"How is the patient coming along, Professor?" a brusque voice asks. "I hope you haven't forgotten the countess is waiting on results with anticipation."
"Mr Hopkins, I must insist you and the Countess be more patient with my research. Playing God isn't as easy as it is desirable" Professor Goodwin spun around his chair and stood to face his would-be boss. "As soon as my subordinates arrive, we shall introduce the next batch of medication into the subjects system and look over the results of yesterdays work."
"And what work would this be?" Interrupts Hopkins. "Looking over your budget, you seem to be using the Countess' money on drugs bought off the Family. If the press got wind of this it would take a lot of work to cover it up." Hopkins' stone faced frown drooping even more. "We want results by the end of the week, Professor. Or we're axing the entire project."
"Yes sir.." The Professor sighs, as he sits back at his desk looking over the notes. Whoever this poor guiniepig is, his body must be going through some terrible turmoil. As Goodwin looks over his papers, a series of young scientists walk through his office door.
"Good morning professor." As the professors assistants file in and greet their boss, Goodwin jumps to his feet.
"We have a lot of work today, gentlemen. At 10am we have a shipment of Exelcior coming through for the subject. The superadyne has increased his physical strength ten-fold, but his skin is still somewhat weak."
"But sir, surely that would send the patient mad? Just look at the Freakshow!" a shy voice exclaims, startled.
"I have taken this into account already, doctor. I must be 20 years your senior, if there's something you can think of rest assured I have already thought of it." Goodwin snaps. After taking his breath, he continues. "Countess Crey has very generously donated us a new work table, and several pieces of high-tech lab equipment fresh from R&D. We shall be spending today altering the drug so that it directly affects the skin cells, causing them to toughen, rather than 'drive the patient mad'" He quotes the young doctor and beams him a dirty look as the subordinate turns away shy and offended. Goodwin continues. "We must increase our efficiency as well team. Good Mr. Hopkins grows tired of our delayed project and desires results. So we shall be spending the majority of today engineering the Exelcior, I want it finished by tomorrow. Let me take you through the equipment freshly delivered."
While the Professor takes his assistant through the lab and it's new equipment, a young man lies lifeless in the next room, hooked up to several high-tech machines and instruments designed to keep a patient alive through the worst hell has to offer, let alone a twisted Crey professor with a huge company grant. Whoever this unfortunate soul is, he has a great deal more ahead of him than a life of operations and experiments.
As Goodwin's team gets to work at modifying the dangerous designer drug, the young doctor who spoke up to the Professor before slips onto one of the laptops provided by the lab. The Doctor reaches a website the delves deep into the world of the arcane, the occult, and black magic. Particularly the magics used by the Banished Pantheon, a group of trans-dimentional cultists who worship the darkest of the dark 'Gods'. You really can find anything on the internet, these days. He finds certain rituals for enchanting a substance or object. Quickly emailing himself the website address, the young Doctor closes the laptop down and gets to work on his section of the worktable.
The hours rolled by, before the Professor and his team knew it, it was 10PM and it was nearly time to call it a night. "Professor, I think I've cracked it!" an excited voice shouts. The professor rushes over and looks over the engineered molecule structures of the Exelcior.
"Excellent" Exclaims the Professor. "We shall start experimenting tomorrow. I'm glad some of my team are capable thinking geneticists." He looks over at the young Doctor again with a dirty look before congratulating his team. "Now go wash up and go home, I want you all here by 10am tomorrow."
As the team files out of the lab room, the Professor takes the new modified drug, tips the liquid into a vial and places it in the safe. Little did he notice a pair of young eyes watching keenly to the safe code. Goodwin left the room and the young doctor emerged, quickly fiddling in the safe code and slipping the vial into his jacket pocket. He locked the safe and quickly exited the room.
"Hey Jason!" the Doctor jumped out of his skin. "You ok man? Look a little jumpy there."
"I..I'm fine Tim. Still can't get over GoodWHINE's fixed stare when you [censored] him off." Jason joked.
"Heh, well we did warn you man! Anyway, me and Henry are off down to the Duke, have a few drinks. Up for it?"
"Uhm, nah, I don't think so. I'm pretty beat. I'll just catch you tomorrow."
"Suit yourself, Doctor Bay." The two Doctors laugh before leaving the building.
The next morning, Goodwin arrives first to the lab, quickly followed my Jason. "Goo..good morning, Professor.."
