50 -
Right, this is probably going to be a stupid question,
But doesn't heatloss need any accuracy's? My corrupter isn't high enough to have it, but in the hero builder it does take accuracy's...
[/ QUOTE ]
It does take and need accuracies. It works the exact same way as fulcrum shift (autohit on your target, need tohitcheck on others so if you only want to duel you can skip the accuracy)
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for that one. Didn't even know FS worked that way -
Right, this is probably going to be a stupid question,
But doesn't heatloss need any accuracy's? My corrupter isn't high enough to have it, but in the hero builder it does take accuracy's... -
Would it go something like /macro Off "powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_on Shining Shield$$powexec_toggle_on Quantum Shield$$"
[/ QUOTE ]
Remove the last 2 $$. The two dollar signs are only used to seperate different commands within one bind/macro, not as a closing statement
Aside from that it looks spot on. Keep in mind the last shield in the bind gets activated first. -
just a quick google images. This is a warshade, the PB is bright light blue-ish instead of the purple-ish
http://cohvault.ign.com/images/Warsh...s/DarkNova.jpg -
Personally, I think the question is why do you need Hibernate.
[/ QUOTE ]
You need it because icetank isn't a granite
If I got 5 influence for everytime hibernate saved my icetanks butt, I'd have at least 2000!
plus, it's the ultimate FU power in PvP -
You wont loose any heal. with heal/rech, heal/rech/end, heal/rech, heal/rech/end, heal/rech you'll get 38% end, 97% heal 97% rech
Also, I personally like to slot powers like hoarfrost with the heal/recharge, heal/recharge/endurance of both miracle and harmonized healing for the extra 4% recovery instead of what you have now.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem is that that way I can't slot the 3% +def (ALL) anywhere.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeh you can, 2 harmonized, 2 miracle, 1 numina's = 5. In your build you 6-slotted it. That leaves one enhancement for the +3% def all -
Last I do believe you can get a little bit more out of the IO's. I'm not talking about set bonusses, but about power enhancements.
[/ QUOTE ]What power do you feel isn't slotted efficiently?
[/ QUOTE ]
beheader and swoop with 4 mako's and 2 pounding slugfest
acc 45%
dam 97%
end discount 66%
rech 40%
3.3% imob, +18,1hp, 3% dambuff, +8% regen
Could be:
Swoop and beheader with 4 crushing impacts and acc/rech/end from mako:
84% acc
96% dam
60% end
81,25% rech
2,2% immob, +13,6 hp, 7% acc, 5% rech.
Especially the extra recharge if you reslot these is very nice, and you'll get a 10% recharge bonus to all your powers.
Then the PBAoE powers.
you 6 slot it with Scirocco's dervish
the return:
acc 73%
dam 95%
end discount 48%
rech 53%
and the full set bonusses of which the 10% regen is nice
with 3 scirocco's, 2 cleaving blows and 1 multistrike the return is:
acc 95%
dam 95%
end 44%
rech 75%
this also has the 10% regen and 1% recovery. Again, the extra recharge here helps imo.
Also, I personally like to slot powers like hoarfrost with the heal/recharge, heal/recharge/endurance of both miracle and harmonized healing for the extra 4% recovery instead of what you have now.
The extra max hp and regen you have as a bonus now is very nice aswell, it's a matter of preference i gues.
I also wouldn't slot the +regeneration into aid other, but that's just personal preference. And generally people slot health with miracle +recovery, numina's +recovery/+regen and numina's heal for even more endurance
I know the recovery isn't really needed because of energy transfer, but I still like it
Last there's aid self. 6 slotted (5 numina's 1 interrupt) it comes to:
end 47%
heal 97%
interrupt 50%
recharge 47%
With 2 miracles, 2 harmonized healing 2 interrupt it would be one of these 2 depending on slotting:
1) heal 98%, interrupt 99%, recharge 48%
2) end 38%, heal 87%, interrupt 99%, recharge 85%
and again the 4% recovery bonus
Ohyeh, since you dont take taunt, at least slot CE with 1 or 2 taunt enhancements instead of the dmg thingie you have in it now
Hope this helps -
My experience with warshade so far (he's lvl 35)
1. Take hasten. It's a clicky buff, meaning it will carry over to other forms. This will make your blasts etc. in squiddy form pwn harder.
2. Don't slot the single target attacks in squiddy form. Warshade has an insane lack of slots, there's better places to stick them. Just slot the detonation and emmanation.
3. Slot the aoe attacks from squiddy. Once you have some slots going spare, stick recharge reducers in em. Also, try to invest some money into an acc/dmg enhancement. With the tohit buff from squidform and mire you'll never miss regardless, but when mire runs out you'll only need a bit of acc enhancement, not a full SO.
4. The 2 mires are your friends. slot them asap. I've slotted both my dwarf mire and my normal mire with 1 acc. 3 recharges so basically there's 1 up all the time. Sunless mire is your buildup.. when both are used on a big group you'll reach every offensive cap there is.
5. don't slot squid for flight. Again, you dont have slots to burn, and even though flying faster is fun, don't. Slot it with 3 tohit buffs and 2 or 3 endmods.
6. drop Gravimetric Snare, it's utterly useless.
7. Take gravity well. It's a nice hold which can really come in handy with voids/quantums/sappers etc.
8. drop dark detonation. All it does it make the foes fly around and then laugh at the pittyfull damage.
9. Once you hit 32, and need to choose between quasar and dark extraction, take dark extraction hands down. DE pwns quasar just looks good
Hope it helps. -
Even though an icetank can get away with not taking taunt i'd still get it. If only for for AV's and GM's which sometimes wont stick to ya with CE only.
It's also handy to use right before you hibernate to make em stick to ya a bit longer while you hibernate.
Also, according to herostats one of my biggest dmger is icicles. Imo it really is worth getting if pve is your thing.
I personally don't like the pyro epic. The mandatory hold or imob is utterly useless (beside the one or two times you use it on a sapper) and firebolt aint a bit better. Fireball is nice aoe dmg, but I really feel I wasted 2 powerslots to get 1 decent one (yeh, not great, decent).
oh btw. You claimed fireball beat taunt. I see you slotted it with positrons blast. That means you wont have a whole lot of acc in it. In other words, it'll miss a few times where taunt is 100% autohit in pve. I don't believe fireball beats that. Also, the recharge time on fireball is to long to make it a reliable replacement for taunt.
Last I do believe you can get a little bit more out of the IO's. I'm not talking about set bonusses, but about power enhancements. -
Next, the sets...I already have 2 Scrappers that could turn to PvP, a lvl50 MA/Rgn and a mid 30s DM/SR...which off these lend themselves to PvP a little easier.
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably the ma/regen.
As for the Stalker, because I already have a SR thought I might try out the /Nin set...looks kinda cool amd has a few nifty tricks to it, any suggestions to what primary would suit /Nin...Ninja Blade jumps to mind, but i've never had a high lvl one before and i've heard it lacks a little POW! factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
Both the /sr and /nin sets work well in pvp. as for primairy: energy meelee -
I have an ice/em tank which (eventually when i have the influence to IO em) will be respecced for pvp.
Are brutes really that crappy in pvp? If so I'll make a MM, which leaves me with the question which of the sets for MM do nicely in pvp -
Hey there, a quick question about brutes and pvp. I'm planning on creating one in the nearby future.
Primairy - simple, energy meelee
secondairy - I closed it down to fire or electricity.
I don't have experience with either one of these armor sets. If anyone has experience with these sets in pvp, could you post the pro's - con's of these 2 sets compared to each other.
It seems to me fire does the best spike dmg (high dmg in short amount of time) because of the double buildup. And elec has a higher dmg over time output because of the build-in hasten.
If anyone could share some insight, that would be much apreciated.
Tnx, Tim. -
Mobs are one thing, but 2 hit instadeath AV's are just to much.
I was actually having a good fight with someone in RV without heavy's etc, when aperently we zoomed over the head of some av's.... 2 800dmg hits later and I did a facegrind. Please do remove those atleast. -
When you hit 50, you should be a swirly black spine emmiting cloud at the centre of huge mobs.
[/ QUOTE ]
True.. and it looks awesome, I can tell ya that. -
I have a little ice/em tank myself.
It's not as much a "tank" as a granite is, you will faceplant a few times. Most of the time this is due to a defence based badluck streak which can make you faceplant in 1 second (meaning everything hits, and at full dmg). Also those praetorian robots with their massive -def will kick your [cencored] since it will be the equivilant of no shields at all
Now for the good part; Chilling embrace... this aura will let you organise baddie parades till the end of the world. Icetank is (in my opinion) by far the best herder.
Also, add a bubbler to your team and you'll wont even get hit by a single attack during huge herds (the amount of deflected's and absorbs will make you smile)
Last there's hibernate... it's what i call the FU button.
Overall I like the tankers ice set. If you don't plan on herding or grouping I'd advise another set. Invul or stone will do fine then. But if you are planning on just that, there's no beating the iceset imo. -
Yes, that one looks more like it then mine
I'm puzzled as to why you took phantasm so late. Isn't it a very good pet for pvp?
I also notice you haven't slotted sup invisi for endurance reduction till late in the build. Won't that eat up the endurance in sirens call? Or should I just stay out of that alltogether?
edit: I'm no expert on the numbers, maybe someone else is. But I see you didn't get the unique stealth IO (or did i overlook that?) Doesn't that stack with sup invisi, or is sup invisi alone enough to hit stealthcap?
Thanks for the build mate, this really does help me a lot. -
I have stamina and AM 3 slotted for endurance and I sometimes still run dry on my ill/rad. It's a must imo.
Thanks Mazey, got one more question while i'm here :P
Would I combine 3 acc to make one combined enhancement and slot that? for example
Level 1: Blind -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Hold(3), Hold(9), RechRdx(9), RechRdx(11)
I would have two combined acc(this would take up 2 slots) then I would have another two combined holds and the same for rechcharge reduction. I'm a bit confused.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, it means slot an accuracy enhancement in the standard slot (A), then add slots at level 3, 3, 9, 9, 11 and stick the enhancements as stated above in it. The number is just a level indicator. -
This is what i've come up with. Flame as you wish
edit: The biggest problem I ran into is the level at which to take certain powers, the level at which to slot certain levels, which unique IO's are really worth it and which IO sets are really worth it (would be a shame to spend a huge amount of money on something crappy)
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,20
Super Miep: Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Illusion Control
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Emission
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Primal Forces Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blind -- G'Wdw-Acc/Rchg:53(A), G'Wdw-Acc/EndRdx:53(9), G'Wdw-Acc/Hold/Rchg:53(31), G'Wdw-Hold/Rng:53(31), G'Wdw-EndRdx/Hold:53(31), G'Wdw-Dam%:53(46)
Level 1: Radiant Aura -- Numna-Heal/EndRdx:53(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:53(3), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx:40(3), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:40(5), H'zdH-Heal/EndRdx:40(5), H'zdH-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:40(7)
Level 2: Spectral Wounds -- Decim-Acc/Dmg:40(A), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:40(33), Decim-Dmg/Rchg:40(34), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:40(34), Decim-Build%:40(34), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx:40(45)
Level 4: Accelerate Metabolism -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(7), RechRdx-I:50(43)
Level 6: Radiation Infection -- HO:Enzym(A), HO:Enzym(9), HO:Enzym(11)
Level 8: Superior Invisibility -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndRdx-I:50(11), EndRdx-I:50(13), Ksmt-ToHit+:30(13), GftotA-Run+:40(50)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(15), RechRdx-I:50(15)
Level 12: Enervating Field -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndRdx-I:50(17), EndRdx-I:50(36)
Level 14: Super Speed -- HO:Micro(A), HO:Micro(17), HO:Micro(40), Clrty-Stlth:53(46)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Jump-I:50(A), Jump-I:50(39), Jump-I:50(40)
Level 18: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+:53(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+:40(19), Mrcl-Heal:40(19)
Level 20: Phantom Army -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(21), HO:Nucle(21), RechRdx-I:50(25), RechRdx-I:50(25), RechRdx-I:50(40)
Level 22: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(23), EndMod-I:50(23)
Level 24: Combat Jumping -- Jump-I:50(A), Jump-I:50(46)
Level 26: Spectral Terror -- Abys-Acc/Fear/Rchg:53(A), Abys-Acc/Rchg:53(27), Abys-Fear/Rng:53(27), Abys-Dam%:50(37)
Level 28: Lingering Radiation -- TmpRdns-Acc/Slow:53(A), TmpRdns-Acc/EndRdx:53(29), TmpRdns-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow:53(29), TmpRdns-Rng/Slow:53(37), TmpRdns-Acc/Dmg/Slow:53(37), TmpRdns-Dmg/Slow:53(48)
Level 30: Super Jump -- HO:Micro(A), HO:Micro(42), HO:Micro(43)
Level 32: Phantasm -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(33), HO:Nucle(33), RechRdx-I:50(43)
Level 35: Acrobatics -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndRdx-I:50(36), EndRdx-I:50(36)
Level 38: Assault -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndRdx-I:50(39), EndRdx-I:50(39)
Level 41: Tactics -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndRdx-I:50(42), EndRdx-I:50(42)
Level 44: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(45), RechRdx-I:50(45)
Level 47: Temp Invulnerability -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(48), HO:Ribo(48)
Level 49: Power Boost -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(50), RechRdx-I:50(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx-I:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Containment
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
>-K=5EM/VS`4?D?B/^0%[8&AU9?<M"?&?5O1U*+M.22&6LJE2E)8D97? OF,G=EIBP_8Z%8KX_)WC<[&
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5JM7_*'UJ@>O73'OM$PYR%+3+3:E8@:FG^"J3S(>2F&l t;M16R'$77BP^&3A2-]Z:8I(#L<6&'B#R5$1'F
H=ZK-@CZR$6_)4;X^5\AC!!DNM*^,RF9G+&^W)CE*">& =QZ(:,(Y"']G8CJ:0PBLO48A[9D#M#4=T
&:W!E8LH#8`;XYC`B%F%V22JA+.YV2JGR&(`O(Y=,^ ETCD@GN?5$H-=OBD]J%&D0L>?!(1NH<4=8QW2
</pre><hr />
+1,88% Defense(Ranged)
+5,4% Max Endurance
+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
+2,5% Enhancement(Held)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
+1,5% Enhancement(Slow)
+2,75% Enhancement(Terrorized)
+49,6 (4,88%) HitPoints
+MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 2,75%)
+8% Recovery
+12% Regeneration
+1,58% Resistance(Toxic)
+4,7% Resistance(Psionic)
+12,5% RunSpeed -
My first character ever was an ill/rad which is now a lvl 50 collecting dust. Someone today told me an ill/rad is an awesome duelling toon, so respeccing this toon for pvp could be a nice option to get into pvp (have given it a few goes in the pvp zones which was great fun, but I do believe a respec is in order, flying and EM pulse dont help me a lot).
Now i've tried to create some sort of pvp build which is suitable for sirens call and up (bloody bay is always empty anyway).
The problem i'm running into is I really feel I keep messing the build up in the character builder. Forgetting certain IO's and then running into problems with the slots etc.
I do know i want the standard powers from the 2 sets (blind/spectral wounds/sup invisi/pa/spectral terror/phantasm, rad aura/meta/rad inf/enervating field/lingering) the standard poolpowers (hasten/ss/cj/sj/acro) and manouvers.
Also deceive would be nice if it can be fitted in (had great fun with that one on a minion master).
Last the primal forces epic seems a good option instead of the psionics i'm running atm (even though the status protection is lovely). Especially the powerboost power seems a potent one for pvp (any thoughts on that?)
Problem I'm having is
- slotting, which IO sets/uniques/HO's and how many slots at which levels
- levels at which to take certain powers, since I don't have a lot of pvp experience i'm not quite sure which powers are the true usefull ones in pvp in comparison to others
So basically all aspects of building it. It seems to me I have the general idea but can't really grasp the details.
If anyone could help me with some hints or an example build I could use for inspiration (or just rip altogether) that would be a great help.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards, Tim -
I have stamina and energy absorbtion on my ice/em tank, and I still run low on my endurance sometimes (mostly right before energy absorbtion is charged
My tanking is quite active though. But personally I can't immagine a tank without stamina, unless you just wanna stand there and use taunt. -
Made none of these myself, but I do use them. I just like the usage of the 1,2,3 of numpad
Also, with the going back to human form Ive added the activation of shields to the same button. So basically I switch back to human form and instantly turn on my first shield, if I press 1 again, I put on the next etc.
You do that by adding $$powexec_toggle_on nameofshieldgoeshere$$powexec_toggle_on nameofshieldgoeshere etc.
Know that the shield you have at the end of the whole line gets activated first. So the one you want up first should come last and vice versa.
Also, the targeting of the voids/sappers etc. is handy just for the fact that you target and thereby can kill/teleport them. But also to just inform the team of their presence. With this bind you can pick them out of huge groups instantly, so Ive also made some macros that inform my team of it. (/macro SAP "team SAPPPPPEERRRRRRRR" , /macro VOID "team OH NOES A VOID KILL KILL KILL OR I"LL SPAM THIS EVEN MORE" etc.)
Teleport Bind: Human Form
/bind SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Shadow Step"
Teleport Bind: Black Dwarf Form
/bind CRTL+LBUTTON "powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"
Switching to Human Form
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off dark nova$$powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$"
Switching to Human and Nebulous Form
/bind SUBTRACT "powexec_toggle_off dark nova$$powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name Nebulous Form"
Switching to Dark Nova Form
/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on dark nova$$goto_tray 3"
Switching to Black Dwarf Form
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on black dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
Teleport Bind: White Dwarf Form
/bind CRTL+LBUTTON "powexec_name White Dwarf Step"
Switching to Human Form
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"
Switching to Human and Light Form
/bind SUBTRACT "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name light Form"
Switching to Bright Nova Form
/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on bright nova$$goto_tray 3"
Switching to White Dwarf Form
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
/bind z "target_custom_next enemy defeated" to target a defeated foe in battle, for ease of Unchain Essence, and Extract Essence.
/bind c "target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_custom_next sapper"