Repair... any good?
I've used it shortly, its a good panic button once you cant get a heal going. But dont forget your 2 2nd pets can heal too
After that i skipped it completly. Even without a healing from your secondairy, medicine pool does its job way better (3 slotted = nearly full health). So got a spare slot somewhere else, go for medicine pool.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Yeah, its pretty useless, especially if you have some other form of heal. It could be used as a panic heal on assault bot but imo thats not good enough. I skipped it on my robo/poison.
I use Aid Other on my Bots/FF and that seems way better than repair.
With Twilight Grasp you could probably do without repair and the medicine pool without any big problems.
Also, I have Twilight Grasp which is an aweome heal.
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You have no need of Repair.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
Also, I have Twilight Grasp which is an aweome heal.
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You have no need of Repair.
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Except that Twiglet Grasp won't take Mr. Stompy (Assault Bot) from a tiny sliver of health to 100% in one shot.
Neither will Twiglet Grasp kick enough endurance into Stompy to unload a pack of incendiary swarm missiles at that Malta Sapper and his close personal friends that have taken an unhealthy interest in you and your minions.
OK, so it recharges at a glacial speed. <shrug> Save it until you really need that big pulse of health applied to one of your minions. Or use to to keep one of your Protector Bots kicking, since they seem to heal other bots in preference to healing each other.
It is NOT useless. And saying that someone has no need of it just because they're /dark is a tad on the broad sweeping statement side of things.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Except that Twiglet Grasp won't take Mr. Stompy (Assault Bot) from a tiny sliver of health to 100% in one shot.
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Although Twilight Grasp will let him continually top up Stompy's health so he never gets that low.
It can also heal all the bots at the same time, which makes it far more useful than repair.
Neither will Twiglet Grasp kick enough endurance into Stompy to unload a pack of incendiary swarm missiles at that Malta Sapper and his close personal friends that have taken an unhealthy interest in you and your minions.
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OK, so it recharges at a glacial speed. <shrug> Save it until you really need that big pulse of health applied to one of your minions. Or use to to keep one of your Protector Bots kicking, since they seem to heal other bots in preference to healing each other.
[/ QUOTE ]
The recharge and activation times are the main problem with repair.
If one bot gets in trouble and you use repair and then another gets hit badly.. then your stuck with the prot bots for keeping it going.
Also if you wait too long before using it then in the time it takes to activate the bot could be destroyed leaving you in trouble.
It is NOT useless. And saying that someone has no need of it just because they're /dark is a tad on the broad sweeping statement side of things.
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No one is saying that it's useless.
But between Twilight Grasp and the Prot-Bots heals he will very rarely need it and there are better things to spend the power slot on.
Canine, I agree with some of your ideas. However, I have since done a Respec SF and taken Aid Other and slotted it with two Heal SOs and one Recharge SO and it rawks However, Twilight Grasp does't always work on Mr Stompy
But still Aid Other is good and so is Repair as my Protector Bots now lose alot of endurance due to Upgrade and the high costing but so so weak Photon Grenade. I do not have Repair anymore but it has its advantages and disadvantages like all powers do. I guess it comes down to whether you like it or lump it.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Depends on the rest of your build to be honest.
The thing is, its a "oh... f" button, normally for your big bad Assault bot, which you really dont want to loose mid fight against that EV/AV who has suddenly pounded it to within an inch of its life. Its not a regular heal.
My advice is it depends on your slots. Repair is a great power with one slot. One recharge (maybe two if you are feeling very generous).
The advantage of "one slot" powers is they free a multutude of slots up for your other powers that really need 4-6 slots (like the dark heal for instance ).
So I say - it depends on your build. If you have got enough slots to throw around even if you take another power, then take that power. If slots are tighter, take repair, live with its one slot and occassionally it will save your behind.
Except that Twiglet Grasp won't take Mr. Stompy (Assault Bot) from a tiny sliver of health to 100% in one shot.
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Anyone playing Bots/Dark shouldn't ever really be in that position in a PvE situation. If that ever does happen there are far better things that a /Dark to be doing than playing heelzor; in any event, there's no need to take your ABot to 100% health as long as he's still standing.
"Twiglet Grasp"? jeje duder AWESOME satirez
It's arguably the best heal in the game. By the same token: Repair won't heal all your robots in one shot - and I'd far rather keep Bodyguard up and running and a full complement of Drone AoE Laser-Doom and ProtBot support, than have 1 (one) robot on 100% health.
Neither will Twiglet Grasp kick enough endurance into Stompy to unload a pack of incendiary swarm missiles at that Malta Sapper and his close personal friends that have taken an unhealthy interest in you and your minions.
[/ QUOTE ]
Again, Bots/Dark is in the enviable position of being able to walk through Sappers - I have less trouble with Malta on Anti than I do on my /SR Scrapper.
Or use to to keep one of your Protector Bots kicking, since they seem to heal other bots in preference to healing each other.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or use Twilight Grasp, which is a far better use of endurance. Hell, you could use Repair on the Corruptor standing next to you because ololz ur repared, but it still doesn't mean it's worth taking for a Bots/Dark.
It is NOT useless. And saying that someone has no need of it just because they're /dark is a tad on the broad sweeping statement side of things.
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I never said it was useless - I said it was unnecessary for a Bots/Dark. I've had it, I respecced it out - because I never used it from one week to the next in either normal PvE, vs GMs and AVs, or in PvP. This post was made by someone asking advice for Robotics/Dark Miasma - this post is not HAY GUYZ REPAIR SUX AMIRITE???, you do not need to come in and try to convert us all as a Repair-lovin', AoE heal-less Bots/Trappist, so plz2take your proselytising somewhere else kthx.
Discussion is that much easier and so much more rewarding when you stop putting words into other people's mouths, isn't it?
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
Twilight Grasp has a relatively long animation and needs a to hit roll.
If Assault Bot is in the red and you are facing a nasty enemy - like an EB for instance, will be shrugging off your holds and fear (and even with debuffs will be pounding you), then I for one would far rather have repair than twilight grasp.
This is, however, only a small proportion of the game - albeit the most challenging.
Twilight Grasp is a much better power of course. But it has three relative disadvantages - it needs at least 3 (normally 4 imo) slots to be functioning well, it has a long animation time (during which time red can turn to skulls) and it needs a to hit roll. Repair, whilst no doubt being a less valuable power, suffers none of these disadvantages.
When push comes to shove, against that EB/AV, you may well require repair aswell. But if you can think of a better power for yourself, take it.
If Assault Bot is in the red and you are facing a nasty enemy - like an EB for instance, will be shrugging off your holds and fear (and even with debuffs will be pounding you), then I for one would far rather have repair than twilight grasp.
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When push comes to shove, against that EB/AV, you may well require repair aswell. But if you can think of a better power for yourself, take it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Are you all playing the same game as me? Since when do Robotics/Dark have problems with EBs? I was duoing AVs up until the I7 changes, and have been trioing them since - and I've not yet met an EB or AV yet that wasn't crippled by the combined debuffs from /Dark. Not once have I been in a situation where I've thought I could have used, letalone 'needed' Repair in my build.
Twilight Grasp is a much better power of course. But it has three relative disadvantages - it needs at least 3 (normally 4 imo) slots to be functioning well...
[/ QUOTE ]
Who doesn't 6-slot TG these days? Are these the same people who take Repair?
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
If assault bot dies, then you resummon it . I think its much more difficult keeping the weaker bots alive which is where twilight grasp comes in so handy. Its easier summoning one bot than 3-5
And like Syn said, robot/dark shouldnt be having problems with most EBs.
Tbh even with Robots/Traps I found Repair utterly redundant with Aid Other in my build.
And on the pro-Repair side of things, I like it. I have 6-slotted Aid Other in my build but in a hectic fight you can find yourself out of range of your Assault Bot or Protectors and need to keep them on their feet.
Resummoning and issuing both upgrades takes the bot(s) out of the fight for that duration and when you need sustained DPS to overcome regen (Arachnoids, EB's, AV's) then it is very worth it.
The only drawback to it is the animation time, and you do sometimes find the bot falls over as you didn't react quick enough.
Otherwise, I have Repair three-slotted for recharge and love it. Also handy if an important bot gets end-drained.
I've found Repair to be very handy in my bots/traps build. Drop 2-3 recharge into it and it's done, yes aid other is generally possibly more useful, but it takes more slots to get good use out of it, it's interuptable, has a shorter range and requires opening a new pool set. Swings and roundabouts. As a dark user you have damage mitigation and a heal, meaning it's a far from essential power so you probably did the right thing, however if your running traps and your pet squad are sat in a triage beacon for general healing and you need something to keep one of your guys who just took a heavy punch standing, its incredibly useful.
The pellet with the poisons in the Vessel with the Pessel, the Chalice from the Palace has the brew that is true...
...yes aid other is generally possibly more useful, but it takes more slots to get good use out of it, it's interuptable, has a shorter range and requires opening a new pool set.
[/ QUOTE ]
A pool that will grant the added benefit of the Excellent Aid Self . But then I intend to be abusing my traps in a bit of PvP & Base Raids where Aid Self is fantastically beneficial .
If assault bot dies, then you resummon it . I think its much more difficult keeping the weaker bots alive which is where twilight grasp comes in so handy. Its easier summoning one bot than 3-5
And like Syn said, robot/dark shouldnt be having problems with most EBs.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm bots/FF and I find Repair invaluable for EBs, situational elsewhere. But as I have no other heals (apart from the random input of Lake and Palmer, and the only time they ever seem to want to heal is when it isn't important), it's very handy being able to bring Emerson the Assault Bot back from a handful of hps to showroom condition in a flash. Resummoning him is far less attractive an option if he's busy holding aggro from an EB. By the time he's been resummoned, double-upgraded and bubbled back to how he was before he got destroyed, the rest of the bot squad are in pieces on the floor and there's an EB bearing down on my squishy self.
Besides which, I have Repair three-slotted for recharge, and I activate the emergency overcharge function (pop Hasten for all you technophobes) before EB fights. It makes a BIG difference.
I just have to agree with those stating that it depends on you secondary if Repair is any good or not. For a robo/dark MM this power seems redundant since Twilight Grasp is a nice heal for a bunched group and robos tend to stay together as ranged pets.
My robo/poison MM on the other hand has very good use for Repair since it can be quite bothersome to be forced to throw Antidotes like mad when you should be debuffing instead. Just don´t waste it on the small drones.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
My robo/poison MM on the other hand has very good use for Repair since it can be quite bothersome to be forced to throw Antidotes like mad when you should be debuffing instead. Just don´t waste it on the small drones.
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I dont agree here, because repair's recharge is so god-awful unless they have stealthily changed it recently. You can throw like million alkaloids (not antidotes ) before repair has recharged. Alkaloid is much better imo, as long as you have it slotted about 2 end redux, 3 heal.
edit: recharges unslotted
repair: two minutes
alkaloid : 4 seconds
Alkaloid heals a drone almost full bar so I think its quite ok.
Are you all playing the same game as me? Since when do Robotics/Dark have problems with EBs? I was duoing AVs up until the I7 changes, and have been trioing them since - and I've not yet met an EB or AV yet that wasn't crippled by the combined debuffs from /Dark. Not once have I been in a situation where I've thought I could have used, letalone 'needed' Repair in my build.[ QUOTE ]
Most EB's I would agree. I play a Bots/Dark MM, which actually has as good if not slightly superior (on the offensive side) debuffs as dark. I dont have a problem with *most* EB's. But I have on some. Ive even had problems with blast furnace, the boss in the mayhem mission. Why? you may ask. Well, when he uses fire sword circle at nearly full defiance in an enclosed area I have suddenly found a lot of robot parts lying around .
The problem is EB's who use huge nova's. Even debuffed, they can be very annoying (afaik TA debuffs damage as much as dark does) high damage, high accuracy stuff. There hasnt been an EB I havent been able to take down, but a few of them have caused my significant problems.
As I said, when a nova or the like is unleashed and all your bots are at a sliver of health - or big stompy is at least, you have a long animation to-hit needed heal or repair... Id go with the latter.
To clarify - Repair for a /dark, I think, would be pretty pointless 99% of the time. But, its not totally pointless.
As I said, It works well with just one slot. I kind of like "slot cheap" powers, because it frees up your slots for other powers. As you said, TG is usually six slotted (I said it needs 4 minimum).
I have soloed an EB. I didn't use Repair once... well there was nothing to heal because thanks to Dark Ms wonderous debuffs all her attacks missed But if my bots did take damage I'd send off Twilight Grasp. Like I have said before, I think it all comes down to this: You either love Repair... or you don't
In my opinion, it sucks.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
I have the power and I am wondering whether to Respec it out or not. It heals a droid to full health and recovers half endurance, but the recharge is so long, even when slotted, that I can only use it once each mob. So what's the point? Also, I have Twilight Grasp which is an aweome heal. Any ideas?
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze