finally warshade love!!!!




How come i hear so many bad things about warshades? in the peacebringers are the uber and that warshades are the suxor?!?! Just got my warshade to lvl 22 and omg . . . . . . it is by far my most powerfull character EVER!!!!
Level 22 and im farming mobs already and having full end/health right after it?!?! Iv just been street sweeping the 10+ mobs in striga and killing them all in like 2/3 hits!! How come a lot of people are very negative towards WSs?!?! Its so dam powerfull i just HAD to post something about it on these forums!
PBs might have a self heal, but wow they cant farm mobs like this ws can
*btw i might be in love with the ws *
/endhappyomgthispwnzs rant

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Question: What levels are you fighting? Anyone can 'pwn' fighting whites. . . lets be honest :P



warshade love!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]




Kheld haters are just boring. Ignore them. Seems like any time anyone mentions a kheld there is a troll waiting in the wings to hurl abuse.

They have their own distinct play style. They are fun. And in PVE they are excellent in the right hands.
WarShade is really fun and really powerfull. I take it you have just discovered the joy of double mire's-wipe out mob-stygian circle? I know the feeling
PB's are great for the self contained approach which is cool but with the WS I feel you trade off with more power but become more dependant on the trail of the dead. You constantly have to think one step ahead for the majority of your powers. I suspect this is one of the elements that draws some of the disparaging remarks. Khelds need constant dynamic playstyles, you cant sit back and mash through the same routine every fight. Thats what I personally enjoy about them anyway.

And btw it gets better. Your next milestone in your nictus fuelled career is 32 where u MUST get your fluffies.



Charnel hit it pretty much on the head there - PB & WS are great but just don't slip into the sterotyped AT's which means alot of people don't understand them greatly.

WS are massively powerful and worth the time - as you go up level it gets better and better from all the input i've heard



I don't know where you heard that, since what I kept hearing is that Peacebringers -start- slightly better-off... but by the 20s/30s the two are roughly equal and in the high-end game, Warshades are t3h uber with Peacebringers still great, but not quite as amazing.



lol i shouldv phrased it better, i meant that given the choice iv known people to choose a PB over a WS regardless of level.
Also that PBs are far more common than WSs really and yeah i just became a member of the doublemire - s/circle and i will admit i did doubt how awesome s/circle would be . . . . . now to get to 32

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



The AoE department is what Warshades are about for me. I needed to find a area in which my Warshades can have a niche that makes them particularly attractive especially in terms of fun. Some max/minners (not min/maxxers) would say that its only when they play a warshade the grouping up 16 for AoEs is the only time they like herding. In being a big fan of AoEs I try to make my WS a self sustaining nuker but obviously only in some teams can my warshade function as well as I intended.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



TBH, i think the two kheld AT's are pretty well balanced, My PB is a high level AOE specialist (My WS isn't high enough to specialise yet ) and have been in situations were a WS has made my PB look weak, but i've also been in just as many situations where i've made that same WS look weak, I honestly don't think there is a stronger kheld out of the two, they just play to different strengths and styles and as long as you choose the one that fits with your play style, it will be powerfull!



I think WS are the better high lvl aoe specialist than PB. Got my PB skilled the Blapper way and have fun with that playstyle ^^



The AoE department is what Warshades are about for me. I needed to find a area in which my Warshades can have a niche that makes them particularly attractive especially in terms of fun. Some max/minners (not min/maxxers) would say that its only when they play a warshade the grouping up 16 for AoEs is the only time they like herding. In being a big fan of AoEs I try to make my WS a self sustaining nuker but obviously only in some teams can my warshade function as well as I intended.

[/ QUOTE ]

This for me too.

I can rarely find the complete interactivity that I get on my Warshade on many other characters. My Warshade is Tri-form and I've gone for everything that makes him very nukey and very self sustainable.
I actually finally "got" Warshades bigtime after a looooong struggle with them, and for some reason, after levelling my Plant/Thorns Dominator. I probably learnt heaps about applying control and mixing attacks or something and was able to apply similar approaches to my WS. I dunno, it made sense and clicked for me .

I clicked with binds and switching between forms quickly and then went wild .

You can do some very cool stuff with Warshades in the right teams. I like it when people start to say, "Oh, I want a Warshade now!" .

Tri-form Warshades certainly aren't a lazy build. Mine cycles and switches between all the forms a crazy amount, each time suited to how I want to deal with each mob, or enemy, and I totally love the variety of choice in tactics and strategy that a multi-form Warshade offers .



Having even more fun with my Warshade now, there was a bump in the early 20s where I thought it was starting to get annoying but then I got Stygian circle, and dear lord is that fun

I can see why so many people only play one or two forms of their kheldians..The solidness of the Black dwarf is soooo tempting, but I am sticking with mine as a tri-form.

Its fantastic to be able to step up and meet head on most situations you encounter in a team, give me some kind of heal other power and it would be perfect

I really should sort out some form binds at some point though :P



Well, all of the above is true - plus with a warshade as my main character, I just can hint that it is among the characters that profit the most from inventions.

Well, it's pricey, but you can:
- keep out 3 pets at most times
- achieve single target damage aroung 80% of an Ice/xxx Blaster
- have incredible AoE damage
- really tank in emergency situations
- achieve perma eclipse if an empath backs you up
- be the god among pullers

Go Warshades!