The freakshow poem!
lol. Nice.
Best. Poem. Ever.
Funny poem, very freaky-like
@Moonshade - too many to list anymore
Best. Poem. Ever.
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Quoted for Ult1m4te Justice
0, fr3ÐУ3Ð grµntbµgg£¥...
Th¥ m1r(µrt4t10n$ 4r3 t0 m3...4$ p£µrУ3Ð g4bb£3b£0t(h1t$ 0n 4 £µrg1Ð b33.
Gr00p, 1 1mp£0r3 th33 -- m¥ f00nt1ng tµr£1ngÐr0m3$.
4nÐ h00pt1t10µ$£¥ Ðr4ng£3 m3 w1th (r1nk£¥ b1nУ3wµrУ3$, 0r 1 w1££ r3nÐ th33 1n th3 g0bb3rw4rt$ w1th m¥ b£µrg£3(rµn(h30n, $33 1f 1 Ð0n't.
0, fr3ÐУ3Ð grµntbµgg£¥...
Th¥ m1r(µrt4t10n$ 4r3 t0 m3...4$ p£µrУ3Ð g4bb£3b£0t(h1t$ 0n 4 £µrg1Ð b33.
Gr00p, 1 1mp£0r3 th33 -- m¥ f00nt1ng tµr£1ngÐr0m3$.
4nÐ h00pt1t10µ$£¥ Ðr4ng£3 m3 w1th (r1nk£¥ b1nУ3wµrУ3$, 0r 1 w1££ r3nÐ th33 1n th3 g0bb3rw4rt$ w1th m¥ b£µrg£3(rµn(h30n, $33 1f 1 Ð0n't.
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My eyes!
*looks for a way to destroy online Leet translator... *
0, fr3ÐУ3Ð grµntbµgg£¥...
Th¥ m1r(µrt4t10n$ 4r3 t0 m3...4$ p£µrУ3Ð g4bb£3b£0t(h1t$ 0n 4 £µrg1Ð b33.
Gr00p, 1 1mp£0r3 th33 -- m¥ f00nt1ng tµr£1ngÐr0m3$.
4nÐ h00pt1t10µ$£¥ Ðr4ng£3 m3 w1th (r1nk£¥ b1nУ3wµrУ3$, 0r 1 w1££ r3nÐ th33 1n th3 g0bb3rw4rt$ w1th m¥ b£µrg£3(rµn(h30n, $33 1f 1 Ð0n't.
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My eyes!
*looks for a way to destroy online Leet translator... *
[/ QUOTE ]
0, freddled gruntbuggly...
thy mircurtations are to plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
groop, i implore thee -- my foonting turlingdromes.
and hooptitiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, or i will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if i don't.
I thought some of the metaphysical imagery was really particularly effective.
Im amused. Very, very amused
Freak Gunner: wh47 15 7h15 l1f3 1f fu11 0f <4r3
w3 h4v3 n0 71m3 t0 5t4nd 4nd 5t4r3?
RandomHero185 flies past and beats him up.
Freak Gunner: 4 p00r l1f3 7h15, 1f fu11 0f <4r3,
w3 h4v3 n0 71m3 t0 5t4nd 4nd 5t4r3..
Freak Gunner is teleported to the zig.
It answers all questions.
T3h 4ud13nc3 lols
T3h aud13nce m0anz
But 4uggy m1 d34r
Ur new p03m pwnz.
Cr34t1v3 G3n1uz n0m1n4t10n r1t3 th3r3.
Its catchy, and different, I like it Aug
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I've decided my new reformed freak character called Fr34k3tt3 is a bit of a softy underneath the spikes and metal and energy surging through her body, so without further ado, her love poem:
r0s3s 4r3 r3d
v10l3ts 4r3 blu3
1 h4v3 n0 h4nds
4nd n31th3r d0 y0u
*takes a bow, gets bludgeoned and dragged offstage*