Ernesto Hess' TF
I have the contact unlocked on my lvl 28 defender. If you wish, we can arrange it for Friday evening, around 6:00 pm BST. I guess team would be as follows for now:
1.- Trade Mark Striker - lvl40 Kat/regen Scrapper
2.- Nightmarer - lvl28 Dark/Dark Defender
3.- Nicky - lvl? ?/? Blaster
Anyone else wishes to join?
Id be interested, Im not sure which blaster Im gonna use but it will be either SSN or Cool Nicky, both are above the level cap.
I'm up for it, I'll use Cerulean Warrior a level 30 inv/ss tanker or if he gets up some levels, British Burner a fire/fire blaster.
I might be up for this with Aiwan, my lvl 33 MA/Reflex scrapper, how long roughly does it take?
Update so far:
1.- Trade Mark Striker - lvl40 Kat/regen Scrapper
2.- Nightmarer - lvl28 Dark/Dark Defender
3.- Nicky - lvl? ?/? Blaster
4.- Cerulean - lvl 30 inv/ss or fire/fire blaster
5.- Aiwan - lvl 33 MA/SR Scrapper
I don't remember how long it takes since I did this TF ages ago, as a precautionary measure I'd say 4 hrs, although if we get along well as a team may take much less than that.-
when were you thinking because I'd love a crack a this!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
if you do this friday afternoon/evening then i'm in and so are my gf.
throx lvl 50 DM/DA scrapper
Fireflayer lvl 50 fire/ice blaster
send me a tell @JB-Warsmith
P.S. what is the minimum lvl on this? we could join with our lvl 25 kin defender and stone tank if that is better.
Ive never done this one, can't really say I even knew there was a Striga TF. So my Myrage could perhaps be free for 6pm Friday. Mind/Emp Controller (emphasis on Mind, only have the starter /Emp atm ).
id be up for it, depends what time though. (it'd be with my lvl39 stone tank)
Is it possible to move the time back to 17:00 BST as i have family rd to stay and have to relinquish my tower at 21:30
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Ok, the TF is scheduled for this Friday June the 29th at 6 pm BST. Everyone be ready for 3 - 5 hours TF being 3 hrs the best case and 5 hrs the worst case. Unfortunately, I personally can't log before 6:00 pm BST Saphi because I leave the office at 5:30 and I barely have time to make it on time at 6, sorry about that
For jbWarsmith, yes, it will be on Friday evening, please let us know if you want in, the TF lvl is 25-30 and by all means, please play with the toon you prefer to play my friend.
As I just realized the time and date wasn't displayed in the thread title and some people may adjust or not, I will update the list later on when people have had time to check the scheduled time and date
okies im in ... but i might be down towards the end ... meaning i'll still be logged in but unable to help. From what i heard a team did this in 2hrs flat (or there abouts)
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Tbh, seeming as we have reserves, I'm not sure it is such a good idea to let people down and having someone that won't be able to finish it, unfortunately I can't make it before 6:00 pm as I said and I don't know if the TF is repeteable upon failing it.
The people that so far have clearly signed for the TF are:
1.- Nightmarer - lvl 28 dark/dark defender
2.- Nicky - lvl ? - ?/? Blaster (SSN or Cool Nicky)
3.- Cerulean - Cerulean Warrior lvl 30 Inv/SS Tank or British Burner lvl ? Fire/Fire Blaster
4.- Throx, lvl 50 DM/DA scrapper or lvl 25 kin defender
5.- Fireflayer, lvl 50 fire/ice blaster or lvl 25 stone tank
6.- Myrage, lvl 28 Mind/Emp Controller
Hydra 101 said "might be interested" hence I'd be more comfortable with a confirmation, TsumijuZero should also confirm now that the time and date have been posted, also I'd like to have confirmation from Dustified once he checks time and date and I'd honestly like to have an assurance from your side upon completion, as I said, it is never a good idea to start a TF not having enough time scheduled for its completion.
Trying to be fair to everyone here.
It seems this is a very popular TF (lol)... Count with my lvl 34 pb, Defcon 2.0, at least as a reserve. Anyway, I'll log about 5 minutes before the starting scheduled time; if I can join you, fine, if I can't, np, next time.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Im in ... and i'll stay on til they gett tottaly pissoff if is only 3-4 hrs long i have nps .... and tbh ive been talk to a few mates they said it only took them 2.5 hrs on ave
So im definately in
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Looks like you will have a full team but, in case there are some no shows I will meet you folks by Ernesto Hess on Friday.
