The Hyenas, the next litter.
((Where do I sign up?
((Where do I sign up?
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((Well sort of here. As well as introducing the concept, this thread is for showing interest, and putting forward what type of character people might like to play within the group. Once im ready it will be a case of IC interviews, etc.))
((Well you sure got my interest ))
((Well I DID have Trespass, but it seems in the time between redesigning him and naming him someone else tagged the name grrrrr....but I'd like to play an AR/Traps Corruptor.
Ok, got a name I like better
((I've been pondering on a hunter character, might sign him up))
((I got a character ready. Shadow Huntress. An AR/Dark corruptor. Still an utter noob though, fresh out of the Zig.))
((I got Eisener Drache currently without an SG, if you could put up with a gang of gun toting Germans lead by an unstable grease-monkey. He's got a bit of an axe to grind after what Skathe did to his Girlfriend, and giant monsters seem like a good a target as any))
(( Does the character need to be of a certain level to join? ))
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
very interested ,
when are you going to release details of what style of characters your looking for , ie new or certain level , power types et al ?
(( Does the character need to be of a certain level to join? ))
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((Good question, but level is not a requirement, there are ways and means of forming workable teams despite lvl differences. (Flashback TFs are a good way, just use a bit of fudge to ignore where the missions actually come from). Also I know a couple of people will be rolling new alts for this anyway.
Also while Assault Rifle Corruptors will be a popular choice, there is no other restriction on AT. If we can think of a good way to fit them in, then I'd like to get a good mix of ATs.
Because the group will be hunting all manner of supernatural beastiesad, as well as needing various support roles, there will be scope for specialists too. For example... Gun toting Priest anyone? Nervy but genius weapon tech? Supa-hot field medic? etc.
Although the group will have a central theme, background plot, etc I dont want it to stagnate as a mere concept group. I hope its membership will be made up of both diverse, and interesting characters.))
just read your new stuff on union universe handbool , now begging to join ...
if level not a issue , will you post some AT /powers set match ups your looking for , or can we start our own crazy ideas ?
Well I have a perfectionis robotics/traps mastermind who's looking for some work and a chance to test her latest inventions.
If I could join in that is...
((I dont really want to dictate anything, and prefer people to come up with their own ideas. While I do have images of the sorts of characters I might like to see in the group, I imagine there is all kinds of stuff I have not thought about, so im hoping some real gems might show up.
As well as the infamous Big Game, I also plan to put in my half Fae Psi Dominator the Peddler. She will be there both as the team's Eso-Tech liason, as well as to handle the team's administration tasks. Although Big Game will personally think he's the boss, the reality is she will be pulling his strings. The point is although she is an important part of the background plot she is also an example of someone, not necessarily a hunter, on the team to do one of the support roles.
As for the Union Wiki Spanking Monkeys!, and Why say it with flowers? are two good examples of the sort of hunting capers the group might get involved with. ))
((Include me in the interested list. Now I just need to decide whether to offer Rose or roll something new... Hmmm... decisions, decisions... ))
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

(( Cool I'm in, got a char called Pranks, DB/Nin stalker. My idea for him is to be a scout, looking for the target/s before trying to deliver a deadly/crippling attack ))
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
((Some stuff to bear in mind. Seeing as Big Game will actually be putting together the team, he will recruit according to his preferred criteria. That means hot chicks will be at an advantage despite their abilities. That also means particularily good looking, charming, wealthy, successful men will be at a major disadvantage.
He will also more likely recruit hunters with serious personality flaws, and issues over conventionally better candidates to save his own ego.
Also 'Game is quite fond of assigning nicknames to people, so if you get in, don't get upset if you suddenly end up with a new unflattering codename.
Anyway from the response im getting here, and ingame. It looks like I got the makings of a crazy bunch of monster hunting loons.
If anyone else is out there is interested but unsure about a character concept, post up here and we will have an epic Union Roleplayers brainstorming session on your behalf.
Look out for some sort of IC recruitment soon!))
((Hey brit, Silver-Steel from the Militia.
just reading up on this VG idea, i like it.. i was wondering if you could use a big old fist swinging brute on your side lol, I have a villain Carbon Steel who i could join with let me know ))
i was wondering if you could use a big old fist swinging brute on your side
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((Bait maybe? Actually im being serious. In all probability 'Game is likely to sign up atleast one heavy hitting melee type to keep the big nasties attentions while the smarter, but squishier types set to the task of actually bringing the monsters down. So yes there is a possibility I can use him.))
((These guys are gonna be like, heroes don't you think? Defeating monsters, saving the day?))
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((In a way yes, and it's very likely the team will start getting a bit of an idealistic point of view about themselves too. However seeing as the bulk of what they are hunting will end up being harvested for organs (them fairy wings on the Black Market gotta come from somewhere you know! ), and components, it sort of wipes out any noble notions they might have.))
Interesting... and interested...
Shame that heroes has the more 'monstery' monsters, no?
My last joining of a 'themed' group stalled, unfortunately... but I might be able to salvage Tnark for this? He's a hunter after all
I'll have a ponder, though... might make a new one all together
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
((These guys are gonna be like, heroes don't you think? Defeating monsters, saving the day?))
[/ QUOTE ]
((In a way yes, and it's very likely the team will start getting a bit of an idealistic point of view about themselves too. However seeing as the bulk of what they are hunting will end up being harvested for organs (them fairy wings on the Black Market gotta come from somewhere you know! ), and components, it sort of wipes out any noble notions they might have.))
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmmm maybe, but then it still means one less monster to scare the normal folks, right?
((I'm not certain there are enough hours in the week left for me to have yet another dedicated RP alt, but I do love the concept.
I can offer either of 2 specialist mercenaries that might just have come to The Peddler's attention. The more unusual and practical being Lord Borealis with his ability to keep harvested samples fresh through instant freezing. Ice/Ice Dominator.))
{10/12/07, The Board Room of Esoteric Technologies, Nerva Archipelago}
), crazy stunts, and generally making a nuissance of themselves within the Union Universe. Membership will be restricted to those I feel can somehow fit into the Monster Hunter theme, or as the group's support staff. At the moment im here gauaging general interest, as well as putting myself on hand for concept advise. However an official IC recruitment drive will start soonish.
Rook the Eso-Tech head of Security stood facing the five directors seats set around a curved table, silhouetted by the harsh light from behind them. Although he could not see who was actually sat in the chairs he knew that the central one normally occupied by Chairman Gehrhart was empty due to his untimely death at the Sharkhead processing plant. It was because of this that Rook had been summoned before the board.
From out of the shadows came a gravelly voice. We have read your report Mister Rook, and as you can imagine are not impressed. In one fell swoop we have suffered the loss of our main processing facility, its power source, dozens of specimens, the Hyenas, and most importantly our beloved Chairman.
Rook did his best to stifle a laugh, Chairman Gehrhart was far from beloved. The former Nazi scientist, and one time member of the Thule society formed Eso-Tech as a means of discovering a way to harness occult power and learn the secrets of immortality without being beholden to any greater entity. Over the years he had trampled over, and exploited hundreds if not thousands in his mad quest. Yet despite his many successes in harnessing of arcane powers, and developing hybrid mystic-technologies he never realised his dream. Now that Gehrhart had been ripped limb from limb by the co called Sharkhead Processing Facility Power Source, the Demon Buezzellfit, most of Eso-Tech could breathe a little easier.
The gravelly voice continued. Your report says you believe the incident was the result of probable competitor sabotage. Would you care to elaborate?
Although his report said one thing, he truly believed the reality to be something else. As ambitious, and evil as Gehrhart was, he at least managed to keep the board in line. The problem was each of the board had their own selfish agendas, and only worked for the good of the company so long as it served to further their own interests. Rook had every confidence in his security measures, and felt the perpetrator of the sabotage had very high placed inside help in order to cause the damage that they did. Logically the mastermind was one of the directors, but seeing as they were his bosses he could hardly accuse them.
Rook straightened himself and breathed deep before answering. Well sir, we have been making impressive inroads into some of Crey Industries more lucrative, yet specialist markets. Also they have both the resources, and specialist personnel for such a strike. Couple that with their favourable standing with the authorities, as well as their own extensive security, they have motive, means, and the arrogance to believe they can get away with it.
Hmm, but no hard evidence to support your theory?
No Sir. However alternative theories have either substantially less evidence behind them or infer more sinister goings on within the company.
Rook waited a moment for that last statement to sink in. He hoped that it was enough to show he wasnt totally inept at his job, and fully aware of what went on in the background. The silence from the board seemed to indicate they fully understood as well.
I assume we can recover from this disaster? Rook asked, not because he doubted it, but rather to break the silence.[/i]
This time a soft womans voice answered from the shadows. Indeed Mr Rook. The processing plant is undergoing repairs as we speak, and for a while we will have to endure with conventional powered machinery, and its disruptive influence until we can recapture the power source. However due to the lack of specimens, and raw components thanks to the power sources killing spree, production will be extremely limited for the time being. First priority will therefore be to recruit a new pack of Hyenas to recapture the power source, as well as establish a steady flow of raw materials for future production.
