General PvP AT's and powerpools
Welcome to the Boards first of all tim.
In PvP most people will tell you what ever you build how good you are in PvP is down to the person rather than the AT or Power sets.
PvP has a lot to do with what you know about the game and the powers you use and the powers being used against you.
Once you have this knowledge you begin to understand why cetain AT's and Powersets are so called FOTM (flavor of the month) and are better in PvP than other sets.
Ill/Rad is a good PvP set to have. i would sugguest you look up a guy called Imaginary on the boards here he has a ill/rad and would be able to give you a good idea of the best build for that powerset.
If you still looking to gain more knowledge about PvP and PvP sets you should come along to the PvP night i hold on a monday night at 8pm on the test server and you can see the more serious PvP'ers and the sets and ATs they use.
I hope that helps you a little feel free to ask anymore questions im sure myself or the other PvP'ers will help you out best we can.
Not sure Ill/Rad is the best bet for Monday's night tho .
Rad/Psi controller is an abosuletly digustingly powerful thing to play solo.
Ill/Emp controller is a very popular healer due to GI not suppresing on heals (This may be fixed someday, since it is meant too..)
Rad/Psi controller is an abosuletly digustingly powerful thing to play solo.
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You mean Defender.
Ill/Emp controller is a very popular healer due to GI not suppresing on heals (This may be fixed someday, since it is meant too..)
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Yes it does supress, but only for about a second or two. That's why ill/emp is so good.
Ill/Emp controller is a very popular healer due to GI not suppresing on heals (This may be fixed someday, since it is meant too..)
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Yes it does supress, but only for about a second or two. That's why ill/emp is so good.
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Yes the troller becomes visible while the healing animation lasts, but it cant be targetted (unless, of course, you have +perception and can see it all the time)
BS/SR scrapper
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It really isnt very good
ICE/EM blaster (dont know which EM here)
FIRE/EM blaster (dont know which EM here either..)
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EM = Energy Manipulation
The other EM would be Electricity Manipulation but is normally referred to as /elec.
Theyre both good. Elec is better below lvl 30 so better in Siren's but EM beats it post lvl 30 so is generally a lot better at highlvl PvP.
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Missed loads:
Fire/EM Tanker
Inulnur/EM Tanker
what role do you want to have in pvp it's easier if you tell us that then we can help you.
Edit: I need to press F5 before replying
Basically I prefer supporting characters, but I realise that those classes are hard to play well, so it might be a wiser plan to start out with an easyer guy.
If someone could reply with the "best" pools per AT and what their roles in a team would be and also what their strengths/weaknesses would be, that would be an awesome help for me to pick one.
(btw. I'm most interested in defenders, scrappers and blasters).
Thanks alot guys.
Illusion/Empath good because you just drop pets and keep buffing and healing your team mates. You have invis so people can't see you unless they've got pereception buffs which means your job will be a lot easier.
Illusion/kin Your job will to run around and sb and if your teram mates as well as siphon speeding off enemies and draining end. Good because you've got invis which makes it easier to survive.
Sonic/Sonic Defender. Your job is to keep everyone shielded in your team. Debuff enemies resistance, if you have time. USe clarity as much as possible on your team mates. Cage one of the opposing enemies.
Radiation/psionic Defender Your job is to debuff targets and by that call the target which you want your teammates to attack. Your job is also to do some damage.
Forcefield/Sonic Defender, Your job will be to keep everyone bubbled, Run Force bubble and run around and repel people annoying them and hindring them as much as possible. Put people in detenion field to take them out of the fight (cage). And with the sonic attacks lower peoples resistance so your team mates can take them down fast. With Forcefields you should go psionic epic so you get telkinses for even more repel.
For your build i suggest looking up Imaginary he can help you loads with your build for PvP. Now coming to PvP AT's although there are indeed combinations that are well suited for PvP my opinion has always been that in even the worse combination of sets a PvPer will get his fun and will definitely overperform considering the AT limits. I suggest to use your imagination with your AT rather than looking for what is flavour of the month or what is most powerful.Even the less powerful builds hide loads of fun in PvP when it is least expected.
Wow, lots of replies, thanks for that.
I'm sure every class can be fun, I don't doubt you on that.
The reason I posted this on the forum is not so much a matter of being the most powerfull (that just depends on your role in pvp and how you fill it in, and what you concider powerfull) but the roles that exist, and which builds are suited for that role.
I do know some people on this forum have a wealth of pvp knowledge and can discribe wich combinations work well in what situation or in which role. I on the other hand have no clue
The breakdown of the different defenders/controllers by Psydock for instance gives me an understandig of what roles exist and which AT - poolpower choices fit the discription. Based on that I want to pick my new character. (If I make a defender is sure as hell is going to be a rad/psionic. Targetcalling / debuffing / ganking is always fun.. )
More insights would be apreciated.
Thanks again, Tim
I suggest to use your imagination with your AT rather than looking for what is flavour of the month or what is most powerful.Even the less powerful builds hide loads of fun in PvP when it is least expected.
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Its a great idea, just a shame so many people would rather play the uber builds. I had awesome fun on my sonic/traps a few days back fighting "shadow bow" in SC. Won some, lost some, learned a lot about traps in pvp.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Radiation/Sonic Same as rad/psi but you have to potential of lowering the enemies resistance evenmore thus making your team mates hitting for far more damage. The sonic animation can be very rooting which can lead to your target escaping and dropping your debuffs.
Spines/Regen Scrapper. Your job is to aid the blaster with the damage. There damage might superior and it is, but you're very had to kill and your heals/regeneration makes you a very bad target. Throwing out a confront/taunt is very appricated by team mates as it well help them survive gainst other blasters/scrappers. Basicly you handle yourself and don't look after your teammates a lot and they don't need to look after you a lot. With Impale you have a nice ranged attacks to help you get running and kitting targets. This is why spines is best imhop.
Spines/Regen Scrapper. Your job is to aid the blaster with the damage. There damage might superior and it is, but you're very had to kill and your heals/regeneration makes you a very bad target. Throwing out a confront/taunt is very appricated by team mates as it well help them survive gainst other blasters/scrappers. Basicly you handle yourself and don't look after your teammates a lot and they don't need to look after you a lot. With Impale you have a nice ranged attacks to help you get running and kitting targets. This is why spines is best imhop.
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I read that /SR might be a better secondary for a pvp scrapper.. But aprently it's a [#$&%%] in pve and an endurance hog.. Can anyone give me some insight on that?
Spines seems a cool option I have been concidering (except for the rotten-banana look lol)
Sr can manage ok in zones when someone hits build up they will hit right through your defense and you will be quiet easy to kill. I would never take a sr to the arena but other people will argue with that.
Ill/Kin also quite a good 1 on 1'er :P
Can be bested by defence and range as heals rely on hitting and being near enemy.
The breakdown of the different defenders/controllers by Psydock for instance gives me an understandig of what roles exist and which AT - poolpower choices fit the discription. Based on that I want to pick my new character. (If I make a defender is sure as hell is going to be a rad/psionic. Targetcalling / debuffing / ganking is always fun.. )
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Well I'd say there are two kinds of roles in PVP, Damagedealer and support basically. Maybe debuffer or something similar as well to make an opponent easier to kill. A dueling/solo pvp toon has to handle all roles on its own more or less. In specialized team PVP the toons are built to concentrate on their strengths and useful teampowers.
Zone PVP is also different and can have toons that would be pretty useless in arena combat.
Almost getting there!
Ok, so far I'm concidering these options, but I still have a few questions:
- Rad/psionics defender
- spines / regen scrapper
- ? / EM tank
A tank is good at staying alive - handy for pvp I presume?
How usefull is a tank in team pvp ?
Can anyone give me the pro's / cons of the Ice and Rock tanks in pvp? (invul I don't want... it's an asthetic thing i gues)
- Fire or Ice / EM blaster (EM being energy)
Is there a profound difference between the pro's and cons of a fire/em and a ice/em blaster?
Thanks, Tim
Dont go stone/ for a tank in pvp . . .
Ice and Fire are both awesome you cant make a bad choice possibly ice more suited for duels and fire for teams but not much in it
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Stones not that bad for pvp if you want a tank that can take all the damage and focus on perma taunting the opponents, thus making sure the team takes less hits. Ice and invuln make for good pvp tanks as well ice brings slows and seem's to be unkillable once it gets hibernate while invuln is just uber anyway.
Ice gives constant pressure damage where fire proberly gives a better spike. The two togeather in a team is great. For 1v1s ice is the best. Most high lvl arena PvP in the EU is either 5v5 pentad or 8v8. I would take ice over fire in pentad as the slows will destroy any team without a kin. In 8v8 i would take 1 of each. Ice to soften the target fire to spike/kill.
If i was going to roll a new toon for PvP i would either roll a rad/psi defender or a sonic/sonic defender( think you said you like the thought of buffing) Rad defender's are great to play as they have a self heal which helps you stay alive and you will need this as your movement wont be up to scrath till you gain more exp. Sonic defenders are amazing, imo proberly the best buffs to get at the mo. And there is a lack of them in PvP as they so boring to lvl. PvP in this game takes 3 things. movement exp and knowledge. Come to PvP on a monday night you will learn most of them 3 things there
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Shall I step up to a red alert? (It would involve changing the bulb)
Hey all,
As you might be able to derive from the topic of this post, I'm rather new to CoH. I did play guildwars and some older MMO's and pvp has been apealing to me in all those games.
Now, I want to get into pvp on COH, the problem here is that my only character at the moment is an ill/rad. I am not to sure how well suited this build is for pvp, if it is, please let me know
I've been meaning to build a new character and it seems to me the effectiveness of a character in pvp is highly dependend on the AT / powerpool choice. So I figured I might aswell make the next character a pvp compliant guy.
Therefore I have been wondering what some "generally accepted" pvp AT's / powerpool choices are.
Since there's no post like this one on the forum I've been reading around a bit on the forum and I narrowed the choices down to the following:
empathy/? defender
sonic/sonic defender
BS/SR scrapper
ICE/EM blaster (dont know which EM here)
FIRE/EM blaster (dont know which EM here either..)
ICE/EM tank
Now this is what I'm wondering about.
- Did I miss any obvious pvp builds in my list
- Which of these builds is generally accepted as the most tolerant in usage. With this I mean not overcomplicated in use and being a good stepping stone to get used to PvP.
- Which of these builds is also usefull in a team.
Any insight on this matter is greatly apreciated.... I've pressed the back button on character creation too many times, and it's time for me to make a new one.
Thanks, Tim