I have no idea what I'm doing.




Well, with double experience coming up and me (hopefully) being able to get from level 41 to 50 in the time period, I've been toying with Warshade builds to try and get a better understanding of how they work. I've since put together a build which I'm respeccing into at level 24 (taking into account that you can slot the Dark Nova attacks from level 1 when respeccing).

I plan to focus on the Squid with a later dive into the Lobster. Human form doesn't really appeal to me too much. I'm just completely uncertain about my slotting choices and so on; it's way over my head.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Warshade
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(1)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Ebon Eye==> Acc(2)
04) --> Gravimetric Snare==> Acc(4)
06) --> Dark Nova==> EndMod(6)EndMod(19)TH_Buf(19)TH_Buf(21)Fly(21)Fly(23)
08) --> Gravity Shield==> EndRdx(8)
10) --> Penumbral Shield==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12)
14) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Twilight Shield==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Dark Detonation==> Acc(18)
20) --> Black Dwarf==> EndMod(20)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> EndMod(22)
24) --> Nebulous Form==> Jump(24)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> Empty(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Empty(10)
06) --> Dark Nova Blast==> Acc(6)Dmg(15)Dmg(17)Dmg(17)
06) --> Dark Nova Bolt==> Acc(6)Dmg(13)Dmg(13)Dmg(15)
06) --> Dark Nova Detonation==> Acc(6)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)
06) --> Dark Nova Emmanation==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(9)
20) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Acc(20)Dmg(23)
20) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Empty(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Empty(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Empty(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Step==> Empty(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Empty(20)



The good news is that this build doesn't look too bad so far. The bad news is that you should have tried building your WS for level 50, because that's the point where you see if your slotting is good or not (because it's quite likely that you may wish for 10 slots more... at least ).

Some remarks about your build so far:
Before slotting Nova forma for things like fly speed I would consider slotting Sunless Mire and Black Dwarf Mire first (1 Acc, 3 Rech), because with a double Mire the fun is tripled.
Make sure to allocate a few slots to Stygian Circle in the course of the following levels. EndRed, EndMod and Rech is a good mixture to convert your WS into a perpetuum mobile.
The other human powers are not really interesting since you will hardly use them anyway.
With only one slot in Black Dwarf form you might want to make it a Res enhancement. You won't use a lot of powers as Dwarf, but it's a nice shelter when you need one.
Your nova attacks look good. Just add a little bit of recharge to AoEs and you are fine.

So, just try a build for level 50. If you follow the general guideline to pick and slot powers that make the Nova form more powerful you can't go that wrong.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



You really don't have any idea what your doing . the good news is, I didn't even after reading all the guides and playing 3 warshades that I promptly deleted . I finally got one to stick on attempt no. 4. Still only in the 30s but it is amazingly good fun (eventually). Expect to respec frequently as your idea of what you want to do changes (I never planned on slotting dwarf and now aim to fully slot it, for example).

Over and above what has been said in the previous reply I'd strongly suggest getting hasten and 3 slotting it. Superspeed is a good pick too (I don't have either penumbral shield or twilight shield since I'm hardly ever in human form long enough to toggle everything). I also intend to take hurdle, health etc. mainly because I want powers that will have *some* use, but not require any slots - which you'll never have enough of.

Also, no gravity well? I'd suggest getting that asap with two accs - tp foe the quant/void next to you, queue up the hold, switch to squid and blow the tar out of it - it will really help with survivability.

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



My experience with warshade so far (he's lvl 35)

1. Take hasten. It's a clicky buff, meaning it will carry over to other forms. This will make your blasts etc. in squiddy form pwn harder.

2. Don't slot the single target attacks in squiddy form. Warshade has an insane lack of slots, there's better places to stick them. Just slot the detonation and emmanation.

3. Slot the aoe attacks from squiddy. Once you have some slots going spare, stick recharge reducers in em. Also, try to invest some money into an acc/dmg enhancement. With the tohit buff from squidform and mire you'll never miss regardless, but when mire runs out you'll only need a bit of acc enhancement, not a full SO.

4. The 2 mires are your friends. slot them asap. I've slotted both my dwarf mire and my normal mire with 1 acc. 3 recharges so basically there's 1 up all the time. Sunless mire is your buildup.. when both are used on a big group you'll reach every offensive cap there is.

5. don't slot squid for flight. Again, you dont have slots to burn, and even though flying faster is fun, don't. Slot it with 3 tohit buffs and 2 or 3 endmods.

6. drop Gravimetric Snare, it's utterly useless.

7. Take gravity well. It's a nice hold which can really come in handy with voids/quantums/sappers etc.

8. drop dark detonation. All it does it make the foes fly around and then laugh at the pittyfull damage.

9. Once you hit 32, and need to choose between quasar and dark extraction, take dark extraction hands down. DE pwns quasar just looks good

Hope it helps.



I would take the slots you have in Dark Nova and place them in the nova blasts. An EndRed in the AoE's is much nicer as you don't get that much of a return from the novas recovery bonus. I've done this and only find myself running low on End in very prolonged AV fights. With the nova blasts slotted ASAP, AoE's first, not alot will be left standing.



I'd agree with Maximus, each end mod or to hit SO in nova form gives a 5% boost, i droped the end mods and didn't notice any difference in end use, and after dropping the to hit SO's, hero stat's reported a 1 - 2% drop in average accuracy, definatly not worth the slots imho



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
2. Don't slot the single target attacks in squiddy form. Warshade has an insane lack of slots, there's better places to stick them.

[/ QUOTE ]
There is?

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.