Tanks and Stamina
Kinda depends what your playstyle is. Dedicate taunting tank will not likely run out of endurance, someone active and spamming his powers somewhat more might run problems due toggles. And using your attacks contribute to the gauntlet, making agro management a bit more effecient.
Those i've seen, ice and fire tankers seem to be able to work without stamina, ice has a auto-hit end-drainer, fire has the tohit drain but will run in probs when facing -recharge.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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There are tanks without it. Id hate my Inv/SS without it and I am someone who likes builds that can go without it. I think the more AoE you are the easier it is and also defenders and controllers can easily be seeing to it anyway. My firetank has healing flames and consume and no fitness pool. My icetank has icepatch and absorption (so less needed although currently has it) and my stonetank has it cos she is stone melee which is fast on burning end in no time and like /ss is rather single target. Id much rather more end recovery rates between fights (less downtime) on an Invuln without being too picky about buffers. Invulns dont resist end drain and you can expect that versus many mobs especially at higher level. Mace is rather AoE so in with a better chance than Energy imo but both have disorients which can totally prevent one or two sappers from popping you. Who ya team with counts anyway, imo we all are the results of our teams.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Quite often tanks have only a few attacks until the higher levels. Most of the sets have decent attacks available at levels 28,35 and 38, so you haven't got there if you are at the early 20s.
For each attack you get, your endurance requirements will increase. Slotting end reducers will help that, slotting recharge or running Hasten will make it worse. If you are happy having slower recharges on your attacks then I think you should be able to manage without stamina. I've never tried it though, mainly because it is more demanding on slots than one with stamina.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Damage slots are the best slots to have in a power. The more damage you do with an attack the the less amount of times you have to hit someone and thus save end. With 3 damage slots you double the amount of damage per endurance point. 3 damage slots are worth more than 3 endurance slots on saving endurance. Then there is hitting people which is good cos then your not spending endurance on thin air which would make you use an attack more plus there is gauntlet. Recharge means you do your greatest damage per endurance more often and therefore use other attacks of damage per endurance less often and therefore save on using more attacks which would of cost you extra endurance but recharges in attacks that will cost you much needed extra attack chains arent good because endurance slots add more attack chains to an endurance bar.
As a tank 3 dam slots is the most beneficial 3 slots. Then ya have to hit for gauntlet and using less attacks sake and less fight duration, then ya possibly could do with being able to do with more attack chains to an end bar but where the damage per endurance is so high from hitting many you may want more of it to save on other attacks being used more often. In pnaoes like footstomp the total damage to group can be so good it effectively would save you or someone from using the other attacks more often and thus save on end. The more you use it in groups the more you could save on end from having to use other single target attacks. So the more often you use aoes on maximum targets the more end you save.
3 dam slots are best, you need enough acc for the mobs face, end slots are great to add attack chains to an end bar and if your a singletargets this is good and recharge slots on aoes can do so much damage to groups that they can save on singletarget attacks and thus save end.
So if facing +4 i would say 2acc 3 dam 1 end and a recyclable attack chain and on the aoes 1 acc 3 dam 1-2 rechg 0-1 end (an end in case ya cant get a completeable ST attack chain). But with taunting and moving in teams a completely recyclable ST attack chain wouldnt be necessary anyway.
Stamina with base end recovery almost acts like an end slot in most attacks so without end slots i could be 5 attack chains to a end bar, with an end slot i get 25% more and with stamina i could get even more.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Does anyone but my try and build tanks without Stamina, I have two tanks an Inv/EM at level 22 and a Stone/War mace at level 20. This far I haven't really felt any need for Stamina as long as I'm willing to slot End Red and gobble a few blue every now and again. I don't think I ever seen any other tank without it, so I'm wondering is Stamina necessary for a tank at higher level?
