Heroes for People (petition & political movement)




((OOC: This petition is now circulating around Paragon City))

Heroes for People

Paragon City is facing a huge problem. For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city: the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work.

The non-super-powered police who's vigilance and stake-outs lead heroes to foil bank raids. The skilled but not super-powered medics who save hundreds of heroes around the clock at the emergency mediport wards in hospitals around the city. The tireless lawyers who actually prosecute cases against criminals. The millions of regular citizens who actually make Paragon a city, and not a war-zone.

The city puts up statue after statue of the super-powered, sending the message to the kids out there that if you can't be super-powered, you can't be anyone. So the kids turn to 'dyne or gangs, desperate for power, since only power is acknowledged in our sad city.

It is time this stopped.

It is time the city recognized the true heroes of Paragon. Those who don't have super-powers to rely on and still make a difference. Those who keep the city running without the glory, status, or influence given to the cape-wearing few.

It is time Paragon City gave its youth something to aspire to that is real and useful. To give its citizens pride in themselves, not just their super-powered defenders. It is time there were heroes for the people.

We the undersigned are petitioning the Paragon City Council to erect no more statues of super-heroes, but instead donate those funds to puttiong more clinics for the homeless in the streets of Kings Row and Skyway. To offer scholarships to bright kids in the run-down areas such as the Hollows, giving them an alternative to 'dyne, gangs, and crime.

It has been a long time since super-heroes took political action, and used political means to make society a better place. Not since the great Might for Right marches have the super-powered marched on Government buildings to affect change through demonstration. We feel it is time again for change to be affected not through super-powers, but through demonstration of our spirit and will to see positive changes made real. We shall seek to hold a mass meeting of super-heroes to honor the regular citizens - those we are here to Protect and Serve, not be raised above.

Please sign this petition to show your support for the real heroes of Paragon City - its people.

Signed: Suzi White, aka White Vampyr, citizen of Paragon.

((Please sign below as any character that would support this petition, and feel free to direct other players to the thread if your character would be helping get signatures on the petition))




Signed Adrian Smith aka Detective Smith

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Signed: Andre Kraft



Signed: Jack Whitechapel, aka Gauisus Somnium

Signed: Yuri Pawlowicz, aka Stalingrad



Signed: Arc Bled,aka Arrow Flame



Signed Jamie Reynolds,
aka Crimson Archer

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Signed. Racel ((Mis-spell intentional)) Vigilante Storm.


Juniper Valdez - 'Wild Child'

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Signed Merina DeSousa, aka, High Burn

Signed - Dragonmaw



Dafydd Cerwys is handed the petition by a bright young heroine in his office in Steel Canyon. Apparently she felt that he would be a good name to get on the signature list: having recently been given the Vanguard Medal, and placed on the Freedom Phalanx reserve list, War Crow's name has been in the news.

Dafydd examines the document carefully and then looks up, speaking in a soft, mid-Welsh accent. "Very worthy sentiments, but it's lacking any sense of history. I'm afraid I can't sign it."

"But..." she appeared crestfallen.

"Young lady, this city has been through phase after phase of hating the guts of its heroes. The only reason they are idolised currently is because of the Rikti War, and even then, a lot of people think anyone in a costume is a bad guy.

"Beyond that, historically, this city goes totally to the dogs whenever the heroes aren't around. Without heroes to inspire them, the citizens turn to drugs and gangs, the authorities become corrupt.

"I'll sign this petition when the people of Paragon can stand on their own two feet without sinking into the mud. Good day."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



The Grav Mistress walked out of the MAGI offices of Atlas park when she was approached by a young hero, asking if she'd sign a petition.

Jessica smiled "What petition?"

The young hero passed Grav the explination pamflet "This one to praise the real heroes of the city"

Jessica smiled and read it, the smile slowly deminishing a little "I'm sorry, I can't sign this." and passed it back to the boy, probably in his mid teens.

The young hero stammered, looked highly surprised.. this was The Grav Mistress, one of the reasons he became a hero, reading her comics, seeing her cartoons... "But.. why not?"

Jessica smiled a smile she had come to wear when explaining something to a younger pupil, one that she thinks comforts and encourages to debate:
"As noble as it may sound, it would more likely be used as a 'see, it IS all the hero's fault' excuse. There are a great deal of people who blame us heroes for not being able to make Paragon a utopia they think they deserve.
Also, this petition doesn't take into account that most statues were put up through similar petitions. The people wanted those statues, do not blame heroes for them."

The young hero blinked, trying to give what his idol said a place in his mind, in the right context and pondered that.

Jessica smiled and placed a hand on the young hero's shoulder "it is a fine centiment, it's just not very thought through... and worded in a hero hating way. But if you'll excuse me, I have some unsung heroes to save from those that blame us for their troubles.."

The young hero nodded still a bit baffled that something with the right intentions could go wrong.

Jessica patted his shoulder and headed off, off to save the day like so many others.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Signed: Miss Teen
(on condition the petition is not sold on an internet auction site or by any other means as a result)

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



The young hero nodded still a bit baffled that something with the right intentions could go wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

As he turned to leave the MAGI offices himself, he was stopped by a kindly voice, and looked up to see a smiling gentleman in a fine Saville Row suit, "What have you there, young man?"

The young hero showed the papers, half expecting another lecture to crush his spirits, but instead, the gentleman smiled and said "About time too. May I sign?"

As Powerstone signed the paper with a flourish, the young man asked him why Grav Mistress and some other heroes had been refusing to sign and mentioned some of the arguments against it he had heard.

"Well youngster," the ancient mage began, "some people have too much vested interest in being super and special I think."

He lokked almost saddened for a moment as he added, "They like the worship, and like to think that they alone make this city what it is. Some will boast of their awards, medals and citations. Others will claim that people in the past picked on heroes, so it is only fair that they should lord it above the common-folk now. We can't go around expecting all heroes to want to share the glory. Some think they deserve it all."

The young man looked confused once more and asked, "But they are heroes right? I mean, Grav Mistress has been an inspiration to me. Are you trying to say she's selfish? She's saved the world you know!"

The mage laughed as he replied, "Who hasn't?".

Looking serious again, he said, "How would she have saved the world without the information given her by countless contacts from the regular people? What about the medical attention she has recieved on goodness knows how many occassions, all paid for by the taxes of the common people?"

Although the young hero saw the point the mage was making, his one-time adoration to Grav Mistress was tearing him away from the obvious conclusion.

Seeing this, Powerstone explained, "No, she's not selfish, Youngster. She is simply unwise, and probably too young to have seen first-hand that we, society, are all connected. That socety is based on all persons, of all abilities, pulling together for the good of all."

"Did you ever hear of the Minoan Empire young man?" The mage inquired.

"Er, yes, sort of. Ancient history stuff..." the young hero replied, confused again.

"Good. You see what made the Minoan Empire so special, that it is remembered even though it was entirely destroyed by one of the world's largest volcanic erruptions, is important to realise. You see, other Empires had many of the same wonders. We know of the luxury of the Roman villas, with their baths, running water, under-floor heating and so forth. We know that the elite of many lands had such luxuries that we take for granted today. But what was special about the Minoan Empire was that its lowliest citizens had plumbing and sewer drainage, and well made homes. Every house had such things, not just the palaces of the nobles. Just like today in fact. A society is not judged by how it treats its elite and influential. It is judged by how it treats its lowliest. My homeland ccan be more proud of having been among the leaders in abolishing slavery, and introducing healthcare for all and free education for all than all its days of empire building."

The young man nodded, seeing the truth.

"Don't expect to get everyone to sign, youngster. But pay no heed to the thoughtless excuses some will make. You are doing the right thing"




{Early Morning 11/03/07, Britanic & White Vampyr's Penthouse, Founders Falls}

"Britanic was sat at an artist's desk working on an Architectural drawing of a new hospital project. The plans had originally been intended for a hospital in New Overbrook, however Britanic's company, Sentinel Industries, had not won that particular contract.

White Vampyr walked into the lounge where Britanic was working. In her hands she carried some documents.

"What you got there Suzi luv?"

White Vampyr smiled, and then handed Britanic the papers.

"Its that Heroes for People! petition I told you about. I was hoping that you would add your name and see if any of your teammates will sign it too."

Britanic took the papers, and glanced at them before smiling.

"I don't know Suzi, it seems a bit political to me. You know I dont like politics. I think you are going to have to try convince me..."

White Vampyr gave Britanic a wicked smile.

"Im sure I can persuade you honey..."

...Sometime later.

Signed Eric Mitchell aka Britanic.

{11/03/07 Mid Afternoon, The control room, The Aegis Facility, HQ of the Paragon City Protectors}

Mutant speedster Fast Buck was sat at the base monitor station. Britanic walked up behind him, carrying in his hands the Heroes for People! petition.

"Hey Buck can I get you to si..."

Just then the door opened and in walked US Angel. She smiled at Britanic but scowled as soon as she noticed Fast Buck. US Angel then spun on her heel and exited the room as quick as she entered.

Britanic shook his head and then turned to face Buck thinking he would catch 'Angel up in a moment.

"Sorry Buck as I was saying would you si..."

Buck interrupted...

"Already done it boss. Take a look."

Britanic looked down at the paper, and sure enough Buck had scribbled his name in the moment Britanic had turned around to see US Angel.

"Bloody hate it when he does stuff like that" Britanic thought to himself.

Signed Steve Buckland aka Fast Buck.

{Ten minutes later in the Aegis workshop.}

US Angel had her armoured battle suit in pieces on one of the workbenches she was angryly muttering to herself as she rewired the battlesuit.

"Hello 'Angel can I get you to sign this petition?"

"Ah don't want to hear it Brit. Buck is a..."

"Sign this petition?"

"...low down arro..."

"Sign this petition?"

"...worthless excuse of a..."

"Sign this petition?"

"...ah swear ah'l take his..."


US Angel stopped rambling on about Buck and looked shocked at Britanic, before smiling.

"Sure Brit hun ah'l sign your petition. You know ya only had to ask hun..."

Signed Kelly Lang aka US Angel.



Crozius exhaled heavilly as we walked through Blythe Square. He was bored. Not a worthwhile opponent in months. He was about to dip into his reserves of power and speed away from the scene when a young hero approached him. Ever since he had gone on that talkshow, all these young heroes and kids had been pestering him!

"Excuse me, Mr Crozius?"

Crozius looked down on the hero. "Let me guess, you want my signature, right?"

The hero looked stunned for a second. "Uhhh, yeah. You see, there's this petition going, Heroes for People, and I wondered if you might want to sign it?"

Crozius grunted and took the petition paper from the young hero. After a second of reading through it, he thrust the papers back into the heroe's hands. "No"


"No. You mortals are so stupid. You think in such small circles. You think that regular mortals deserve more recognition that empowered mortals? You are both the same in my eyes, and your souls end up in exactly the same place..." Crozius grinned maliciously "..my torture studio in Hell. And if I get bothered by such things again, I'll personally give all you do-gooders a personal tour, real close to the equipment. Now scram!"



Rachel watches from the shadows opposite as Britanic heads out, talking into his Cell-phone. Talking about 'just popping over to KR to get something signed before heading to business.' She smiled and waited until he hung up before pulling her $20 dollar phone out and calling his $500 dollar one. "Seen the petition, Brit?" She asked, keeping her voice down. She was close enough to hear the reply in stereo. "Me too. I've seen the mess we often leave behind in our hurry to deal with the next threat. Until I got the suit, I used to be one of the ones on the street, forgotten by the gods after they'd done the initial saving. Even now, I feel I could do more to help them. I believe in the people of this city as much as many of them believe in me. See ya." She hung up as he replied.
'Already do see you.' He replied.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Lilith Pendragon watched the "exchange of views" in Pocket D with some amusement. She wondered how Recluse had got his claws into this White Vampyre girl. The idea that a hero could be out to sow discord among the other heroes without Recluse having some hand in it was... unlikely, but then Lilith always saw wheels turning within wheels, even when they weren't there.

Whatever. It could only be a good thing. whenever the populace of Paragon City began to feel that their heroes were somehow not quite as important those with less selfless motives always benefitted. It might be wise to see to it that this 'petition' came to the attention of a wider audience.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



A hero older than Wing Blade, flew in front of him. He was shocked to be so blatantly interrupted in his morning flight.

