RP powers list
ok, i might as well give it a go this is just for my two main GG characters although i may do my other alts later
Gauisus Somnium: In Game he is a dark/dark scrapper, but as well as this he should also know a lot of other spells and rituals to help him get around and fight. Thus he would be;
Full Teleportation, being able to teleport from one place directly to another... i know it would never happen in game but i've included it in a lot of write ups.
Shadow Fall, same as the defender version
Moon Beam, same as the defender version
Summon Beverages, the power to summon any drink of your choosing. This deals no damage but heals and buffs targeted ally, constant use can lead to 'drunkeness' which causes minuses to accuracy and damage.
Ebon Tear: Currently in game Soph is a dark/dark defender, she would probably be able to fight in hand to hand combat as well as being able to summon minor illusions so perhaps her set would be;
Shadow Maul, same as scrapper version
Spectral Army, same as controller version (i'm sure the name is wrong i know )
Divine Vengeneance, for one attack of your choosing you deal huge amounts of damage and are encapable of missing, Also receive defense briefly versus all attacks but unfortunately this attack also leaves you drained of all endurance.
Transfer Pain, same as the defender version
well, there's my two cents
Transfer Pain, you probably mean Asorb pain
Phantom Army
and that devine attack looks cool
Hidden Healer
Telekenesis- can use to attack peoples minds or just to speak to them
Phantom- Can call apon his dead friend Bob to help him fight (same as Phantasm)
Phantom Army- His friends Maria, Jennings, stacy, Jd Jr
Spectacal Terror- uses telekenesis to find there worst fear and present it to them
Magical Destruction- When Hidden Healer dies or comes close to dieing he can leave his body and enter the spirit world to recreate his body.... leaves him with no energy for a while
The body explodes with magical energy destroying most of the area around him!
Hidden Healer
Telekenesis- can use to attack peoples minds or just to speak to them
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That's Telepathy. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the mind.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
he's basically, at the moment, a martial arts scrapper with regen to reflect the defensive side of his powers of light magic, but there are a few other abilities which are primarily his ranged attacks with light magic. the Acenra pool would be:
hidden will - a power that makes him slightly resistant to psionic abilities
light blast - a moderatley powerful light attack
shock wave - he covers his hand in light and punches the ground, sending a wave of light in all directions for a short distance. it does little damage, but it makes up for it in knock back and disorient
purify - Acenra hovers in the air, charges power (during this time, the attack can be interupted) and fires a powerful orb of light at the target. the orb would explode on impact, hitting any nearby enemies (like fireball but stronger) when the attack is done, Acenra would be left drained and disoriented for 30 seconds
Blimey, this is a good idea. Most of the stuff about Shadowe (Energy/Energy Blaster) is on the GG Wiki - here's a copy of it with a couple of extra bits.
Richard is really a black hole. A free-floating, very massive (not large - in fact, about the size of a golf ball - but massive in the sense a physicist would use it), intelligent black hole. The black hole that is Richard Huntington has many powers, the known ones of which are listed below.
Form a body around itself that matches Richard's original one (in fact it takes effort for this body not to exist).
Absorb huge quantities of energy with little apparent harm (Richard has speculated on sound physical grounds that it is capable of absorbing a Solar mass, but is unwilling to test this hypothesis).
Project energy in a variety of forms - commonly used as 'attack' powers to subdue criminals and foes.
Differentiate energy types. So far Richard has demonstrated an ability to identify bonded Kheldians (and can tell the difference between a Warshade and a Peacebringer), dimensional energies and different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (he typically uses the Infrared region to locate and identify mammalian presences, though he is so far barely able to narrow this down to species). It is no more refined than this, though that might just be a matter of practice.
Negate the force of gravity. Richard has not speculated what this actually is, but he can fly.
Almost invulnerable to permanent harm. The body that the hole projects can be damaged, certainly, and it takes effort to repair it, but the hole itself appears to be incapable of sustaining damage. So far.
Gravitational control. So far Richard has demonstrated an almost pinpoint control of the gravitational field around his own body, and can warp light around himself to become invisible. He has also discovered that he can, with effort, do the same to others.
Desolidify. Much easier than actually removing his body (which he has so far only done in time of extreme need, or happened accidentally when he took a trip to the sun recently), he has found that he can dramatically reduce the number of particles in parts of his body, allowing those parts to pass through solid objects. He has so far only done this with his hand in public, but it is reasonable to assume that he is capable of desolidifying his entire body.
In addition to the above, Richard seems to be tightly bound to his home dimension. Travel to other realities causes a destabilisation within himself that has, to date, resulted in him feeling sick, caused spontaneous 'Nova' explosions, and on prolonged visits could easily cause the destruction of his body.
Luminescence (Mind Control/Radiation Controller)/Samantha Huntington (Radiation/Psychic Blast Defender)
Her most powerful ability is that she can project realistic images, thoughts and memories into the minds of others. All other powers revealed to date match those in game.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Miss Ellie is a blending of three beings. Her Peacebringer abilities are obvious, but she also has traits from the other parts of the blending too.
In her original form, before she was joined; Ellie was a mutant. Little was known of any powers she might have had, but she WAS known to have an aggressive immune system which rendered her naturally immune to pretty much all known sources of disease.
The feline adds extra sensory abilities which include highly enhanced hearing, smell and sight; as well as endowing her with excellent agility. However, the enhanced senses ALSO render her susceptible to extremes of sound, smell and sight; she's particularly vulnerable to ultrasonics. She also is able to extend her Kheldian energy field to emulate cat claws. These extend up to 6 inches from each fingertip and can cut through anything, even adamantium. She VERY rarely uses these as they are lethal.
She has recently been growing in ability as well. All Kheldians are known to possess the ability to shapeshift; but Ellie has learned to take this ability further. She can change not just her energy field so that she becomes an energy representation of a former host, but is actually able to biomorph her physical form. The true source of this ability is not known, whether it be a latent ability she always had that was awakened by her blending, or came about because of the blending; but she's learned to use it to great effect and can even effect a partial shift, using it as part of her new secret identity as KittyHawk to grow a pair of wings.
Each form, however, takes much practice and so far she has only perfected 3 other forms. A dolphin, a tiger and a hawk. She's regularly seen in either of these forms on the tropical island she calls home, but doesn't use them in the city.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Number Nine:
Nene is a Grav/Kinetic controller, but in reality she is actually a time and space manipulator, thanks to her Chronomanipulation Engine nestled inside her chest. This allows her to manipulate, to a degree, time and space around her. There are several limiters on her power preventing her from initiating chronological incursions (That is, teleporting back/forwards in time.)
When holding someone, Nene is actually freezing their position in time, this is rather painful and the disruptions cause damage to the person held. The same goes for immobilizing, where she generates a spacial field around the person, which prevents them from moving beyond that point, though they can still attack from it.
As well as creating Dimensional Incursions (Teleporting from one place to another within that same instance), Nene can shift herself up and someone else down the time spectrum, quickening her actions whilst slowing down the person she 'leeched' time from. She is also developing the ability to heal minor wounds by speeding up time around that location, though this is difficult to do.
Nene comes equipped with various sensors and methods of interfacing, as well as information about Crey.
Madame Midknight Jane Darc isn't actually a Warshade. The AT is basically suited to her abilities as a zombie and a magician. Blasts of negative energy are fired from her GunARM, a gun that is literally her own forearm, easily detatched from her left hand and gripped at the thumb. She has a spare that allows her to not remove her arm, though the power on that is generally weaker.
Jane also has the ability to remove her eye and cause it to float about in a state of concealment, dubbed 'Wizard's Eye' after a spell in D&D.
Her status as Undead means she does not require food, drink or sleep, though she does partake in the above activities. she is also immune to diseases and poisons, though cold makes her joints stiffen, and heat causes her to shrivel up until she becomes rehydrated. She is also able to call on her familiar cat, Rheu, to merge with her and create a rather unusual ghostly cat-maiden form, capable of chucking out bolts of dark ectoplasm.
As well as her minor and major cantrips from her abilities as a witch, Jane is aided by her rather intelligent rat, Boo. Boo is known for communicating words of wisdom in squeeks, hiding in Jane's blouse or hat and being able to do the Snoopy dance, as well as the traditional Russian style. Like his owner, Boo is also undead, as has been shown when Jane has raised him from the dead several times.
She apparently has a Hat of Holding and a Suit of Holding, eschewing the standard bag or pouch to instead be able to pull objects out of her hat or blouse.
Lastly, Jane is able to detatch herself from her body and float about in an incorpreal form, and teleport her body to her, or about in general, utilizing something she calls a 'Chaos Gate'.
can cut through anything, even Proto-Steel.
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The in-game version of adamantium is proto-steel.. we don't want a lawsuit..again
Hyper Drive
Pinball: Hyper Drive uses his speed it run inbetween opponents punching them each as he goes. Minor to moderate smashing damage
Vibrating: Single target melee attack. By vibrating fast enough Hyper Drive can cause damage and melt near by objects.
Agile,Dodge,Evasive quickness: As a speedster hyper drive has the SR autos.
Hyper Sonic Punch: this would be the equal of a single target nova with a massive AoE knockback, but drains almost all of his health and endurance. By running at top speed and impacting a target, he can do insane damage to the target and himself.
Electric Aura : Can concetrate and illuminate the Bio-electrical Auras of living things around him temporarily. Perception and acc boost clicky.
Electro-magnetism: Same as The gravity single target hold
Ambient Absorbtion: Em-pulse constantly Absorbs electrical energies around him, even from peoples Bio-electrical fields. Small resistance and defense to energy, minor end drain to friend and foe.
Recharge: Can recharge himself by coming into near contact of a energy source and can also boostthe out put of machines and other energy users. End gain over time near tech objects, tech hero damage boost.
Fear of water: When in contact with water, Em-pulse becomes depowered . End lost over time when in contact with water.
Jupiter Lighnting: Single Target Massive damage or chance of instant KO. All health and Endurance drain to 1.
Em-pulse gathers energy then fires off a bolt of lightning as powerful as the postively charged bolts on the planet jupiter. This however takes everything out of him.
Grav is a mage, probably classed an Arch Mage in power and ability. Besides this she is also a Peacebringer.
In game thin means I now have 3 alts: lvl 50 Grav/FF/Fire Controller. lvl 40 Peacebringer. lvl 20 Fire/kin Controller.
In RP I tap between the powers of the alts an add to it her magic.
Conjuration: create a mundane object from thin air, usually only lasts 48 hours.
Alteration: alter the nature of an object. More 'impressive' alterations require her lab and time, not to mention research.
Necromancy: needs in the past had her researching this field and can do a few ... interesting thing with other peoples souls.
Alchemy: although more at novice level over all, she does have one or two special recepies
Enchantment: the creation of magical items, Also linked with some minor technomagic that scared the bejezus out of Doc T.
Most notable include such gifts as a music box with custom figurines that have some behavioral resemblence with the ones they are based on. Also a poaroid camera that makes "Harry Potter" style photos
Biomorphing: Taking the example of her wife, she has started experimenting with biomorphing. So far... without spectacular results
Custom spells, some of which are best left unnamed.
feats using the powersets to the extreem:
Gravitic storm: like a hurricane that consists mostly of flying debris
Create blackhole: instead of the miniature singularity that is her 'pet', she did once create a full blown blackhole in the savety of her own pocket dimension... and containd it. Purely for research purpeses, of course.
Wormhole/portal: using her understanding of both, she is able to create a portal to anywhere in the world using either her memor or a map.
Also other dimensions is possible, so long as she has a link to the target dimension (object; person; memory; energy signature)
and more?
yup... basically anything magical I can think off at what I think is a reasonable cost
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Kit is basically a unarmed scrapper. It's the MA set, but I see more in it than kick-kick-kick. She's rather strong and usually berserk, so when she talks about ripping off arms and beating people to death with the stumps, she means it.
However, she (usually) has enough self control not to kill the majority of targets.
Kit has armour, which repairs both her and itself (regen set). Downsides is she has to eat loads to give it the raw material to perform repairs and that she'll decompose and die if she takes it off for too long (taking it off is bad enough in itself).
Flangepower wise, Kit is unstable within the multiverse and can travel between realities. She uses this for taking short cuts across our own (Teleportation) and taking fellow heroes to and from other universes.
She also uses it to stash stuff she pick up on missions and the occasional thing that looks useful.
This means that while she can pull up some useful items, most of her inventory is explosives, weapons, debris and loads of coffee.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
'Energy/Devices Blaster'
Physically, Alfred Bester is pretty much completely normal. He is not particularly strong, nor especially fit, nor resistant to damage. Whilst he shows a remarkable inability to become ill, this has not been medically, scientifically, or clinically confirmed. Therefore, he relies heavily upon his powers, technology, and gadgets for his survival in combat - though he can throw a reasonable punch, to be fair.
His mind, however, is a different matter, and displays extensive differences from the norm - although all of his abilities would be appear to be simply latent in many humans, and not yet activated. His abilities consist of the following:
Represented in-game with energy blasts (for the knockbacks), his primary heroic ability comes from his telekinetic powers. It varies in precision and strength, from the tiny movements of sub-atomic particles to create a 'teleporting' effect (see below) to his flinging around of villains to flinging large groups of opponents around - and even, at one point, managing to lift a Kronos Titan, albeit with much help. When his abilities are used to such a raw level, 'psychic residue' is created, leaving blue-white trails which have no physical substance but are interpreted visually by the minds of observers. Therefore, what appears to be 'energy blasts', like the glow of his eyes and head, do not show up on camera or to robots.
His telekinetic abilities have other uses, too. He is able to levitate objects, including himself and others, enabling him to, for all intents and purposes, fly. He is able to create invisible, one-way telekinetic barriers and shields against matter, though spreading force out over even a marginally larger area weakens it exponentially compared to his attacks. In combat, this ability is used more like a directional shield than a bubble, though with effort 'bubbles' and other shapes can have barriers created in their image. This has the OOC purpose of partially explaining why he can survive being shot, stabbed, smashed, and zapped so much without dying.
Molecular Dissassemblement: Alfred is able to, by sub-atomic telekinetic manipulation, disassemble and re-assemble objects and people on the molecular level, holding them safe for re-assembly with mental willpower. The primary function of this is to effectively 'teleport' others, though he is also able to do it to himself - for example, to get through a normal locked door without damaging it. However, objects and people cannot be held indefinitely disassembled, and must be reassambled within a few seconds to avoid a dissipation.
Alfred is primary an involuntary receptive telepath. For the most part (of course with exceptions, as some have different circumstances which either conceal or remove their surface thoughts), he hears the surface thoughts of those around him. Whilst this is of theoretically infinite range, in reality, this ends up being about normal speech-audible radius to be able to hear anything 'loudly' enough to understand it.
This is due to what Alfred has dubbed as the 'spheres of concern', after investigating it with the help of the Psinet organisation. In short, this means that people closer to him - both physically and emotionally - are more of his concern, and that the mind naturally becomes more receptive to the thoughts of these people. This reduces the thoughts of the city at large to a distant chatter, and those of the planet as an almost inaudible murmur. In crowds, however, this can become a problem, as the 'sphere of concern' radius around him encompasses many more minds.
This also has the effect that those he particularly cares about - and is therefore more receptive to - can be heard (and located) from long distances away. In extreme cases, this has even been shown to still 'work' over different universes - although only with certain people. This receptiveness can fade if Alfred's 'concern' about the person fades. Alfred is of no use locating a specific person that he does not know or particularly care about, however - whilst he is able to sense minds in a general sense (and thus locate groups of criminals and such whilst on missions), he is useless for a 'kidnapped or missing person' search.
Whilst Alfred is able to 'listen to' or actively 'read' minds, he does not except with permission or in special circumstances (such as trying to find important information from a villain). Not only is it uncomfortable for him, as he has to 'share his head', but he considers it wrong.
Alfred is also able to project thoughts and mental images to the surface thoughts of others. Whilst this is mostly used for telepathic conversation (and mental hugs, cheek-kisses, and such), this can also be used for entertainment or defensive purposes - as any article regarding Samantha (Luminescence) can cover, the infamous 'Maggie' being the prime example.
Mental Manipulation: Alfred is theoretically able to manipulate minds in nearly any way he wishes - such as creating illusions or 'mind control' commands. However, he has not developed such powers, instead rarely using his alteration abilities for anything except 'mind surgery' and benevolent or harmless effects. The physical is perhaps the easiest to alter, and he is able to send people to sleep or trigger the pleasure (or pain) nodes at will. Unlike his deceased clone, however, he has severe reservations about using this aspect of his abilities in combat. He is also able to (with permission) alter emotions, creating comforting feelings or happiness in those who need them. It is presumably theoretically possible to do the reverse, but such a capability has not been tested.