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inv/em... basically at lvl22 you should only be using whirling hands for gauntlet/stun and bonesmasher on the odd boss. you won't actually get any good attacks until lvl 35.
in a team with inv/em you can happily survive without stamina. your function, imo, is to keep stuff hitting you rather than the other team members.. so i basically just cycle WH, taunt and ET (on bosses). Solo, however is a different ball game. Even with stamina if i try to solo, i end up having to drop unstoppable every now and then cause i'm about to run out of end. Having said that... soloing an inv/em is one of the dullest experiences i've had in the game. you can herd a whole map and they cant even scratch you... but dear god it takes an eternity to kill them!
yeah.. if you ever want to solo a tank for more than half a minute and actually kill anything, stamina is pretty much a must have. ice can get away with it, cause of energy absorbtion and hibernate.. but having to use hib to regain your end is really annoying.. do-able, but annoying.
Not sure I entirely agree with Shannon, myself. Whilst most of the post quite correct to my mind, one thing... In a team, it will be the other team members (usually) who are far more efficient at bringing down enemies than Mr. Tank. Therefore slotting "damage" on tanks attacks will not, proprotionally, bring down enemies much faster in a big team, because, proportionally, you are contributing small amounts of damage to the kill.
A team would prefer you absolutely ensure that the enemies are attacking you, rather than them, as first priority. Damage is second. Loosing endurance is a surefire way to minimise taunt (from gauntlet anyway) and, in the worst scenario, get pounded to the ground as your toggles drop.
You will save more endurance from the damage slot than anyother slotting when not at much of an accuracy disadvantage. When at an accuracy disadvantage accuracy and tohit is needed and is also good to gauntlet. My stance on gauntlet is its poo and i dont rely on it unless there is ample range with it. The less fight duration you have the better survivability you have. Anyone slotting 3 acc and 3 end needs to be knocked on the head. I mean just quickly compare 3 acc 3 end to 3 acc 3 dam, 3 acc 3 end = plus fight duration.
Quite often tanks have only a few attacks until the higher levels. Most of the sets have decent attacks available at levels 28,35 and 38, so you haven't got there if you are at the early 20s.
For each attack you get, your endurance requirements will increase. Slotting end reducers will help that, slotting recharge or running Hasten will make it worse. If you are happy having slower recharges on your attacks then I think you should be able to manage without stamina. I've never tried it though, mainly because it is more demanding on slots than one with stamina.
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What Unthing speaks of is heightened eps and not allowing end recovery to stand much of a chance plus using more endurance per each attack which is right. Great for pvp but when ya need to long haul it or have been end drained in PVE its no good. My post is merely a reply to take what he says into account but adding an exception to pbaoes which by hitting 10 do much more dpe to group and so much more its worth recharging it. Footstomp to a group is 4 times knockout blow for same end and the more of it the less group to single target with knockout blow etc with, well thats my thinking. With sets like sonic and TA to tank for the faster the mob goes down the better.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
inv/em... basically at lvl22 you should only be using whirling hands for gauntlet/stun and bonesmasher on the odd boss.
[/ QUOTE ]And air superiority, and spamming barrage for gauntlet if you don't have taunt.
inv/em... basically at lvl22 you should only be using whirling hands for gauntlet/stun and bonesmasher on the odd boss.
[/ QUOTE ]And air superiority, and spamming barrage for gauntlet if you don't have taunt.
[/ QUOTE ]
eewww flight pool... heathen
I have stamina and energy absorbtion on my ice/em tank, and I still run low on my endurance sometimes (mostly right before energy absorbtion is charged )
My tanking is quite active though. But personally I can't immagine a tank without stamina, unless you just wanna stand there and use taunt.
Does anyone but my try and build tanks without Stamina, I have two tanks an Inv/EM at level 22 and a Stone/War mace at level 20. This far I haven't really felt any need for Stamina as long as I'm willing to slot End Red and gobble a few blue every now and again. I don't think I ever seen any other tank without it, so I'm wondering is Stamina necessary for a tank at higher level?
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
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