I can either bring Lady Leprechaun my level 35 Illusion Storm Controller or Demon of Darkness, my level 31 Dark/Dark Scrapper.
Hope to see you Friday.
If there are any spaces left, would be interested in helping with my lvl 25 Kat/DA Scrapper, Samantha Urai. I'll turn up at 6pm on friday just in case anyway...!
A full well organised team will take 2 hrs approx to complete this, I have done it faster than that before thou.
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
Ok, let me put an update, since the ones that didn't confirm attendance have not done so yet, i'm updating based on newest posts:
1.- Nightmarer - lvl 28 dark/dark defender
2.- Nicky - lvl ? - ?/? Blaster (SSN or Cool Nicky)
3.- Cerulean - Cerulean Warrior lvl 30 Inv/SS Tank or British Burner lvl ? Fire/Fire Blaster
4.- Throx, lvl 50 DM/DA scrapper or lvl 25 kin defender
5.- Fireflayer, lvl 50 fire/ice blaster or lvl 25 stone tank
6.- Myrage, lvl 28 Mind/Emp Controller
7.- Defcon 2.0, lvl 34 PB
8.- Trade Mark Striker, lvl 45 Kat/regen scrapper
1.- Lady Leprechaun, lvl 35 Ill/Storm or lvl 31 Dark/Dark Scrapper
have spoken with my gf. we'r in
i'll bring my lvl 27 kin defender - Kinblast
FF will bring her lvl 26 stone tank - Tectonica
if you can't find us online with these toons just send a /t to me.
jbWarsmith out!
KK, update so far:
1.- Nightmarer - lvl 28 dark/dark defender
2.- Nicky - lvl ? - ?/? Blaster (SSN or Cool Nicky)
3.- Cerulean - Cerulean Warrior lvl 30 Inv/SS Tank or British Burner lvl ? Fire/Fire Blaster
4.- Kinblast lvl 25 kin/rad defender
5.- Tectonica lvl 25 stone tank
6.- Myrage, lvl 28 Mind/Emp Controller
7.- Defcon 2.0, lvl 34 PB
8.- Trade Mark Striker, lvl 45 Kat/regen scrapper
1.- Lady Leprechaun, lvl 35 Ill/Storm or lvl 31 Dark/Dark Scrapper
Seems we're on, I'll see you all tomorrow at 6:00 BST in Striga Island.
Hopefully we can do this in less than 3 hrs, I have the guide for the TF from, but anyone who has the TF fresh in the memory will be probably more helpful than any guide.
Including myself...there are 10 people interested in this, if we could find 2 more....then we could have 2 teams of 6 (which qualifies for minimum ppl req'd)...and [u]have a race?[u]
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
KK, update so far:
1.- Nightmarer - lvl 28 dark/dark defender
2.- Nicky - lvl ? - ?/? Blaster (SSN or Cool Nicky)
3.- Cerulean - Cerulean Warrior lvl 30 Inv/SS Tank or British Burner lvl ? Fire/Fire Blaster
4.- Kinblast lvl 25 kin/rad defender
5.- Tectonica lvl 25 stone tank
6.- Myrage, lvl 28 Mind/Emp Controller
7.- Defcon 2.0, lvl 34 PB
8.- Trade Mark Striker, lvl 45 Kat/regen scrapper
1.- Lady Leprechaun, lvl 35 Ill/Storm or lvl 31 Dark/Dark Scrapper
2.- Nine Claws - Unknown toon, unknown lvl, wait a sec, who's that guy?
I'd rather do this with a full team, I guess will be a matter of seeing who shows up and who doesn't.
Heh you can form two teams if you try little harder. We did Katie Hannon and Manticore with two teams and it was great fun.
If you really think about making another team and need people i will happily team up with Lady and Nine Claws again.
EDIT: If another team will formed you need two player with Hess available tho.
I'll be there at 6pm anyway, just in case! A race would have been cool though, but I understand why you want a full team...the AV at the end can be tough! depending on what level you are doing the TF on?
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
This is the only low lvl TF i am missing and im desperate to do it ... is there neone that can help me out with this and form an Ernesto Hess' TF with me pls
Cheers Saphi
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab