<Insert a good thread title here>




This is kind of a straw poll. I couldn't think of a title which would say what the thread was about and not put people's backs up before they started reading...

I'd like to know how many people out there do not intend to take part in the Heroes Among Us (or whatever) plot? If it's as few as I think it is, I'll be quitting the game in all likelyhood.

I have an entirely OOC objection to plots like this, and this one in particular, and being forced to take part in it or do no roleplaying leaves me with little option.

Please note, I'm not trying to persuade people to not take part in that plot. I'm not asking that the plot be shut down (partially because I wouldn't be listened to, and partially because I have no right to). I'm not saying what objection I have so that this becomes another flame war. I'd just like to know whether anyone else would rather not take part in it. That gives me the option of roleplaying with other people should I decide to continue playing.

Thank you.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I won't be taking part mate!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Neither will I.

I won't OOC stonewall it, but.. IC, I will do so by mentioning I'd rather not discuss such, or something... or just move away, who knows?
Also from what little I've seen, it's not a hot topic at PD (yet? anymore?)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Last time I was at PD, the only people there were involved in it, or were villains.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Were they talking about it though? Cause I've not heard anything about it lately, at least not directly. Some of my characters signed it, but they aren't going to go on talking about it or anything.



Well, I was there last night, and not a mention of it was made within local range of me.

Honestly, I think it's easy enough to ignore. If someone comes up IC to you, either say "not interested" IC, or do it OOC.. I'm sure they'll not bother you, and even if someone has a char that signs, doesn't mean that then becomes the focus of their RP afterwards.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



i won't be either (but am only in the back ground at the best of times) but yeah, is just not really...

hmmm, not my thing? to my taste perhaps.



Well, I have to say that the only way I could possibly get involved in it is if someone actually comes along to GG after 9.00 on a night I'm there and tries to get everyone there to sign.

As something going on in the background, I appreciate the effort being gone to, as it shows that people are interested in moving the plot of the city forward, which is a good thing as long as it's not taken too far. But I have what you might call a knee-jerk objection to being told what I can and cannot do with my toons in RP, and I therefore immediately rebel against a 'community-wide plot' when not everyone in the community has agreed to take part in it.

I'm not saying that the plot is good or bad, I'm just wondering if it is possible to avoid it completely. I have no intention of taking part, except where strictly necessary IC.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



As something going on in the background, I appreciate the effort being gone to, as it shows that people are interested in moving the plot of the city forward, which is a good thing as long as it's not taken too far.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could I ask that we keep this thread away from discussion of why the plot is good or bad or indifferent? I do not want someone involved in said plot to start discussing why I (or anyone else) is wrong to think we can't be involved. I just want some idea of wether there's a community out there I could actually get involved with.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I just want some idea of wether there's a community out there I could actually get involved with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, fear not; there is!

In fact, Zortel is running that SpeedMeet thing in Pocket D tonight. I'll be there, you coming? Good chance to get to know other characters IC!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well, I'm usually in PD most nights, albeit as a 'murky type' .

That said, I doubt I'll be participating with my heroes either.

So, I'll be around somewhere, at any rate.



I just want some idea of wether there's a community out there I could actually get involved with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, fear not; there is!

In fact, Zortel is running that SpeedMeet thing in Pocket D tonight. I'll be there, you coming? Good chance to get to know other characters IC!

[/ QUOTE ]

what is with you people and thursdays?!?!?!?!?!????!?!?

*wanders off grumbling about people these days*



Well, fear not; there is!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm also not interested in getting opinions on why I'm wrong. I want to know how many people are actually planning to not be involved, not why, or what else is happening.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I just want some idea of wether there's a community out there I could actually get involved with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, fear not; there is!

In fact, Zortel is running that SpeedMeet thing in Pocket D tonight. I'll be there, you coming? Good chance to get to know other characters IC!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thursday..thats today and not yesterday See clever am I.

