MMO Art draws Coin!!




Nice! Bet that cost a packet...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Oooh, pretty. Very nice indeed



That's distressingly good. Where are the horrific burns inflicted by Captain Napalm though?

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



nice pic

how much did it run you? been pondering having someone professional draw Sapphic Neko for me.



It's costing me about £100, but that will also include it being sent direct from the US.

Tbh, I know that they are SWAMPED with orders atm, so you may be waiting some time, but I would definitely suggest looking at their site, there's a few EU players had toons done on there now

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



WOW! Coin, that is EXCELLENT! It's one of the best MMOArt pieces I've seen. You must be well chuffed ! Big grats!



That is sweat rims. Love the personalisation.

With me getting a professional placement this summer for a year, the money to get one done is very likely.
Birthday presnet to myself.



Its beautiful Coin,
Be sure to get that mounted, framed and up on a wall possibly with bespoke lighting.
I love Gill's work he is a very talented Illustrator and I like the way the studio is expanding to accomodate other Illustration styles: (note: Knightstalker's pic).

Many Congratulations!
Its a commission to be proud of!



very nice, need to get one myself soon.

not like i cant afford it. just dont want to keep spending, else i'll never get through college

@Cyberwaste - Union
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