Primarily, however, this ability will be used for 'mind surgery' - restoring lost memories, removing mental blocks, and repairing outside damage or influence. This is done co-operatively with the 'patient'. Often this will involve both 'surgeon' and 'patient' entering an internal dreamlike or hallucinatory state, with various mental aspects and features incarnated in myriad ways. During the restoration of Kata's memory, for example, her mind consisted of a long corridor with a series of locked doors - each with an important memory behind it.
Of course, such interaction is not always for healing purposes. Alfred is able to initiate 'mental duels', which are sheer, internal battles of willpower between two minds. This is rarely used, and primarily takes place only in battles with other psychics. His mental ability in this area is reasonably untested due to the rarity of these occasions, though he has known to have defeated at least one Nictus in the past.
Precognition: Alfred has shown to have some, very minor, precognitive abilities - though how much of this is from sensing thoughts and intents is debatable. This only seems to work for actions, not words, only seems effective for a period of about three seconds beforehand. Whilst this is enough to avoid attacks and other violent dangers, it does not always work - and as such it is unreliable at best.
Whilst not strictly his 'powers', Alfred has access (via the Cambridge University Technology Department) to many advanced technologies and gadgets. Whilst many are useless (such as the 'sticky grenades' debacle), the majority of these are useful, albeit limited. Such things include the cloaking device which comes in the form of a belt, and the 'auto-hacker' devices which can crack locks and computer passcodes. However, his technology is all experimental, and can do nothing like as good a job as someone with the requisite 'superpower' could do.
Perhaps the most visible of his technology is the bullet-proof fabric that makes up his suit. Nearly invulnerable, it does not burn and cannot be penetrated, except by very fine points such as hypodermic needles, which can go between the strands. However, the suit cannot prevent the kinetic impact of an attack, nor block heat - meaning that even if you can't riddle Alfred with bullets, shooting him will still give him bruises and broken bones. Again, this is to explain how he can get shot and stabbed so much without dying.
Those interested in technology would note the reticule he wears over his right eye - this holographic display provides him communications, targeting, and other functions, with similar ability to a desktop computer. This can be fed information by his targeting drone, which provides different modes of vision (such as ultraviolet) in order to help in combat. This drone is also able to fire tranquilliser darts - though as its magazine capacity is small, Alfred often carries a few around with him to reload it.
Nobody's quite sure, really. You'll have to ask Alfred for the story sometime. In short, the left jacket pocket on Alfred's clothing seems to semi-spontaneously generate confectionery upon request. Nobody has any idea where it comes from, or any explanation for the fact that it can generate things that don't exist. In general, if it's sweet, not a liquid, hot or chilled, and will fit in the pocket, it can be summoned upon request. Despite much research, nobody has any idea how this happens, but since it hasn't done anything harmful, it is advised not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
As a sorcerer, she channels magical power and dumps it in her surroundings, typically in the form of lightning and electricity.
Electromagnetic(Pulse?) Shield:
At all times, Sera's radiating a fairly decent amount of electricity. At low levels, she can sense changes in the field, giving her much-needed depth-perception and is enough to start adversely affecting local electronics.
At higher levels, it basically blasts bullets out of the air in a puff of smoke. (She still gets hit by a wave of vapourised metal, but at least it doesn't pierce the armour)
She can be as stubborn as hell when she needs to be. When knee-deep in the undead/fascists/hell-demons/robots, she can stay in the middle of the maelstrom, turning her opponents inside out.
Nosce Te Ipsum:
Sera is very, very sure of what she is and what she's doing. Possession attempts and mind-control attempts have a good chance of being broken quickly or just plain not working.
Emotional Imbalance:
She doesn't anger easily, and there's a good reason for it. If she loses control, she really loses it. As does everyone around her, to varying degrees of 'it'
She also carries a few magical amulets that open Convenient Portals. It's not overly clear where the portals leads, or how many she's got, but one drops out newspapers and another contains her rarely-used laptop and the Things.
In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...
Shy has all of his powers as stated by his powersets, and he is also capable of crossdimensional travel on an unlimited basis. This, apart fromt he obvious popping to other worlds powers, has a few perks. For one, somehwat like Kit, actually, he can grab stuff from nowhere that he's put in his house. His house is also an extension of this, existing neither here nor there. All travel or stuff he does causes a small door to appear, which usually vanishes after he's taken something (Or himself) through.