To be honest I cant see the people hero plot impacting any of the groups i usually RP with anyway, as the 12 or so people I RP with rarely go to GG/PD and have not been involved in external (outside our group) plot for ages.



I'm in the SG running it and I'm not getting involed, so if I can avoid it surely you can ravey!



As am I, though I'm not actively seeking to take part. I don't have a problem with the plotline in the slightest, it's no worse imo than say anything that happens or has happened with plots in or around GG. The various BIG FA plotlines for example

But anyway, each to their own.



Hmm..all depends on the character to be honest.

As you can see from the IC story thread ((buy the walking toaster)) the Doctor is a bit of a loon and as such wont be contributing any to the petition he's too busy focusing on getting money to fund his own kids science TV show (Arachnos owe him one for blowing up those TV power generators (the Marshall Brass storyline)...he just needs the funds).

Adrian...hmm..well...he's going through some trouble right now and as such wont contribute but he's already interlaced into the story anyway due to his earlier actions so i can assume he'll have something to do with the overrall story (someone infected him with Outbreak...still living like a homeless bum on the streets of Mercy does mean things happen...odd things).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I have an entirely OOC objection to plots like this, and this one in particular, and being forced to take part in it or do no roleplaying leaves me with little option.

Please note, I'm not trying to persuade people to not take part in that plot. I'm not asking that the plot be shut down (partially because I wouldn't be listened to, and partially because I have no right to). I'm not saying what objection I have so that this becomes another flame war. I'd just like to know whether anyone else would rather not take part in it. That gives me the option of roleplaying with other people should I decide to continue playing.

[/ QUOTE ]
If it is about roleplaying only, then it only matters whether people have characters that are not involved in the storyline, surely?

I have many characters that are completely uninvolved for a wide variety of reasons. A couple are not human, one is a bit of a sociopath, and cares nothing for what society may do, and so on. In fact, out of 12 roleplay characters on Union, only 2 are at all engaged in the storyline.

Continued use of the term 'people' rather than 'characters' just makes it sound a little like an issue way beyond roleplay considerations. I thought I'd mention that just in case that were unintentional.




I won't be taking part, apart from politely (or perhaps not so politely, depending on the toon I'm using at the time) refusing to sign anything if asked.



I did ask that this not become a debate or discussion.
I see that that is not going to happen.

Continued use of the term 'people' rather than 'characters' just makes it sound a little like an issue way beyond roleplay considerations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since you quoted my OP, you will have noted that I have OOC objections. They are, however, entirely based on the roleplay consequences of people trying to run a plot which totally alters the political climate (and even changes the architecture) of a city which they have no control over, and then asking anyone not interested to simply ignore it, and then banning anyone from commenting on it, even OOC.

If I ignore this, I leave myself in a situation where my characters believe the city government and people think one way, while other characters believe it works differently. That's nothing to do with whether an individual character is involved in the plot, it affects every character whether they are actively involved or not, and without the permission or acceptance of the player.

You had the chance to let this quietly blow over, but you had to restart it in a way which means that your 'changes' cannot help but go through since no one could really object IC. You have changed the nature of IC reality for every charactr in Paragon City without any support for it in-game, and without asking first. That's no way to behave in an Open RP environment.

I'm sorry, but that's the way I see it. This is not personal, I simply feel that your plot is going to split what little general RP community we have left in two. I don't know or care whether that was your intention, but it is the logical outcome.

Since this thread has now served what little purpose it had and can only ever be a focus for flaming, and since it appears I'll be totally avoiding the RP forum for a while...

Bridger, if you read this, please lock the thread.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Hi (new to the boards so excuse my limited knowlage)
What exactly is the 'Hero Among Us' plot? Because I havent heard a thing about it

Also (this would be the limited knowlage bit) what does OCC stand for?


@Clara Finch



Welcome, Finch.

About six or seven posts down from this one you'll find a thread called 'Heroes Among People'. There's also another one called 'Heroes for People', which was the precursor to this. Take a read of that one first, then the Heroes Among People thread, and you'll have an idea what's going on.

OOC stands for Out Of Character. As opposed to IC, which is In Character.

We hope you enjoy RP in CoH (and looking at your alt-list you've been in-game for a while)!

See you around.

Edit: Take a look at the stickied thread for New Roleplayers, too. It's quite helpful.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Hi (new to the boards so excuse my limited knowlage)
What exactly is the 'Hero Among Us' plot? Because I havent heard a thing about it

Also (this would be the limited knowlage bit) what does OCC stand for?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi and welcome
OOC or OOc means Out Of Character, its used along side the IC or In Character tag.

So if you say it, its OOC.
If your character says it ,it is IC.

Its also handy to to add to things posted in here so people can tell if its something their characters might encounter/know IC as opposed to usualy forum stuff .



Raven, take a chill pill homie. Deep breathes man.

You had the chance to let this quietly blow over, but you had to restart it in a way which means that your 'changes' cannot help but go through since no one could really object IC. You have changed the nature of IC reality for every charactr in Paragon City without any support for it in-game, and without asking first. That's no way to behave in an Open RP environment

[/ QUOTE ]

How, this won't effect me in the slightest. I wise proverb I present to you dear Ravenswing. Just because something is true, doesn't mean I need to believe it!

We don't even no how this is gonna blow over! They could decide, that the government doesn't wanna go throught with this, or a villian can come along and ruin everything, they could decide to take &lt;insert your name here&gt; idea and just right the names on the war walls we already have, they could decide just to have the holiday... etc...

Secondly, you are reading a bit too much into this Raven, people believe, think and do different thing all the time in real life. Some think Tony Blair is a good PM, some don't some are indifferent, some think its all a conspiricy, other are just crazy and don't even no whats goin on.

I think this plot will blow over anyways, some people might still talk about the reprocussions, I know I won't. White Vampyr might say, oh hey remember that petition, a shame it didn't go throught huh? Oh did you she my new outfit!"

None of my alts are involved in this, and again I'm in the freckin SG running it! The most it will bother me is when they talk about it, other than that, nothing is gonna change (unless the devs go aaaa what a nice idea!")I'm still gonna be the guy that bust their chops, or the psycho with the Mu mystic in my head. Even if they do make this garden, its easy to get rid of, how long do you think that garden would last in a city full of uber villians?



Everybody is entitled to their opinion and rightfully so. However I think some of the negative reaction to this idea is a bit over the top.

Since you quoted my OP, you will have noted that I have OOC objections. They are, however, entirely based on the roleplay consequences of people trying to run a plot which totally alters the political climate (and even changes the architecture)

[/ QUOTE ]

The Heroes for/among People is an idea or a suggestion to the people of Paragon and City Hall. Just as in real life petitions can and often are ignored. The reality is that it isnt ever likely to be implemented in game. Im wondering if a lot of the objections stem from people assuming that at the end someone is going to say yay its a big success, City Hall caved in we got our garden, and our holiday. If this was to happen then I can understand the concern.

I think you will find this idea is more about the journey rather than the end result. If you go back to the Heroes for People thread check out the level of creativity spawned from individual character responses to the idea. Something which you Ravenswing kick started with your own post. It didn't matter if it was a yes or a no, the thread highlighted some of the best character writing on these forums.

Anyway I think it is entirely feasable to ignore this idea. If some bod came up to me in the street to sign a petition, and im not interested they get a simple no thank you, and I forget about it. I dont know how many petitions I have been asked to sign over the years, but I can tell you a lot of them are never successful, including the really good ones.

If people wish to ignore and not get involved that is fine, just as if you wish to involve yourself you can too. Everybody can make their own choice. I do not feel anybody is being railroaded into this unless they allow themselves to be.

One last thing why is it every discussion is automatcally assumed to devolve into a flame war.(aww nuts did I just start a flame war saying that )