It never ceased to amaze Rook how casually the board boiled everything down to conventional manufacturing terms, even when the subject matter was far from conventional itself. The Power Source being the enslaved Buezzellfit bound by magics into a marvel of technological construction. A machine designed to siphon off his demonic power in equilibrium with his own natural replenishment providing an inexhaustible power supply for Eso-Techs other hybrid machinery. Meanwhile the specimens, and components referred to being the myriad of supernatural, demonic, and mythic creatures captured for organ harvesting, or any other ingenious use Eso-Tech might have for them. Perhaps it was this cold detachment, that allowed them to so easily plot against each other, just as someone had done with Gehrhart.
...and the Chairman?
A different male voice spoke out from the shadows. You need not worry about that Mr Rook. That is something for the board to decide. Your time would be better spent reviewing, and improving our security measures.
So I keep my position? Rook asked.
You do Mr Rook. I trust you are suitably motivated to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.
That I am Sir, I will get straight to it, and il start looking for likely candidates to replace the Hyenas.
The woman in the shadows spoke out again. That wont be necessary Mr Rook. I have already tasked the Peddler with finding us some new hunters. The Hyenas will no longer be directly answerable to yourself. Instead we will run the Hyenas as independent subsidiary.
Rook subconsciously raised an eyebrow. In a way it confirmed to him that the disaster at Sharkhead had been due to internal sabotage, and most likely by one of the Hyenas. Of course all of them had been slaughtered alongside Chairman Gehrhart, so Rook was never going to get a chance to interrogate them. Perhaps the board thought by keeping a new group of Hyenas on the periphery of the company it gave them an extra layer of protection from any subterfuge or betrayal. Whatever the reason Rook was pleased. Despite their extensive abilities, the Hyenas were some of the most crazy, unruly, destructive, and troublesome monster hunters Rook had ever had the misfortune to have to deal with.
Rook turned to the board, still unable to make any of them out because of the harsh light behind them. So does the Peddler have any leads for new recruits?
I believe she is currently checking out a suitable candidate in Cap Au Diable now...
Meanwhile in Cap Au Diable...
A drenched Big Game staggered out of the old run down house. His tiger-striped armour hanging from broken leather straps, hat slightly crumpled, clothes torn in several places, and everything soaked through.. In one hand he carried what looked like a hand grenade mostly made from glass, and filled with a clear liquid.
Outside the building was the hulking Headbreaker, arms crossed, and leaning against the wall opposite.
Tony! Youre still alive, I guess the weapons test was a success.
Big Game got close enough to drip water onto Headbreakers boots, and craned his neck upwards to give the giant of a man an angry stare. No HB, the weapons test was not a freakin success, in fact Id go on to say it was a total @$%& up!
Headbreaker stared down at the dripping wet Big Game, doing his best not to laugh at the angry little man. What do you mean Tony? Did the grenades kill the vampires or not?
Big Game shoved the glass grenade into Headbreakers face. Somebody forgot to consecrate the water in these freakin Holy Hand grenades of yours. I set off a bandolier of ten of them right in the middle of the bloodsuckers, was one hell of a fast wash, but didnt do a freakin thing. Lucky enough the guy whos house it was had his own pool table. Them cues came in damn handy."
Oh well Tony, lets chalk this one up to experience. Cmon, il buy you a beer.
...and some potato chips?
Sure potato chips too Headbreaker said chuckling as the pair walked off to a nearby bar.
On the roof top above where Headbreaker had been leaning sat Eso-Techs main field sales agent, and sometime troubleshooter the Peddler.
Hmm, looks like we have someone who is both crazy, and lucky enough to lead our Hyenas. All I need to do is approach him, and encourage him to sign up.
The Peddler looked at her reflection in a puddle on the roof. White haired, pale skinned, piercing eyes, exposed midriff, armoured right arm, and tight black leather pants. An unlikely combination, but a look she carried off extremely well. She was also very aware of the likely effect her attractive looks would have on Big Game, thanks to his infamous reputation with the ladies.
Perhaps I dont want to encourage him too much. I best get a coat before I go talk to him...
((Ok the OOC stuff, im about to form a Monster Hunter themed RP VG with a pretty clueless Big Game as it's leader. Im hoping the VG will be into plot, and storyline RP, IC missions, GM hunts (obviously), badge hunting (most likely debt ones
Any questions, etc. Can be put to me here, or you can get me ingame @Britanic))