Alice is a vampire, and thus has all the weaknesses and strengths of their kind. She can hear peoples heartbeats, and tends to recognize undead easily. She can also smell things about people, like if they are a Kheldian, if they can manipulate lectricity, etc. She has a watered down version of Shy's planehops, which only works to go back to Shy's house.
Emmet & Oniel: These two, other than their in game powers, share the same things: An ability to walk into dreams and force their will upon them. They can basically do most of the stuff a lucid dreamer could do, but Emmet tends to stay out of others dreams. Oniel is a little ruder, but still rarely interferes.
Dorak: Dorak, as well as the obvious stuff, can "see" electrical current. He can also sense oddities in it, like its magically generated, its weak, strong, things like that. He also is remarkably intellegent, and (Now) remembers a lot of scholarly information. Personal memories are still limited, however.
Runic charms :- basicly the apprentices charms but have a different runic symbol on them, different ones are used for different spells and such
Green/white/black orbs spells :- has drade can use magic he can cast spells and enchantments depending on what runes are used, green is healing (which he is not that good at, only just started them) white is pure magical energy, he rarely uses this but will more soon, and black is for dark energy which he only has when he removes his gloves kinda like a side effect of the crytals on the backs of his hands.
Sense :- drade can sense different things, mainly darkness, and magic, this is again due to the crystals that have grown on the backs of his hands.
Spells other than orbs :- these are like his sheild spell, waterball spell, firework spell, transport spell (only items not people), etc..
As he can cast many diferent ones, mainly to help him or others so they are mainly defensive spells with a few attack ones.
Force Commander: Has 27 seperate senses such as his famed inertiasense and kinetivision.
Force Commander: Has 27 seperate senses such as his famed inertiasense and kinetivision.
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Oh, that reminds me! Miss Ellie can also see peoples energy fields, or auras. Couple that with her sense of smell and it's VERY hard to hide from her or disguise yourself. If she meets a hero both in and out of costume, she almost certainly WILL know your secret ID. But she won't tell anyone!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Uhhh Redsight is blind. He's an expert archer and utilises a number of pocket sized gadgets to aid him in battle. He holds a blackbelt in Shotokan Karate but realises his skill is minor in a city full of ninja, kung fu masters and expert martial artists and therefore seeks to learn more.
Did I say he was blind? Yeah? Well he is. Except his blindness stems from a childhood accident involving a nasty chemical spill, which blinded him to everything EXCEPT the various frequencies of the Red light spectrum incl Infra Red. He has since learned to use this to his advantage and his bowmanship has in fact improved as a result.
Thunder Aura (in game name Thunder Aura1, due to transfer from the American Servers) is an Electric/Energy Manipulation Blaster. As well as being able to blast electricity from his hands, he use a number of minor spells that he picked up while working with MAGI. These include unlocking some of the more potent stored powers of the Emerald, allowing him to fly, run at super-speed and recover quickly from both injury and fatigue.
Other than the in game power, he had limited control over electrical machinery, mostly the radio in his cowl/armour, and the computer that he has in his base. This allows him to stay in contact with other heroes, and read information about other heroes in the city, as well as villains that he choses to fight against. He can also listen to radio frequencies without the need of the radio.
Seeing as its rather possible Shy and Alf will meet sometime soon, i'll have to note Shys interesting form of multiple perosnality disorder.
Shy basically babbles all the time. This makes him hard to affect mentally, and to read his mind and such, because there are so many of them. You may think that the chemichals and such in the brain could be controlled. Not so! As Caromari once said "When you say "He's living in a world of his own", you don't normally expect it to be true!" In Shys case it is. shy currently has around 60 voices in his head, so good luck
Aight then.
Master Chi.
In-game he is a MA/Regeneration Scrapper.
In-RP he has a inner demon, wich can sometimes be unleashed, allso, he has been known to do a series of punches, allso, he knows a few powers of the assasin.
Demonic Enrage-
Visual effect: Body type temp turned to Huge, costume turned red, glowing eyes.
Another version of build up, but more powerfull, to balance this out, it has a longer recharge time and will reduce Endurance recovery for a short amount of time.
Punch Combo-
Visual effects: a series of punches, another version of flurry, exept his hands move in a different way, and the last hit is a overhead smash.
The attack would do Moderate Dmg (DoT) and have a mod recharge, and has a chance to stun with the overhead smash.
Knife Throw.