"Morning! I was wondering if you could..", Wing Blade interrupted him back, "If ya wanna talk hombre, can we do over therre?" he said pointing to the ground.

"Huh?Aren't you a flyer?" the hero asked.

"Yes captian obvious, but I don't hover as well as you self powered types," he replied, pausing between flaps to showcase his large tan colored wings. They both flew down to the ground, Wing blade folding his wings back and crossing his arms around his chest.

"Hi! I was wondering if you sign our petition?" he said handing it to the younger, winged "hero". Blade speed read it, handing it back to the man he said "Can't , sorry! Seems like a good idea and all, but I can't help, sorry dude"

The man looked puzzled. Wing Blade anwsered his question before he asked it. "You have to be a hero to sign this right? I'm not a hero, I should be gettin' you to sign this not me pal. I only got licensed because the city keeped bugging me to, I only wear a costume to make life less complicated." The man looked at him in the eyes, with a look of disgust growing inside them. "That is the worst excuse ever... and trust me I heard some bad ones before!"

Wing Blade let out a sigh. "Ok, look at it this way for a sec. See that doctor, goin to work, or that man training for the marathon, or that officer over there, keeping an eye on those kids, there just doin' what comes natural to them, and two outta the three use that to help people. The doctor was born witht eh smarts to go to college, get a degree and help heal people. The cop? He has a the knack and the intuition to solve them crimes and put away the bad guys. And the athlete? He is better at runnin' than most, so he does what he does best. Me? I was born with wings, so I do what things with wings do, fly. Just like the doc that uses her smarts to help people, I use my wings to help. I save a guy fallin off a building or get a kids cat outta a tree, or stop some shortie gettin hassled by some punks. Its really no different from a dude gettin up for an old lady on the bus, or helpin a guy carry his groceries across the parking lot, or even stoppin a fight before it happens. So ask yourself, am I a hero? Nope, not the way I see it, I'm just tryin to be a decent dude. The doc and the cop do way more than me! maybe you should get them to sign your petition!" he joked. With that he spread his wings and flew off to finish his morning "jog".



Flame Slinger walked out of the Lab he had been visiting for the day and started the journey to the Base to log his findings. He was stopped halfway there by a fair haired young hero waving a peice of paper at him."Hi, if you could spare a minute to read over this and possibly sign it. It would be much appreciated." Flame took the petition, for that was what it was and read over it carefully. Finally signing his name Edward Rankin in a gothic script with a pen from the pocket in his hat. With a quick nod to the hero he set off again.



Ellie was sat in a street cafe, sipping her tea, when the brightly coloured hero approached her. As he neared her, he looked somewhat nervous and she smiled at him. "Yes? How can I help?"

The hero flicked his eyes over her slender figure, taking note of the white hair, and feline ears and the long tail curled on the ground, "Um, sorry to bother you miss but, are you Tiger White?"

Ellie smiled, "I was once, yes. Afraid I retired some time ago though."

The young hero smiled, somewhat nervously, "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to sign this? It's a petition to give the ordinary people of Paragon some recognition for their hard work."

Ellie raised an eyebrow, "Oh, that petition, I've heard about that. Mind if I read it first?"

The hero smiled and handed it over, "Sure thing!"

Ellie took the clipboard and read through the information leaflet, taking note of the low number of signatures, before handing it back. "I'm sorry, it's a good idea, but I'm afraid I can't sign this."

The hero looked surprised, "Uh, Can I ask.. Why not?"

Ellie smiled, "Well, it's not because I don't think the normal people in Paragon don't deserve some recognition, they do; but the way that pamphlet is worded it's both disrespectfull and insulting to the memory of heroes who've given their lives to this city."

The yound hero frowned, "I don't get you."

Ellie pointed over the young mans shoulder, to the distant statue of Galaxy Girl rising above Freedom Court, "Do you think it's fair that people like her, who laid down their lives to protect this city, without hesitation, to be branded a glory seeker? What about others like her? Hundreds of heroes have given their lives for this city, and more do it every day. Don't they deserve some recognition for their sacrifice?"

The hero gulped, "I guess, when you put it like that..."

"Exactly." Ellie replied, "And you have to remember as well, that the people mentioned in this petition, the police officers, the doctors, the lawyers; they ALL get recognition for their work already. They get a wage, pensions, insurance. What do we get?"

"I... I'm not sure what you mean?" The hero stammered.

"Well, almost every hero in the city serves because they want to use their gifts to help others. Virtually NONE of them take any kind of wage for this; they get no pension, and if they're killed, their loved ones don't get a death benefit from the city. Yes, there's a few glory hounds amongst them, but most do it simply because they want to help. Is it wrong for the city to want to thank them in some way?"

"N... no... I guess not."

Ellie nodded, "Then there's people like me. I used to work hard for the city; I've been badly hurt more than once for this place, even killed a few times; fortunately not permanently. And in the end it all became too much. The constant fighting, the horrific scenes of carnage; even being forced at times to actually take a life to protect innocent people. Police get counselling for things like that; I didn't. Helping this city almost ruined my whole life, and I asked for nothing in exchange; and nothing was offered either."

Ellie rose from her table as the young hero looked at her with some shock, "So you see, I can't sign your petition, because it's nothing but a veiled insult to those of us who've given everything they had to this city; and asked for nothing in return."

The young hero looked after Ellie as she walked away from him, dissapearing in the distance. Then, looking down at his clipboard and the list of names signed on it; he carefully laid it down on the table, and walked away.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



{Red River, Founder's Falls, 12 March 2007, 8.30am}

"Excuse me! Are you Shadowe?" The young, idealistic looking hero hovered below Richard Huntington as he took a 'short cut' - flying - to work.

"Yes, young man, I am. Can I help you?" The speakers from his battle-suit distorted Richard's voice enough that it was unrecognisable as his own.

"I was wondering if you'd sign this petition, asking for recognition of the unsung heroes of Paragon City?" He held out a sheet of paper with a list of names and signatures on it. Richard took it, and the pen that was also proffered.

"Mind if I take a moment to read it, first? I never sign anything without knowing what it is." The young man nodded his assent, and Richard ran his eyes down the details of the text.

"Fascinating. Excellent sentiments. Complete rubbish, but an excellent sentiment." He handed the page back. "I'm not going to sign. Sorry."

The kid spluttered and stammered and eventually managed to ask why.

"Why? You have to ask that? Okay, let me break it down for you. I have powers. I had a choice to make about whether I would use them to help people or not. I chose to, got registered, and now I spend my time making life as good as I can for the people of this city. I don't expect any recognition for it. I don't want any recognition for it. Neither do the cops or the doctors or the teachers or the fire crews. We just do our jobs, and hope to make a difference. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. But the fact is that we try. I don't think I'm better than them, nor do I think they're better than me. We just do our best to help. However we can. But when someone pays the ultimate sacrifice to help people, perhaps they do deserve recognition. Like Galaxy Girl."

He sighed, and cleared his throat. "I think it would be better if there was a petition asking for equal recognition. Not this attempt to vilify heroes, or push their sacrifices aside. I, for one, don't want to forget any of the heroes who have died to protect the people of this city - whether they be superheroes or not. So, my answer is no. I'm not going to sign this."

Wrapping light around himself to hide from view, Richard swept away, heading toward the Talos Island tunnel.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



(( Out of character, and out of interest, it is really badly worded and it does insult super-powered heroes. The first paragraph is designed to set your teeth on edge. Was this actually by design, or purely accidental? Or would you rather not say? ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



((Out of character then, it is written as the passionate and idealistic songwriter would have worded it. It is a piece of passion. She cannot understand the reasons some have reacted so poorly to it at all.

Having been a bigger celebrity in some ways (at least beyond hero-obsessed Paragon) before gaining her unwanted powers a year ago, Suzi mostly blames the media, but also feels that politicians trying to gain votes off of supporting popular heroes are to blame.

The first paragraph was very carefully worded (as a player) to catch up those who would fall into the common trap seen on these boards of trying to see things as purely black and white, pro or con. On these forums, criticism can never be constructive, and if one says "this could be better" one is accused insted of saying it is rubbish.

Let's look at that first paragraph which has set so many teeth on edge:

Paragon City is facing a huge problem. For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city: the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only possible problem there is that one could infer the writer is suggesting that only the non super-powered are 'real' heroes. It is not implied, as she has never felt that way, but it could be inferred that way by those who wished to. She has clearly and categorically stated that it is 'the city' as a whole that is doing this, and at no time in that paragraph assigns any responsibility for this on the heroes themselves, not even in suggestion. Again, she never asked for her powers, and hated them until she faced up to the fact she had them and had darned well decide what to do with them. Because doing nothing is also a choice for which one must judge oneself.

As a writer, that people can't seem to actually read between the lines without inserting their own bias could be annoying in other circumstances. As a player, it has been a wonderful opportunity to exploit a common foible and create some beautiful in game tension and attention.

A big thanks to everyone who has helped make this an interesting and passionate storyline, and put so much creative energy into the Petition thread.))




The mechanical man calling himself Dr.Mechanibus stood on one of the webways in Gradvilles' Spider City. In his hand he held a clipboard with a copy of the Heroes For People petition. Time and again he had read it over, and time and again he had considered what to do with it. It was a fine sentiment, even if it was worded with passion and not logic.

He could circulate it amongst the villain community, and see what sort of ruccus it would make There was about a 70% probability that it would cause a mass invasion of Paragon.

He could hand it over to Lord Recluse, but the archlord of Arachnos would likley either dismiss it out of hand, or use it as some sort of method of destabalising the hero community in general.

He could just destroy it. But that was the simple way of not dealing.

In the end, he settled on one thing. He was going to sign it and, to make sure it got the most unbiased reporting possable, he started to formulate a plan to deal with the Paragon City Times. Oh, sure, his backing of the petition would raise questions, and perhaps even infer that the one who originally wrote it up is working with villains to get her way, but if he was subtle enough about it, and kept a lid on things for long enough, the Doctor thaught he could help pull it off.

Finally, putting pen to paper, he signed

Doctor Edward mechanibus of Paragon University, BSc, MSc

Putting the paper away, he bounded off toward the nearest gate to the Pocket D club. He was sure it would be found by the right people if he left it there...



((Out of character then, it is written as the passionate and idealistic songwriter would have worded it. It is a piece of passion. She cannot understand the reasons some have reacted so poorly to it at all.
A big thanks to everyone who has helped make this an interesting and passionate storyline, and put so much creative energy into the Petition thread.))

[/ QUOTE ]
(( Just curious that two of your character have the exact same oppinion of Grav: that of a glory seeker. ))

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



(( All OOC:

The only possible problem there is that one could infer the writer is suggesting that only the non super-powered are 'real' heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, it doesn't imply anything, it downright says that superpowered heroes aren't real heroes. You're going on about people reading between the lines, but you are adding emphasis after the fact which isn't there in the original. 'The city' cannot idolise anything, and 'the city' generally means the people within it. Not the government, or aspects of the governing structure, but everyone.

Not only that, but it's historically inaccurate and anyone who spends any time being a hero in Paragon City knows darn well that the 'idolisation' of heroes is a very recent phenomena, though it operates in cycles. Does the phrase "maybe you capes aren't so bad afterall," ring any bells?

She has clearly and categorically stated that it is 'the city' as a whole that is doing this

[/ QUOTE ]

White Vampyr may have attempted to do that last night, but the petition doesn't.

and at no time in that paragraph assigns any responsibility for this on the heroes themselves, not even in suggestion.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think I'd have to agree with you there, but then I haven't implied such and I don't think any of the replies on this thread have implied it either. Could be wrong, of course.

Crow's objection is that it's a heavily blinkered view of reality, demonstrating that the person who started the petition doesn't realise what a mess those 'ordinary heroes' get into left to their own devices. Others have given the opinion (and I think it's quite justified) that the petition belittles the efforts of superpowered heroes.

As a writer, that people can't seem to actually read between the lines without inserting their own bias could be annoying in other circumstances. As a player, it has been a wonderful opportunity to exploit a common foible and create some beautiful in game tension and attention.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also find it rather amusing. You're actually convincing yourself that people are reading things that aren't there, while convincing yourself that you didn't write something which actually is there.

and put so much creative energy into the Petition thread

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to admit that I've put almost no creative energy in there. Out of interest, have you read either of the two novels Web of Arachnos or The Freedom Phalanx?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.