Announcing an unknown period of absence.




The Z returns to us!

*Bakes Uber Cookie*



My PC shipped today.

Expect me back next week, powered by dual core technology, double the memory and quadruple the graphics memory.

Coming soon: Zortel - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

[/ QUOTE ]




Expect me back next week.

[/ QUOTE ]

About effing time!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Welcome back!



Welcome back Z!



Yay finally. The unity vigil has been missin you!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



That is very good news. We must do something spectacular.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



You were gone?

Oh, wait. The channel has been slightly sane at times...

Bring back the full madness, Big Z!



/em picks Z up, and spins her around until she pukes! Welcome back Z!!!



So, now we have Z's friends gathered around her, then comes a madman spraying around whirling hurl.

...yes, things are back to how they used to be.



Hello again! To bring an old topic back from the grave, because that's where my PC has gone. Possible Mobo or Drive Controller issues mean I have lost my PC yet again.

So, my characters won't be around for an undisclosed period of time in game.

Ryan'll be at Unity Tower or home, trying to get to grips with his new powers, Nene is working on something big and getting into scandals with Dee, knowing her. Clan Rolando are going about with 'normal' life, Jan is seeing to business (just after she talks to Laura Craft to speak to Big Game, sigh), Jane is doing whatever a former Jewish roleplaying gamer does with her free time and working, et cetera et cetera.

Any RP can be arranged through MSN, forums, PM's or heck, maybe even give PBeM a try.

Yours Sincerely, stuck on the Kubuntu laptop playing Ktetris,

Zortel. :<



Jeez talk about a spate of bad luck, Z!

Sending get well soons to your comp! Hurry back!



Good news everybody!! Z reports that it's a bad stick of RAM, so she's whipped it out and is currently reinstalling Windows as we speak.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Damn ram!



It did take the hard drive out anyway, but I'm reinstalling now and may have been able to save my COH install, so... here's fingers crossed!

Also, I'd just like to say that the tech staff are pretty good. They called me back, didn't ask silly stuff, let me say what had been going on and what I had tried, and helped out by providing bios information and the suggestion to actually use memtest (Thank the LiveCD for Kubuntu for having that handy.) due to the guy on the phone having had that problem on a PC before. Nice to know a company employs people who actually know what they're doing than reading steps from a screen.



pfft. why don't you admit it, its Microsoft exacting revenge on your PC for using other heathen OS.

All hail Lord Gates!


good to hear your back a bit sooner this time



Awww man, bad stick of Ram! I was convinced it was an infestation of Gremlins. I had a team prepped with shotguns, chainsaws, baseball bats, and enough C4 to level a multi-story carpark. Guess il save them for the next time I DC.

Joking aside, good to know you're back again Z.