Visuals: Throws a series of ninja Knifes, and will leave the enimy bleeding from the impact, doing even more damage over time.
Minor (DoT), foe Immobilize.
Sorry if it seems a bit [censored], still new to City of Heroes anyway, i do RP a bit in it though.
Pistol - Thugs/FF/Flight/Medicine/Hasten/Presence poolsets. A /Godfather poolset would consist of:
Cordini's Ring: Melee, Supreme DoT (Toxic), -40% Acc. (Special)
- You have been struck with Cordini's anguish. To touch this ring is to dance with Death itself. The chance-to-hit is very low but this attack will continue to tick for damage until you have 0 HP. Recharge: Long.
Death of The Godfather: Summon. (Special)
- You have been subjected to an endless horde of villains loyal to the Godfather. The Family. Trolls. Malta. The Carnival. Freakshow. Arachnos. The Gang. And MaxChaos. This power is taxing on the user's HP and will inevitably die six minutes after use. Recharge: Very Long.

hey, wanted to add another 'power' to Jack's possible to do with a change and stuff.
Namely, Crour Canis, Jack has the ability to switch in and out of the dog like form now at will. After mastering the ability it gives him a minor boost on power but a high boost on speed and sense of smell.
When as Crour Jack is about waist height on his normal size, short black fur and a face that, if it wanted, could probably look vicous but doesn't most of the time. Strange enough he does have pupils and eye colour, which happen to be blue
For those with magical insight when as Crour Jack is literally overflowing with spells to control it, although he is quite obviously on top of things he is definitly noticeable as something 'different'. Unless you are VERY strong it is damn well near impossible to enter his mind without Jack's knowledge, which will normally ensue a rather vicous battle of wills.
think that's pretty much it
Ok, last time i promise!
Wynd: Wynd is mostly accurately represented, except for various cantrip like spells she can do. She also fly, but badly. She does really need lessons
Mind Knife (Coming Soon!): Mind knife is psychic, but happens to have a rather dangerous lack of control over his talent. He is telepathic, telekinetic, and many more things besides, but has about as much control over it as someone with a large, black dog on a thin string lead. This means several things, one, he's pretty bad at covering up he's psychic, two, he often uses his talents unintentionally, and three, whenever he does use his skills, he usually overdoes it (If he tried some kind of emotional manipulation, it'd be pretty extreme, he can only throw objects telekinetically, he can'y hover then, etc)
Now, thats it, i promise!
This thread is to post powers that your character has which arn't/cannot be included in the primary/secondary/pool powers. I'm posting this as I am just curious to find out what people's RP chars can do, and while we're at it how about posting what your chars extra-pool would be (like statesman has the Statesman set). Now to get the ball rolling..
Commander Beet, his normal in-game powers make him an energy/devices blaster, but he also knows many forms of martial arts, can use many forms of technology and is stronger then he looks. His Commander Beet pool would be;
Throw Mine, an AoE ranged attacks that does the same damage as Trip Mine
Crane Kick, same as the Scrapper version
Crippling Axe Kick, same as the Scrapper version.
Power Mastery, this is a toggle which increases the amount of energy/neg. energy damage Beet and his team-mates inflict, and also grants a large defence and resistance to energy/neg. energy for Beet and his team-mates.
Efranof, his normal in-game powers make him a katana/dark armour Scrapper, but he also has knowledge of using various other melee weaponry, explosives and martial arts. He also has many vials of chemicals in his posession which can cause different effects. He also has control over people's fear, by either intensifying them, taking them away or giving them new fears. His Efranof Pool would be;
Grenade, a ranged AoE attack that does high damage and large knockback
Inner Rage, Efranof would loose his temper, this is a click which causes a fear effect to all enemies with Melee range, it also gives +damage +acc +criticalchance to Ef for 10 seconds
Chemical Warfare, Efranof throws several vials on the ground where they break, this is a PBAoE de/buff, it would give allies around him mez protection, heal them, +damage +accuracy +recharge for 30 seconds. It would give enemies around him -damage -accuracy -perception, 25% chance to hold and -resistance to secondary effects.
The Power of Fear, this would be a single target melee attack that causes extreme psycic DoT, a long lasting fear, large -tohit, 25% chance to hold instead of fear and give Efranof a small +damage +accuracy buff, but also a small -recovery debuff.
Your turn
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc