Hamidon is getting life insurance 19th Jan 7PM GMT
I'm keeping that afternoon free as always Lost. I'll be there on the scrappy side of things! Anyone needing inf. for cossie change for next raid please come find me in game as the less lag the better for everyone!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
...and once again, I'll be there with Tera Storm, trying my best to get the blasters organised - 3 holds, Vanguard, yadda yadda yadda
i will be ther eon celtic hood on PA team, but will need sum1 with group fly lol as i do not have it
3xHold Blaster, Coldest War, reporting for duty
EDIT: yeah, save me a spot on the Number 1 blaster team, Tera
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I've made them all so far, so I'll join Tera's band of holding blasters!
Cinnamon Brandy: 3 holds, Vanguard!
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org
EU, Union mostly.
Spinebreaker can't make it this time .
I still hope it will be successvol and i will join u guys when im back from vacation.
Edit: Can't make the next raid
Spinebreaker - lvl 50 Spine / Regeneration
Virtual Valkyrie- lvl 50 Emp / Elec
Spiny, if you have a taunt in your scrapper, can you have a read of the thread I posted in Union H, might be of interest

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Work withstanding, count me in! No doubt as Exengel (empath) again (damnit JD - level that ill troller or scrapper).
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Will be there, pretty much bound to have a controller in range by then, although I think I've been saying that for the last couple of months it actually should will happen this time.
Yup, V-rock will be up for it again, stone/stone tank.
CoH: Moondog (WS); V-Rock (Tnk, semi-retired); Pole-Star (Bla); Demon Dog (Scr).
CoV: Midnight Gunner (Corr); Operative John Doe (Ban); Day-Star (Dom); Commissar Jaeger (MM).
Fluffeh Fire/Rad/Fire controller will be there for holding duty again
@Terrahawk and @Terrahawk2
Octavian Vanguard
Yeah, i have read it but i just realized that i have a week vacation starting on the 19th at 08:35. This means i cant be there for the next raid
If it works for the next raid, i will happily volunteer for the raid after that one to be an meatshield .
Spinebreaker - lvl 50 Spine / Regeneration
Virtual Valkyrie- lvl 50 Emp / Elec
I'll try to be there
I loved it today (5th jan) You will definetly be seeing me there with Crimson! Will be 50 by then too! GET IN!!!!!
Thank you to every1 who was in the PA drop team in the last raid. It was good to see so many new heroes in the team alongside the regulars and I hope to team with you in the next raid.
Paragon Girl
congratulations first Raziel,Lost,Streekz,paragon girl and Dark for the 3 in a row succesful hami raid!i will be there again with my blade to help and i hope next raid hami will not hate me so much and give me a decent HO cause he always give me [censored] :P....HAMI I LOVE YA!
Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg 340 badges(Proudly Wearing Nigh indestructible Badge)For Death And Honour
Clalice Of the Void 26 lvl ill/rad
Soul Spike 15 WS
Global Name(Gargarinio)
As Master Yoda Said "if so Powerful You Are..Why Leave?)
I will be there, with girlfriend DJ Angel in tow watching her usual soaps and cheering us on -- as well as supplying me with coffee.
hi all union thanks again for helping make the clearing phase go so well, about the 1hr mark now for full mito clear Also thanks to all the rest of the raid organisers (you know who you are
I will be there on time as usual ,cant wait.
I'll be home from work by 8:30ish so if I can join a tad late then I'll be there. It would be nice if a raid could be organised at some time or day other than 7pm on Friday because this regular slot is probably excluding a lot of people who regularly work at this time. Just a suggestion.
I'll be home from work by 8:30ish so if I can join a tad late then I'll be there. It would be nice if a raid could be organised at some time or day other than 7pm on Friday because this regular slot is probably excluding a lot of people who regularly work at this time. Just a suggestion.
[/ QUOTE ]
Red, the 7:00 start is more like a 7:45 start generally, once things actually get going - I don't think 100 people online ever started anything anywhere near on time.
None have finished before 8:30 yet, although the last couple haven't been too much past that.
If you know you're going to be late I'd suggest logging yourself out on Coward's Hill so you can log in there and you should at least make the majority of the holding phase. Not exactly making the whole raid, but you'll get yourself a HO out of it.
If you're fairly certain you'll be around for the end of it just let me know and I can save you a spot in a team.
Electric Blue X will be there!
*pokes team*
Count me in...missed the last 2 so far
Nitrux S....signing up !!
Once again Hamidon was defeated, and once again were not gonna leave him be.
If you plan on coming please sign here with your name, AT, powersets and any relevant info.
Firstly anyone coming please make sure you have a Hami raid cossie, these help to reduce the lagg greatly. I believe the layout was tightchest and legs, smooth/bare full on gloves and boots and a tech helm, all one colour.
defenders-blue (empaths-green)
PBs White
If you have a hold please add a purple stripe to your costume.
Some of these may be wrong, i need to find the guide for em. This is the best costume for creating as little lag as possible. If you really cant afford to change a cossie please wear one with as little detail as possible, No auras or capes, these cause massive lag during raids
Heres the info for the raid in just over a weeks time.
Also those that havent already please read Read the guide HERE by Archy, Xanthus and friends, tyvm to them .
PA team-Paragon girl
Taunt team-Dark Blazes, Curing catz
Clearing team-streekz
Well theres the assigned positions Ive made so far for teams, the PA team are phantom army droppers and kins. Taunt team is the Hami tank, gilga or MD with emps to keep em healed, one to many so those that want can help with the healing blanket.
The mito team is for the clearing phase, all those not needed for another team just follow streakz and attack his target when the mito clear phase begins.
The hold teams should be compromised of anyone with a hold, or speedboost/accelerate metabolism.
Also do not use any defence/dmg res toggles in the Hive, Hami and co do untyped unavoidable damage so toggles apart from mez protection are useless and just cause lag.
To review the raid, firstly well meet at the Hive entrance in Eden, there everyone gets into teams, those in the PA and taunt teams get together then, everyone else can make their own for now. We enter and go to cowards hill, near hamidon, if youre unsure where follow everyone else .
Most important rule is not to aggro or attack hamidon, second is not to draw GMs into Hami, Do not under any circumstance attack/taunt or use any power on hamidon.
At this point the PA team move into position, and once we have the go ahead follow streakz and clear them mitos . Our hami tank team will enter once weve got a big enough space or if we reckon there is a wide enough coverage of PA, so less chance of hami being aggroed.
Once all the mitos have been cleared everyone is to go up to hamidon and brawl him once, make sure it hits no other powers to be used, this is to ensure everyone will get a hami O while also preventing the aggro being taken off our hami tank. Then the Hold phase begins. For this phase only the following powers are to be used (special thanks to Archy, Xanthus and friends for the info taken from their guide, here and throughtout post.)
No dark servant cos its twilight grasp will cause to much lag
-Tankers: not worth it becuase of guantlet
-Blasters: Tesla Cage, Freeze Ray, Bitter Freeze Ray, Shocking Grasp, Freezing Touch, Shocking Bolt, Char, Cryo Freeze Ray.
-Defenders: Petryfing Gaze, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow, Tesla Cage, Telekinesis.
-Scrappers: not worth the lagg.
-Warshades: Gravity Well.
-Peacebringers: Incandescent Strike.
-Controllers: Fossilize, Volcanic Gasses, Char, Cinders, Gravity Distortion, Gravity Distortion Field, Singularity(3 slots for Hold Duration, no matter the others), Block of Ice, Glacier, Blind, Flash, Dominate, Telekinesis(whatever slotting you have), Total Domination, Choking Cloud, EM Pulse, Ice Arrow.
In addition to this, the only buffs which should be used really are AM and Speed Boost for the +rechg so that holds can be stacked. People need to understand that spamming immobs and heals, leaving auras/shields on, using pets (other than Singularity and maybe Dark Servant), or just using random powers (like Fulcrum) is totally useless and counter-productive since it increases the lag to the point where we can't see if Hami is held.
I'll appoint someone in charge for this, so once this phase begins please listen to them
NO ATTACKING HAMI, only holds during this phase.
Anyone without a hold or recharge boost will have to sit on cowards hill and wait,no scrapper or tankers, even with holds in this phase unless we are desperate due to the lagg. As long as you brawled him you'll still get Hami O though.
Lets show him what for chaps