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  1. I've been trying a couple time to do this mission with teams but as soon as we enter we are all PvP & any MM Pets immediately start attacking & so does Noble Savage an Elite Boss, who is standing right at the door, so it's one giant Free-For-All & not in the least bit Fun.

    This happens to be Penelope's finale I believe & was looking forward to completing this arc.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yosomono View Post
    It's an early time, maintenance. Probably only the tech people are actually up.
    So getting an official who can post on the boards means getting ahold of someone who is probably not at work at the moment.
    It happens.
    EU Servers are now in US? Since when did that happen?

    It's Midday - 2pm Maintenance in UK (British Summer Time), 1pm - 3pm in the rest of Europe. If all the servers are now in US, why not allow us access to US Servers & US to EU servers?

    So, when Maintenance window is 12pm - 2pm & states may not use the full two hours & then over shoots that by about an hour - surely there is a problem somewhere.
    Fortunately servers are back up now, about 1 hour later than the scheduled Maintenance Window.
  3. Finally, I thought it was just me - I have been checking the 'Announcements' page constantly, with no mention of 'Extended Downtime'.

    This is really rather poor, other MMO's usually offer an apology by now with some idea when their servers will be back up - even if they don't know, just letting their players know they are aware is usually enough.
  4. I'm having this problem too. Found this thread whilst the servers were down for maintenance & figured I would take a look at my Shadows & Ambient Occlusion setting when I could log back in, thought if I turned these down I could play without these Lockups which really ruin the game for me.

    Upon checking it appears I have Ambient Occlusion disabled & Shadows at 'Lowest', so I don't believe these are the problem.

    I'm a returning player coming to see this new Going Rogue & ... this is pretty poor. That & the fact there appears to be no copies of Going Rogue on the shelves, in the UK at least, ... I am getting the impression that CoX is dying & the Dev's know it & don't really care.

    After Tabula Rasa I would not be surprised if NCSoft pulled the plug soon


    Win 7 64 Bit
    NVidia GeForce GTX 260

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe it affects mostly characters with an aura, although I can confirm that affects characters below level 16 as well...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    The strange part in my case is that it affects any character above lvl 33. 3 of my characters have been affected by the desync bug at this precise level, one of them is a I12 VEAT alt. Only exception is my lvl 50 Tanker which only seems to occassionally desync inside missions. Nothing below 33 is affected

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it can vary. When this problem first started happening, I had a total desync and was in Atlas Park all alone. No other players, no NPCs, no cars, nada. I didn't even have any chat channels.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    (When out of sync, the player will be able to move around, but cannot see other players

    [/ QUOTE ]

    None of my characters have Aura's, I just don't like them. I can see players whilst on a mission map, & be right next to them whilst fighting. I only know I'm out of sync when I go to attack a foe I'm standing next to & it tells me I'm out of Range.

    Whilst desync'd I can talk to my friends using any of the channels, everything looks 'normal'. If I travel too far from where I entered the zone though, the npc's will not be where they should be (Trainers, Contacts, etc)

    This effects ALL levels of characters. I created a new Tank & entered Tutorial & was immediately out of Sync at lvl 1.

    So, none of the 'It only effects...' are correct.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm on Virgin Media (cable, not ADSL), and have zero problems with desynching.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't aware Virgin did ADSL, I thought that was BT? Anyway, just to clarify further, I'm also on Cable.
  7. I'm on Virgin Media. My problem's serious enough that any character without TP is unplayable unless I'm teamed with someone with Recall Friend. Only started with Issue 12 & it's intermittent. Sometimes it's every time I zone, others I can go several hours then bam!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    anyone have any experience with this at all?

    which is better n my primary will be ninjas k

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd definitely go with the Poison. Those Ninja's are rather fragile & run off into melee, so the ranged Poison heal, Alkaline is ideal. I tried with a different secondary once & used the Medicine Pool, but it's (A) Short Range, (B) slow recharge & (C) Interuptable, so it's really not ideal for Ninja's (in my opinion).

    Poison also offers several great buffs & debuff's too.
  9. I wonder, during this problem, if they could grant a Temp TP power, & to avoid it being exploited they could:-

    (A) Make it work only once per zone
    (B) Only teleport you 5 - 10 feet forward

    Also, would it be possible to remove the teleport suppression from the Pocket D Doorway area & the Tikki Lounge area (where you enter using the emergency Pocket D teleporter)

    All my characters are effected by this bug & it's a major inconvenience.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    ...... Ouro Port/Sg Port/Pd Pass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Pocket D Portal/Teleport/Passport isn't a great idea. I've had a couple of characters getting 'stuck' in Pocket D & you can't use teleport Powers there to free yourself.
  11. Katarine

    Ernesto Hess' TF

    Ive never done this one, can't really say I even knew there was a Striga TF. So my Myrage could perhaps be free for 6pm Friday. Mind/Emp Controller (emphasis on Mind, only have the starter /Emp atm ).
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Me, me, me.

    It took me 2 years & 450 hours to get there so I gotta be on this list

    Carnifax : Illusion / Storm / Ice Make-unholy-mess-troller

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Took me 2 years & 750+ hours, I got a little side-tracked

    Spectro Hawke, Illusion/Empathy/Psionic Mastery

    Dinged 50 1st June 2007
  13. Katarine

    Kheldian Newbie

    [ QUOTE ]
    There's a little twist to respeccing a Kheldian that not everyone knows straight out, and that is that you can add respecced slots to Dwarf and Squid powers from level 1. Apparently this is WAI, which is very very useful.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can this be confirmed? I've tried this twice in the past & on both occasions CoH crashed, so I was under the impression that being able to slot both Nova & Dwarf at lvl 1 (via the Respec) was not 'Working as Intended' & thus the reason for the Crash.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    24) --> Swift==> Run(24)
    26) --> Soaring Dragon==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) Acc(29) Rechg(34)
    28) --> Hurdle==> Jump(28)
    30) --> Stamina==> EndMod(30) EndMod(31) EndMod(31)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hi, I was just wondering why you have Stamina down at lvl 30, & Hurdle instead of Health?

    I'm not questioning your build, I'm by no means an expert (my Ninja/Ninja is only lvl 11), I am simply curious, as I will be needing to look at my build at some point soon.

    If you already have Combat Jumping is Hurdle really necessary (I know Hurdle takes no Endurance & CJ does - as a toggle), wouldn't Health be a better choice?
  15. Can someone just clarify, then, what exactly I would need for a Post I7 Base? I Mainly just want it for the Teleporters & Insp/Enhancement/Salvage Banks/Bins