Beyond the system: ways to RP the impossible





In every MMO game I roleplayed in there were always things you wanted to roleplay for which the game has no real option for. For that reason, most roleplay communities devise there own logics and reality based on existing possibilities within the game. a combination of powers and emotes and the like are often used for things like fake dying, bleeding, being knocked down or any other random thing you can't do within the normal system.

Now I wondered, what commonly accepted ways are used in CoX? any special emotes I should interpret differently in certain situations?

Besides this, what are the commonly accepted added (by the RP community) lore to the game. I heard about the Up-n-Away Cola brand... are there any others?

It will be a blast RPing around here



I can't really think of any special emotes that would widely indicate something else that what it says on the tin. Then again it's morning before cgetting offee.

There's BDSM club called Pits of Hell. Zortel can tell you more.

Paragon Inquirer is the worst example of scandalous yellow papers. Here's a link, tho it contains much more as well. Paragon Inquirer in Nightsparrow's scrapbook.

There was a guy named Jiffy Blakes who wrote for Daily Comet a column called Ground Zero. Jiffy was murdered so that's just a blast from the past.

A year ago there was a widely spread plot called Requiem War where Requiem tried to destroy the whole universe and the combined might of Paragon City's heroes stopped him. The most visible event was a horde of Council troopers attacking Paragon City to the point where about all but Atlas Park and Galaxy City was rendered warzones. Every Hazard Zone was a fierce battleground for a week and there were plenty of deaths. Everyone in Paragon City at that time should IC remember the event and have an idea what they were doing during the siege. (Some details are getting hazy over time so I may have remembered some bits incorrectly, like was Kings Row under a direct attack, or not.)

Then there's a lot of stuff that's more relevant to certain groups than to others and thus are by no means community wide. That's not to say that those things are not recognized by others but their impact is not as great.

Oh yes, as a final addition before my daring quest for black gold and a sandwich, there was the Tempest virus and as a consequence riots in Kings Row.



I shall add to my own little story.

My character being the 'mad scientist' type had developed a youth formula which turned him young for a limited period of four hours (he's 60 in his natural form as he now calls it) he hit on the brilliant idea that mixing the drug with Superadine (what turns the trolls green and gives them their powers, shorted to just Dyne).

The mixture not only turned people young but they would suffer the side affects of Dyne while young as well.

He struck a deal with the family (merely for the purpose of plot) and begun shipping the drug which he had called Chronodyne, which was abbreviated down to C-dyne or his own classification of C type D (Chrono type Dyne) in his draw of dyne experiments (others include R type D, Rock enhancement type Dyne).

Due to his rather large mouth (hey he is a villain) a large number of heroes stepped up and begun attacking the shipments and arresting the goons with a passion.

After two weeks or so of burning warehouses and large number of arrests of family goons, the family refused to ship the stuff, finally yanking it off the streets (i had decided on a certain length of time and certain number of attacks would result in the family pulling the plug begining of the plot). The Doc himself was untouchable thanks to living and producing the stuff in the Rogue Isles but his drugs trade was smashed and he nolonger produces it. He continues his experiments with altering the chemical makeup of dyne but never again will he be able to ship drugs in such large amounts.

(Though admittedly it's STILL causing him trouble, just check out the Thugz Mansion topic).

The Doc legitimate business, the walking (and talking depending on the model) toaster continues to thrive. They come in a variety of colours and have the option of talking and come in both hero and villain models ("piece of toast a day keeps Lord Recluse/Statesman away!").

Both these plots could of course be opted out of, if people didn't want to take part in the Chronodyne plot, they simply ignored it and it's the same with the walking toaster.

Both the toasters and Chronodyne don't even exist in the game but it was upto each individual player as to whether they achknowledged the existence or not.

So yes, you can do things going beyond the game if people give their consensus (oh and nothing stupid like the whole of paragon blowing up...anything to change the ENVIROMENT of the game since it's static will largely be ignored or laughed at. There's always Family goons hanging around the docs shipping something...just upto the player to decide what it is their shipping and why).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I use hover as a form of sitting on my main character for yeah,most things can be used for alot,say...if your character needed to explode with energy,most nukes would do that rather well...RoA is an exeption of course...

drum dance has been used for people needing to RP standing in fire/glass/bugs...

Theres tons,just gotta use your imagination really. Theres also been the more recent Heroes for People thing, which had its ups and downs IC,but was fun throughout.

Welcome to the strange world of RP,kittens are in Galaxy and a tad of sanity is in Pocket D,Good luck



This reminds me of something i was talking to Brit about (might not of been Brit. i got a terrible memory)
We should have our own glossary. Sort of a Union-RPers-Wiki.
That way we can have a nice and neat collection of all RPSG descriptions, companies, events, and possibly even RPer bios.

Oh, and i think its Up-And-Away Burger, the fast food franchise (who of course also sell a variety of 'Sodas')



This reminds me of something i was talking to Brit about (might not of been Brit. i got a terrible memory)
We should have our own glossary. Sort of a Union-RPers-Wiki.
That way we can have a nice and neat collection of all RPSG descriptions, companies, events, and possibly even RPer bios.

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There's been one already, I'll just go and find the link...


Galaxy Girl Wikipedia

There's things listed in there, places, people, brands, products and et cetera.

In game, rael world brands are used most of the time, but products and stores from the in game advertisements (Major Flanders, Up-n-Away Burger, Wizards Well Comic Store, Red Beast energy drink, Mighty Mart and Mega Mart supermarkets, Paragon Pizza Pie and the like) are used as well, and other establishments have been created by players (filling a space somewhere within the city, often RP'ed or made in Supergroup bases, or done eleswhere on MSN, AIM or IRC or the like.)

As Coile mentioned, one of my characters runs a nightclub in Kings Row, called the Pits of Hell. An alternative place, with a BDSM theme, a nice place to go for a drink with people who don't give a damn if you're blue, horned or 8 foot tall, listen to live music, have some good food in the chillout bar and meet some interesting folks.

Sapphos, situated in the heart of Steel Canyon's Bronze District, is one of Paragon City's premier lesbian nightclubs, I forgot what the guy's version club was called, would need to search logs for that.

Prometheus Park Cafe is situated by Prometheus Lake in Atlas Park, with an outdoor seating area, good view over the lake and surrounding park, and excellent food, it is also the workplace of hero Nene 'Number Nine' Ninnezt.

Julia's Cafe in Equinox, Galaxy City, is run by Alex and Samantha Reed, a young couple with some ties to the hero community, though neither are heroes themselves (Well, not anymore ), and is a pretty good place to grab a great cuppa jo.

More will come to mind at some point, but if a character goes to Major Flanders, I'd recommend the Puffball Chicken, and if you go to Up-n-Away, for god's sake don't eat the spring chicken salad. Catch once had that, and the next few days later she was mutating into a Lost Pariah. Go for the Rocket Kids Meal (With cool free toy!) or the Rocket Supreme burger.



This reminds me of something i was talking to Brit about (might not of been Brit. i got a terrible memory)
We should have our own glossary. Sort of a Union-RPers-Wiki.
That way we can have a nice and neat collection of all RPSG descriptions, companies, events, and possibly even RPer bios.

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There's been one already, I'll just go and find the link...


Galaxy Girl Wikipedia

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A little basic, and seems to cover mostly just the GG crowd (Damn you! Damn you all! And your little statue too!)
But still, great to see we got something.
This probably should be pinned somewhere.



Dont be angry at the wiki,it has purples,blues and more purples...

The Statue is already Damned, i interact with it daily (so its defiled aswell i hear you say?).



As for the emote things, i use /em grief for a crying/sobbing type, erm. To be honest the emotes as Coile says do what they say on the tin, i hardly use them myself during RP though /em cellphone has become a pretty handy one, so people entering mid-RP know your characters on the phone. As for IC points of intrest, we have a special section on our forum so if needed we could involve them in plots.

KM-Tech, The Gallows and Sentinel Investments just to mention a few. That forum section is avaliable for public viewing and mores being added. (Bare in mind the majority of that is Villian side.)



A little basic, and seems to cover mostly just the GG crowd

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Hey, if you lot migrate to PD and forget to keep it updated, whose fault is that?

The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson



Whats everyone's oppinion on creating a new and updated version then?
If no one says nay, i'll start a new thread and we'll go into details.
This looks like a good place to start



I'd say go for it, Lunkie!

GG Wiki contains a lot of stuff that is not strictly relevant any more. Same fate would befall on future projects in the similar vein, unless there was some gullible guy who'd be actually maintaining the information value. And no, it's not going to be me.

Still, a fresh look at the current crowd and what's up wherver sounds like a good idea and I'd surely pitch in.



This reminds me of something i was talking to Brit about (might not of been Brit. i got a terrible memory)
We should have our own glossary. Sort of a Union-RPers-Wiki.
That way we can have a nice and neat collection of all RPSG descriptions, companies, events, and possibly even RPer bios.

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Yes we did have a discussion about this pretty much the same time we decided to do something similar on the EVIL forums. Im pretty sure somewhere along the line somebody said something unrelated, and funny and we ended up being sidetracked.

KM-Tech, The Gallows and Sentinel Investments just to mention a few. That forum section is avaliable for public viewing and mores being added. (Bare in mind the majority of that is Villian side.)

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See I told you. This is just a basic example of the sort of thing a Union-Roleplayers Database might have in it. Although im surprised Echo never linked "Big Game's Dressing Up Box" here.

There's been one already, I'll just go and find the link...


Galaxy Girl Wikipedia

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An early inspiration of mine for some of the stuff I created for my own fiction, and RP.

At the end of the day the official CoX RP boards, as well as individual RP groups own forums contain a wealth of interesting details players have added to create a fantastic continuity intermingled with the official CoX canon.Sure there is a lot to take in, but I feel this reality we have all created amongst ourselves is something that sometimes even rivals that of some established comic book realities.

Whats everyone's oppinion on creating a new and updated version then?
If no one says nay, i'll start a new thread and we'll go into details.
This looks like a good place to start

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I got no problem with it, and I would be happy to contribute.

Moving on, I don't know if others have ever done this but in the past I have used Salvage as props in RP. An example being when Britanic proposed to White Vampyr, I gave her , a "Ring" base salvage item.

As for emotes /em wounded is good for somebody who is wasted. /em Screen or /em Typing gets used for all kinds of manual tasks. Also I tend to throw in the occassional /em BackFlip in whenever Big Game dances, because he is a funky mover!



it is true that i think between GG crowd, PD crowd and independant groups we've created a wealth of unofficial backstory for Paragon and the Isles which would rival major comic book arcs.

So far we've had the hero community divided (Heroes for people), Epic struggles (Requiem war), evil underhanded villainy (Tempest Virus and the kings row riots) and just ordinary villainy (Chronodyne).

All stuff you'd see in see in Marvel/DC.

A more diverse selection of heroes and villains then you could shake a stick at. Communist heroes, Scientist both blindly brilliant and diabloically mad, mercenaries, Robots, Androids/Gynoids, Cyborgs, magic users, female trolls turned to heroics, assassins, thugs, demons, angels and many more.

Oh and don't forget the catgirls...there's always catgirls...

I'd like to see a general consensus between all of us in the RP community to build our own unofficial time-line of all the events, both major and minor, i can easily imagine it would rival that of the Devs themselves for creativity.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




Oh and don't forget the catgirls...there's always catgirls...

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/e imagines the horde of catgirls marching on the city


/e runs away screaming to hide behind a big dog



I'd like to see a general consensus between all of us in the RP community to build our own unofficial time-line of all the events, both major and minor

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A general consensus? I wish you luck with that.
Even as wide spread as The Requiem War was, it did not have 'general consensus' (although probably as close as it gets for something so... worldchanging). One of the excuses used was a temporary alternate dimension, started and ended by requiem.... some were in it, others weren't.

And those catgirls? They don't march en mass on a city.. they slip in solo or in small packs, then... once they're inside and with sufficient number.............

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



by general consensus i mean the RP community simply agrees to make a time-line, like i said it would include all events from all groups for example the requiem war entry would read:

Requiem war:
Requiem tried to destroy the whole universe and the combined might of Paragon City's heroes stopped him. The most visible event was a horde of Council troopers attacking Paragon City to the point where about all but Atlas Park and Galaxy City was rendered warzones. Every Hazard Zone was a fierce battleground for a week and there were plenty of deaths.
However this event took place in an alternate dimension some where effected by this event deeply, while others remained completely unaffected and as such cannot often fathom what those heroes affected by it were going on about, because of the duplicity of dimensions, both are correct in their views (time/space can be very messy and very odd).

That sort of thing, everyones events are included but explanations are given as to why some weren't affected by the event and others were from a simple case of ignoring it completely to it only actually affecting certain people.

Well that's my go at it...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



So far we've had the hero community divided (Heroes for people), Epic struggles (Requiem war), evil underhanded villainy (Tempest Virus and the kings row riots) and just ordinary villainy (Chronodyne).

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That's just in your experience though. There's been a LOT more go on since the EU launch than that; some of it is chronicled on the GG Wiki. Most of it wasn't world changing as such, but there were some pretty big plots that would be common knowledge to a lot of heroes.

But getting all RPers to agree on a consensus; that's not going to be easy and there's only so much that can be explained as a "alternate dimension". Take the trigger for the Requiem War for example; the kidnapping and torture of Miss Ellie (My main). That took place in the current game world and was the main trigger for kicking off the larger Requiem War plot. Does that mean the war took place in another dimension? Not to my characters it doesn't, yet some consider it as being so. The only way to resolve that is to essentially not discuss it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Im not a big fan of dissmissing IC events. When faced with something I think my characters should know, or be dealing with I either try to get involved, fudge explanations, or in someway acknowledge it happened.

Heroes for People was something that I had no intention to get involved with, bar signing the petition, but due to having strong ties to the movement's protagonists (Suzi White, Britanic's fiance') I took a bigger role in it.

The Requiem War happened before I got involved with roleplaying, although IC my main Britanic has been an active hero in Paragon since the end of the Rikti War, and would of been around IC. With the Requiem War there is no way IC that Brit could of ignored an event like that. So Brit fought the Council in the streets, but due to not having contacts within the part of the hero community who were at the core of the conflict, was as far as his involvement went.

Of course some sort of temporary merging of realities that has since repaired itself is a good IC fudge for why people at the core of it would remember it vividly while others might have little or no memory of it.

As for the Tempest Virus that was a Silent Tempest Plot, which I felt deserved more attention. Inspired by the RL panic over things like SARS, and Bird Flu, I figured a bigger reaction from Paragon was needed. Throwing in Partisan, and Humanity First was to stir things up, and show that sometimes fear of something can be just as devastaing as the real thing.

Problem is, unlike comic books, we dont have continuity editors to keep everything inline. Best we can hope for is people to be responsible with their plotting, and maybe make the little bit of effort needed to fudge other peoples work into their realities.

Going off on another tangent Big Game had noticed the insidious population growth of the Catgirls, and while he still ran with Humanity First wasted one himself. However since returning to his mercenary roots, and signing up with EVIL, he actually dated one instead. Guess this means the Catgirl Invasion will continue...hmmm perhaps Dog Boys are needed!




And those catgirls? They don't march en mass on a city.. they slip in solo or in small packs, then... once they're inside and with sufficient number.............

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then they...snuggle...



Well rather than discussing what should go in and what shouldn't... has anyone attempted a construction of a time line yet?

I know that people can get excited about various plots and things being included but I think it would be a good gesture to try it. I must admit, I've never understood certain characters 'not being involved at all/not acknowledging a plot' - perhaps someone could explain this to me? But I do like the idea of a Paragon City Union Roleplay Universe timeline thingy being there to look at. It could help either newer players or older ones to come up with some varied backstories to integrate into the World and 'fill in the gaps' as it were.

It might even help with future plot generation - in short, I personally believe that the bigger the range of material there is out there for people to look at as a whole, regardless of opinions on whether anything should be regarded as 'canon' or whatnot, can only hope to fuel the important aspect of roleplay: imagination.



I've never understood certain characters 'not being involved at all/not acknowledging a plot' - perhaps someone could explain this to me?

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Without trying to cause any kind of argument, the main reasons this happens is personality clashes and stylistic differences. There have been, in the past, some quite unpleasant clashes between groups of roleplayers, (and I cannot claim innocence in that regard either), and it's led to lots of unpleasantness over the last couple of years.

Several of my friends have left the game due to it, and some are no longer friends because of it. I don't RP much in game anymore either. Pretty unfortunate, and in some ways, rather childish too; but that's human nature for you.

Constructing a timeline would be pretty complicated, what sort of information would you include? Everyone would want their own plots, where they touched on public knowledge at least, to be included; so cataloging such a thing would be a rather major task. Not the least because these days a lot of things just don't get posted in the forums. Compare the GG thread 18 months ago with the current one for example. The old one had multiple updates and discussions of plots every day; the new one is just... random.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Yes,yes it consists of comics,kittens and the rare rare occasional minor recap, which is normally like "<name> did <action> to <name>" or "It <actioned> to mention <mentionable>"

As for the actual topic here,the timeline wouldnt be that hard,make it a wiki and others can edit it for events that would be known.



big question.............

where is all the RP hiding anyway?

what times are most active too?