Goodwin looks over to Jason. "Ah yes, Dr Bay. Glad to see a little more enthusiasm in your work." Without giving Jason time respond, Goodwin heads towards the workshop safe. Jason starts to panic as he has not yet replaced the vial. As Goodwin is inputting the code into the safe, a drop of sweat slides down Jason's forehead until..
A single hit on the door of the lab entrance send both Jason and Professor Goodwin leaping out of their skin. "Who on EARTH can that be?!" The professor storms off toward the door, and Jason quickly makes for the safe. By the time Jason had inputted the rest of the code, replaced the vial, and returned the safe code to its previous level, Goodwin made it back to the safe to find Jason quite innocently setting up his equipment.
"Sorry Professor" says Tim with a smirk. "I forgot my keycard."
"Don't let it happen again, Docter Scelton." As the professor went back to the safe, Tim looked over to Jason and winked. Mentally, Jason's jaw hit the floor, and instantly started to worry as to whether his mission had been Sabotaged.
"Hey Tim, over here." Jason calls Tim to the other end of the lab.
"What is it buddy?" Tim says, still with a grin.
"What the hell was that about?"
"Ey? I forgot my keycard." Tim was always a bad liar, though the grin probably didn't help. "We're adding the new ADVANCED drug to the patient today, I guess I just rushed getting ready this morning."
"Tim..." Jason whispers quietly.. "What do you know? Don't lie to me."
Tim is silent for a few seconds. "Crimson sent me.."
"Boys" Calls Goodwin. "If you don't mind, please join us in the operating theatre when you are ready." Jason could only stare at his collegue for a good minute before they both left to join the rest of the team.
"Gentlemen! We have now reached the peak of our research. I hold, in this vial, the genetic breakthrough of the century! With this liquid, our subject here will gain the pain threshold to withstand any amount of pain, torture, or acts of aggression, as well as increasing his already hightened senses from the Rage, and his strength from the Superadyne. Gentlemen.. from today we will have taken human life one step further, all for the benefit of the Crey corporation! We are well ahead of scheduel, and thanks to the work of Doctor Scelton yesterday, we are ready to complete project CyberDyne." With that closing statement, the Professor injects the contents of the vial directly into the subjects bloodstream. Within moments, the subjects started to shake violently, into what could only be described as fits. His body shaking, his skin started to get darker until his entire body was pitch black. "Wha.. what happened?!" Goodwin screamed. "Quick, get him into the stasis chamber!" With that, two doctors grabbed the quivering man and locked him into the chamber. As it started filling with water, the shaking stopped. "I was a full analysis by tonight as to what went wrong. NO ONE GOES HOME UNTIL I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" Goodwin slams the door of his office as he sits to his desk and thinks.
As time progresses, the subject reaches safe levels. One observing doctor goes to tell the professor, but is greeted by a very professional looking man in a red suit, wearing sunglasses. The man didn't speak, but delivered a rather keen right hook across the doctors face, knocking him out cold. The same to the other observing doctor. He holds his hand to his earpiece. "Indigo, please take care of these gentlemen. I'm going to find Bay and Scelton."
"Indigo sent you to compromise the situation here, before Crey discovered the secret to ultimate genetic science, right? Well crimson sent me to make sure it went smoothly. Don't take it personally man, but when going covert with a newbie, they need a little reassurance. I was going to tell you last night but you insisted in going home. To mess around with that drug. Well done by the way. I had tinkered with it enough to destroy the life of the patient. Poor guy. But you've somehow enhanced it, but not in the way Goodwin had hoped. This could work out as beneficial. Lets just hope Crimson.."
"Feels that way?" Crimson enters the lab. "I do not. The mission was to terminate the life of the subject immediatly and you failed. I am afraid I will have to finish this myself." With that, the Agent left the room. By this point SWAT teams had infested the lab, with the Doctors and the Professor under arrest. Crimson headed toward the observation room. He pulled a handgun from his jacket and blasted the control panel. The subjects condition went critical as the chamber emptied. Suprisingly, after writhing about on the floor for a minute, the subject managed to find his feet, although a little wobbley. Crimson grunted, and fired a 3 rounds into the subject, causing him to fall on one knee, before standing defiantly. Before Crimson could fire another round the subject had used his new found power to jump through the roof of the lab and out of eyeshot.
"Crimson what the ***** was that?" Demanded a jumped Indigo. "Something just flew out the top of the building!"
Crimson grunted again. "It's nothing that can't be taken care of."
to be continued...