


Right this is how i have it:

Your primary alt tray (alt tray 1, default key hold CTRL) is set to tray 4.

Macro 1:
/macro H "powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$goto_tray 1"

This turns off your kheldian shift and puts you at tray 1, which should be filled with your human mode powers.

Macro 2:
/macro N "powexec_toggle_on Dark Nova$$goto_tray 2"

This shifts you into blaster squid and puts you in tray 2.

I usually have the 4 powers, with hasten and the 2 sunless mires in it, so i can see when they're recharged.

Macro 3:
/macro D "powexec_toggle_on Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 3"

This sticks you in lobster mode and puts you in your tank tray, anything you want goes in here.

This macro is just for traveling:

Macro 4:
/macro T "powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name Shadow step"

These macros are fairly new, if you have any bugs send me a tell about it and
any kind of suggestions you'd like.

Also: The PB versions:

Your primary alt tray (alt tray 1, default key hold CTRL) is set to tray 4.

Macro 1:

/macro H "powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1"

Macro 2:

/macro N "powexec_toggle_on Bright Nova$$goto_tray 2"

Macro 3:

/macro D "powexec_toggle_on White Dwarf$$goto_tray 3"



Any other macro's or binds that would be useful to a kheldian in any way - post them here.

Also oppinions on current binds/macros in here would be handy



Well alot of people have been using them from the days khelds came out but for some they'd be new and most things on the forums prop up again and again which is good for newr people.

I would have a target macro like:

/macro T, "$$targetname Void $$targetname Quantum"

if i didnt from nearly day one decide that i wasnt gonna spend time looking for them in every mob. Instead its attack mob and get surprised.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Made none of these myself, but I do use them. I just like the usage of the 1,2,3 of numpad

Also, with the going back to human form I’ve added the activation of shields to the same button. So basically I switch back to human form and instantly turn on my first shield, if I press 1 again, I put on the next etc.

You do that by adding $$powexec_toggle_on nameofshieldgoeshere$$powexec_toggle_on nameofshieldgoeshere etc.
Know that the shield you have at the end of the whole line gets activated first. So the one you want up first should come last and vice versa.

Also, the targeting of the voids/sappers etc. is handy just for the fact that you target and thereby can kill/teleport them. But also to just inform the team of their presence. With this bind you can pick them out of huge groups instantly, so I’ve also made some macro’s that inform my team of it. (/macro SAP "team SAPPPPPEERRRRRRRR" , /macro VOID "team OH NOES A VOID KILL KILL KILL OR I"LL SPAM THIS EVEN MORE" etc.)

Teleport Bind: Human Form
/bind SHIFT+LBUTTON "powexec_name Shadow Step"

Teleport Bind: Black Dwarf Form
/bind CRTL+LBUTTON "powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"

Switching to Human Form
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off dark nova$$powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$"

Switching to Human and Nebulous Form
/bind SUBTRACT "powexec_toggle_off dark nova$$powexec_toggle_off black dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name Nebulous Form"

Switching to Dark Nova Form
/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on dark nova$$goto_tray 3"

Switching to Black Dwarf Form
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on black dwarf$$goto_tray 4"

Teleport Bind: White Dwarf Form
/bind CRTL+LBUTTON "powexec_name White Dwarf Step"

Switching to Human Form
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"

Switching to Human and Light Form
/bind SUBTRACT "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name light Form"

Switching to Bright Nova Form
/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on bright nova$$goto_tray 3"

Switching to White Dwarf Form
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$goto_tray 4"

/bind z "target_custom_next enemy defeated" to target a defeated foe in battle, for ease of Unchain Essence, and Extract Essence.

/bind c "target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_custom_next sapper"



/bind c "target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_custom_next sapper"

[/ QUOTE ]

I could never get this to work

Instead i use:

/bind c "target_name quantum$$target_name void$$target_name cyst"

you could add any other enemy name to the list, eg sappers. As with previous examples, the name at the END of the list is the one targeted FIRST.




Thanks for the PB macros, there great

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



Is there a way of getting it for all shields to start when u switch back to human using the macro? i got it set up for one, but when i tried to get another shield to start it just wouldn't and when i looked it up somewhere it said that it couldn't because that would be activating 2 powers at once that cant be done.

Any help on this would be nice, i have a Shining Shield and a Quantum Shield so far, so a macro to that would be good.

Would it go something like /macro Off "powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_on Shining Shield$$powexec_toggle_on Quantum Shield$$" because that didn't work.


@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



Would it go something like /macro Off "powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$powexec_toggle_on Shining Shield$$powexec_toggle_on Quantum Shield$$"

[/ QUOTE ]

Remove the last 2 $$. The two dollar signs are only used to seperate different commands within one bind/macro, not as a closing statement

Aside from that it looks spot on. Keep in mind the last shield in the bind gets activated first.



Had a go at that, and it only activates the last shield, not the one before that. I'm going to play around a bit but not really sure how i;m going to get it to work... :S

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



You can only activate one power in each macro, but, iirc, pressing that macro a second time would activate the other shield (provided you wait 'till after the first animation has finnished)

[edit] corrected a spooling mistook [/edit]



Any other macro's or binds that would be useful to a kheldian in any way - post them here.

Also oppinions on current binds/macros in here would be handy

[/ QUOTE ]

i have some additions for you wich i found very useful during my 50 lvls of WS goodness!

Void/quant search bind: /bind t "targetcustomnext Void$$targetcustomnext Quant"

Some ppl add cyst to the search bind too but i find them easy enough to spot so i left it out.

And now, the macro's of all macro's when it comes to Warshades, the macro's that will make life easier than ever before!!

With these macros you will no longer have to manually select a defeated enemy in order to execute the powers that need one (mini nuke and pet). all there is to think about is that you have to press the macro twice, once to select and once to execute.. Enjoy!!

/macro DE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Dark Extraction"

/macro UE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Unchain Essence"

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Quantum Leaper - destroying Quant binds since Issue 7

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Any other macro's or binds that would be useful to a kheldian in any way - post them here.

Also oppinions on current binds/macros in here would be handy

[/ QUOTE ]

i have some additions for you wich i found very useful during my 50 lvls of WS goodness!

Void/quant search bind: /bind t "targetcustomnext Void$$targetcustomnext Quant"

Some ppl add cyst to the search bind too but i find them easy enough to spot so i left it out.

And now, the macro's of all macro's when it comes to Warshades, the macro's that will make life easier than ever before!!

With these macros you will no longer have to manually select a defeated enemy in order to execute the powers that need one (mini nuke and pet). all there is to think about is that you have to press the macro twice, once to select and once to execute.. Enjoy!!

/macro DE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Dark Extraction"

/macro UE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Unchain Essence"

[/ QUOTE ]

im sure both DE and UE target dead foes when you activate them anyway.



Any other macro's or binds that would be useful to a kheldian in any way - post them here.

Also oppinions on current binds/macros in here would be handy

[/ QUOTE ]

i have some additions for you wich i found very useful during my 50 lvls of WS goodness!

Void/quant search bind: /bind t "targetcustomnext Void$$targetcustomnext Quant"

Some ppl add cyst to the search bind too but i find them easy enough to spot so i left it out.

And now, the macro's of all macro's when it comes to Warshades, the macro's that will make life easier than ever before!!

With these macros you will no longer have to manually select a defeated enemy in order to execute the powers that need one (mini nuke and pet). all there is to think about is that you have to press the macro twice, once to select and once to execute.. Enjoy!!

/macro DE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Dark Extraction"

/macro UE "targetcustomnear defeated$$powexec_name Unchain Essence"

[/ QUOTE ]

im sure both DE and UE target dead foes when you activate them anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

nope, at least they never did for me, if you have a live foe targeted it just says "invalid target" and when nothing is targetted it targets a live one.

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



i make my binds rebind my Z key, which is my main travel power key so when i go to dwarf the teleport power is on the Z key and when i go human fly/human teleport is on Z key

/bind numpad9 "powexec_toggle_off Bright Nova$$powexec_toggle_off White Dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$bind Z "powexec_name energy flight""

/bind numpad8, "powexec_toggle_on white Dwarf$$goto_tray 8$$bind z "powexec_name White Dwarf Step""