness across the board...which means Dominators will take a much more serious hit instead of Controllers.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol this. Devs finally nerf the main thing that imbalances HvV PvP, and people still reckon vills are getting the short end of the stick. Guise, Power Boosted buffs are infinitely more useful than power boosted holds, and that is the issue being fixed, sacrifice a small holding time advantage to make heroes lose a percentage of their powerboosted buffs. It's more than a fair deal for Villains.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



So powerbost wont effect buffs anymore? Someone explain. No more powerboosted defense etc?



Well I am defintely happy.

2 of my toons have had a nice little boost in terms of knockback and my lovely plant dom. Confuse has had a nice boost which will make my toon even more hated .

Keep up the good work.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Psyduck, it will affect your buffs, just not as much as it is now.



PB will be 66% as effective in i12 as it was before



how did they buff confuse?



The only thing I'm confused with is the powerboost nerf would a dominator still be able to use powerboost, domination and megalomaniac all at the same time for uber mezzing potential?

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Im wondering about the same thing.
The "nerfing" of PowerBoost is lacking with almost seems like they are lowering the effectiveness across the board...which means Dominators will take a much more serious hit instead of Controllers.

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lol this. Devs finally nerf the main thing that imbalances HvV PvP, and people still reckon vills are getting the short end of the stick. Guise, Power Boosted buffs are infinitely more useful than power boosted holds, and that is the issue being fixed, sacrifice a small holding time advantage to make heroes lose a percentage of their powerboosted buffs. It's more than a fair deal for Villains.

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..."lol" (...)
Thats kinda the reason Im interested in more exact details of the PB "nerf".
The impression I have so far is that the devs have reduced the PB buff from about 150% down to 100%.

Removing the 50% doesnt have THAT much to say when it comes to holds and such (you still have the 100%).
But PB will eventually still be DOUBLING all click based defense shields and such.
...of course, unless there are more details that have been missed...either by me or by getting in the notes.

Jeg leser i h�nden, om tiden som kommer.
Jeg lytter til havet, og ser tiden som var.
Jeg snakker med fjell, og tiden st�r stille.
Jeg snakker med meg selv, og tiden g�r.
Jeg lukker et �ye, og ser halvt.
Jeg lukker begge, og ser alt.

La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...igjen.



The PB nerf is a hero nerf and a very serious and much needed one.Apart from this i am looking forward at some announcements regarding PvP and some major content.If nothing like this happens by issue 13 as far as i am concerned i think i ll be moving on to more PvP orientated games such as Warhammer considering that any lack of PvP revamp indication by then will be clear evidence of what the developments intend to do with the PvP community after the ownership change.I have faith in them considering Castle and some others seem interested to do something with PVP.Thats of course my personal opinion only.



Isn't AoC out yet?



23rd May.




how did they buff confuse?

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From patch notes on test:

*Confused players can now only harm friendly characters.

NotPutzing on US forums posted this:

The new set up on test works like this:

1. Confuse still does not supress.
2. You can not attack the person confusing you.
3. You can not attack other enemies.
4. You can only attack friendlies who are on your team.
5. A confused person's pets no longer attack them.
6. You can still stack the same ridiculous magnitudes you can on live.
7. You don't have the random target switching that there is on live.
8. You can still buff anyone, friend or foe, while confused.

Think I miss confusing heavies and having it kill there master, never failed to make me chuckle.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



At least I will not get chased around in pvp by confused EM stalkers anymore.



lol isn't that a bit overpowered?



Better than cage for someone who has no BFs. They're probably gonna have to introduce suppression soon.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



They're probably gonna have to introduce suppression in issue 17.

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My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464