Britanic's memorial - screenies




Ahhh but the same happened to Green Arrow

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Yeah, but Green Arrow actually DID die in that explosion! It was just a heart sick Hal Jordan as The Spectre who plucked him back from an earlier time and recreated his body. Know anyone that powerful in game who's looking out for Britanic?

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Not a chance! He's as much at the whim of the gods as the next person!

Be safe out there Brit. We'll keep the chair warm for you.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Large section of the building 'atomised"?


To what dimension/future has Britanic been thrown to?

Perhaps the universe where evryone is the opposite sex/moral mindset?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Large section of the building 'atomised"?


To what dimension/future has Britanic been thrown to?

Perhaps the universe where evryone is the opposite sex/moral mindset?

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Britanic's adventures in the Mirrorverse? That would make for one hell of a comeback story...

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Yeah, he'd encounter a soul stealing, busty, aggressively sexual, power hungry female version of himself called Titanic, only pronounced naughtily



Sounds hilarious.

Sucks that your goin Brit, hopefully you'll return



Can somebody tell me who's who in this picture ? I don't know half these characters at all... I think I've got it right but I want to be sure.

It's for the Paragon City Post- since Britanic didn't have time to cover his own memorial I thought I should try and do it justice.

Also if any of the players of those characters would like to post here or PM me with any quotes the paper can use from the memorial- eulogy quotes or whatever? that would be appreciated. I'm hoping to have the article done this evening.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



On the left in the suit is Zortel/Zorielle Rolando, leader of the Unity Vigil. On the right is Big Lunk/Ben Campbel. Next to him is Luna Starbright, then Wavekite, White Vampyr/Suzi White, Shadow Pariah, Amber Banshee.



I can't check the pics from work but on some of them Crimson Archer and Dante Carver were also present. Dante will be in a long black coat with a black ponytail, Crimson has a brown ponytail and an eyepatch. I can't remember who else attended additional to the list above but then I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning.

I'm not sure what quotes would be gained as I thought it was a private affair not a public event. I could be wrong though.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Thanks for the identities- I was mostly right.

I'm not sure what quotes would be gained as I thought it was a private affair not a public event. I could be wrong though.

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The reporter could easily have contacted known colleagues and friends of Britanic for memorial quotes away from the actual memorial service. I would like to include some quotes but none of my characters met Britanic in-game, and I certainly don't want to put words in anybody's mouth.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



In the picture you mention, from left to right: Zoriel Rolando (Zortel); Saffron MacKenzie (Amber Banshee); Pierre Caval (Shadow Pariah); Suzi White-Mitchell (White Vampyr); Jennifer Sula (Wavekite); Luna Starbright; Ben Campbel (Big Lunk)

I did try to add the tags for the character names. Summoness aka Sam Campbel will be stood next to Ben Campbel (Big Lunk) in at least a couple of pictures too.




I did try to add the tags for the character names. Summoness aka Sam Campbel will be stood next to Ben Campbel (Big Lunk) in at least a couple of pictures too.

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Rebecca Campbel :P



Others that were believed present at the memorial but not caught by the photographer that we yet know of include Rachel Mitchell (Vigilante Storm) and Cassidy Mitchell, the adopted daughters of Britanic, Major Paul Stone (Powerstone), Missy Summers (Miss Teen), and Captain David Reuther (Bastinado).
((Other characters that would certainly have attended a memorial service to Britanic are more than welcome to add a note to that effect in follow-up posts)).

Other snippets and trivia a reporter might have noted include:

Suzi, Rachel and Cassidy Mitchell all wore dark glasses throughout the ceremony (so none would see them cry?).

A flagpole has been erected on the roof of Sentinel Industries that permanently flies a Union Jack flag at half-mast.

One non-meta in attendance was Cheryl Voss, who is now the acting CEO of Sentinel Industries.

The plaque errected outside Sentinel Industries reads:
In memory of
The Battling Britanic
Eric Mitchell

At Sentiel Industries on February 9th 2008, the Battling Britanic was vaporised by an explosion. His presence lives on in the city through the many buildings he created and developed. He continues to shelter the citizens of Paragon City.

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NAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooo wwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! BRIIIITANIIIIIIC!!!!!! Whuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyy!????

*Sniff* He was... He was looking after my candy bar!! NOW IT'S ALL GONE. OH GOD IT'S ALL GONE. /em sobsuncontrollably

Know anyone that powerful in game who's looking out for Britanic?

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Looks like a job for the most forgotten Field Commander in the history of the Militia: GhostSpy.

SERIOUSLY GUYS. Dante isn't the only Death Mage in the Militia. *Slaps Jay and Merrow* I know he's invisible IC and he hasn't acknowledged his necromantic nature but-- ah what's the point *Cracks open a bottle of Gin and mourns his Candy Bar*

You'll be missed Brit.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Others that were believed present at the memorial but not caught by the photographer that we yet know of include Rachel Mitchell (Vigilante Storm) and Cassidy Mitchell, the adopted daughters of Britanic, Major Paul Stone (Powerstone), Missy Summers (Miss Teen), and Captain David Reuther (Bastinado).
((Other characters that would certainly have attended a memorial service to Britanic are more than welcome to add a note to that effect in follow-up posts)).

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IC Note:

Those with Super-Senses may have thought they saw or felt a Ghostly presence at the memorial, an image of a man, roughly Britanics stature. This was GhostSpy, trying not to be seen for his own reasons. Although anyone is happy to use it as having seen Britanics Ghost on the day, as they do indeed sort of look the same in Ghost form. Same hair and height atleast, which is what you'd notice in a silhouette of GhostSpy in Ghost form.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



It's Missy Winters not Summers. Summers probably comes from an early typo that hints at one of her inspirations.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



I would like to include some quotes but none of my characters met Britanic in-game, and I certainly don't want to put words in anybody's mouth.

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While he wasn't present at the memorial, a young, blond haired hero was spotted dropping off a bouquet of flowers outside the building.

"There's more than enough people to remember Britanic as the great hero he is, y'know... I'll always like remember him how I saw him when I spent a Sunday with him and the family. A loving father and kind husband, and all round nice chap... that's a kind of hero too." - Ryan 'Cindersnap' Andrews.

"Britanic fought not only for his country, but for ours and even more importantly, for everyone regardless of creed. And that is why I've commissioned a statue and display for him in Unity Tower's Hall of Honour, so that others may learn of all he did for the world. It was a pleasure to work with him, and to know him." - Zorielle 'Zortel' Rolando.



IC quotes (i.e. public statements) from my characters:

Dante: "He was a brave warrior and we will feel his loss."

He would be all stoic as always and unfeeling about the whole affair.

Amber: "Britanic helped to bring about massive changes to Kings Row and the Militia and Paragon and now he's gone, we'll really really miss him. If anyone knows anything, tell us. It's so unreal, him really being gone..."

She would be actively holding back the tears and blubbing slightly into a hankie.

Looks like a job for the most forgotten Field Commander in the history of the Militia: GhostSpy.

SERIOUSLY GUYS. Dante isn't the only Death Mage in the Militia. *Slaps Jay and Merrow* I know he's invisible IC and he hasn't acknowledged his necromantic nature but-- ah what's the point *Cracks open a bottle of Gin and mourns his Candy Bar*

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He's not forgotten and we all miss him.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



IC quote
Big Lunk: "If it wasn't for his help, I probably would have not regained my licence. I, like so many, am proud to have called Erik Mitchell a close friend and colleague"



Dr Edward Johnson when asked about the loss of Britanic (the media know of their former connection as Doctor Mechano once calling Brit his Nemesis).

"He was a nemesis, a friend and for a short time, a fellow compatriot. When he was my nemesis he infuriated me at every turn and foiled my biggest plans, for that I should probably thank him, without him I would still be on my path of evil. As a friend he always enjoyed a good joke, he was a fine leader of men...he will be missed..."

"But mark my words...he WILL return...when you least expect it the small lawn mower that is Brit will make a come back, it shall be a time when the world is in the most dire of not worship him, merely have faith that all good heroes like to make a flashy entrance...especially Brit..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Paper has already been printed now - see the "In The Papers" thread. Big thanks to MorganaFiolett for that.



it's very moving *sniffs* come back to us Brit!

I need someone to call a small lawn mower and get the joke!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!