Beyond the system: ways to RP the impossible




I think most of it has moved to private locales now. GG is, alas, a shadow of its former self. Apologies to it's current attendees, but GG used to be full of plots and excitement and heroes discussing their exploits; and now it's full of kittens, poodles and cuddling. This, IMO, explains why not many go anymore, including me (except for a random drop by).

Pocket D was OK for a while, but has an awful lot of tools of late. I've stopped going there.

Most seems to go on in missions, SG bases, or random spots around the city these days.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




where is all the RP hiding anyway?

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RP? What RP?

/e Throws large blanket over RP, and ushers it past purgatorii

Theres no RP here... its all lies.



so how is RP organised? how do people know where to go?



You could try turning up at GG from 9pm, or Pocket D from.. whenever it starts... But if I were you, I'd look up some of the RP SG's that post in this section.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



so how is RP organised? how do people know where to go?

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A lot of it is done in this section of the forums (advertisements for RP SGs and such), some is word-of-mouth and the rest is either private or takes place (still) at GG and Pocket D. Though the latter seems to be more heavily populated these days.



or takes place (still) at GG and Pocket D. Though the latter seems to be more heavily populated these days.

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unfortunatly, a large chunk of the population of PD'S are tools who like to interupt RP, or generaly be a nuisence



Indeed, Kind of a shame really, it was interesting in there for a while.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well wait a while and then revive it.