Kheldians for CoV




I don't think Arakhn is a Nictus

[/ QUOTE ]I'm pretty sure she is, actually.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Moreover, there's nothing to stop an evil-minded Warshade (Or Peacebringer) from bonding with a willing host who happens to be evil and doing evil things. They're still a Warshade/Peacebringer but go around hunting heroes for whatever reason (Money, Vengeance, Kicks, etc).

[/ QUOTE ]
While this is exactly my point concerning Peacebringers I think I have to disagree with your view of Warshades.
It is not the fact of having a voluntary host that separates Nicti from Warshades. Both of them can do that (since they are biologically identical), only that the Warshade chooses to do so, because he feels that he should not force himself upon an unwilling target. Nicti on the other hand prefer the easy but cruel way that enables them to stay alone in the "driver seat" so that they don´t have to deal with inconveniences like a conscience coming with a new host.
So, an evil Warshade is a Nictus in my book, regardless of him having an unwilling or a voluntary but evil host (although he would likely break his hosts will anyway, given the chance). Warshades are not a race for themselves. They are Nicti in all things except mindset. So the description "Warshade" is just a way to say on which side you are on. (The good guys.)
It´s like saying "I´m a policeman" or "Let me through. I´m a doctor."
And considering this hordes of Warshades running around beating up heroes would not make much sense. It´s by far more probable and plausible that these villains are Nicti.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Moreover, there's nothing to stop an evil-minded Warshade (Or Peacebringer) from bonding with a willing host who happens to be evil and doing evil things. They're still a Warshade/Peacebringer but go around hunting heroes for whatever reason (Money, Vengeance, Kicks, etc).

[/ QUOTE ]
While this is exactly my point concerning Peacebringers I think I have to disagree with your view of Warshades.
It is not the fact of having a voluntary host that separates Nicti from Warshades. Both of them can do that (since they are biologically identical), only that the Warshade chooses to do so, because he feels that he should not force himself upon an unwilling target. Nicti on the other hand prefer the easy but cruel way that enables them to stay alone in the "driver seat" so that they don´t have to deal with inconveniences like a conscience coming with a new host.
So, an evil Warshade is a Nictus in my book, regardless of him having an unwilling or a voluntary but evil host (although he would likely break his hosts will anyway, given the chance). Warshades are not a race for themselves. They are Nicti in all things except mindset. So the description "Warshade" is just a way to say on which side you are on. (The good guys.)
It´s like saying "I´m a policeman" or "Let me through. I´m a doctor."
And considering this hordes of Warshades running around beating up heroes would not make much sense. It´s by far more probable and plausible that these villains are Nicti.

[/ QUOTE ]

But there's evil and Evil. Villains aren't really Evil, they're just bad. Sure they're involved in kidnapping, extortion, beating down heroes, etc. but it's rare to see any of them plotting to wipe out the human race á la Hamidon or the Nictus.

As I've said before, CoV is really City of Moral Ambiguity. Although there's more evil stuff in the game since I7, it's still rare that you actually feel like you're being evil. Certainly I think that there's room within the framework for a Warshade who, say, wants to leave peacefully with humans and with a willing host but also wants to make a bit of cash out of it by running a protection racket.

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I don't think Arakhn is a Nictus

[/ QUOTE ]I'm pretty sure she is, actually.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here.



I don't think Arakhn is a Nictus

[/ QUOTE ]I'm pretty sure she is, actually.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I stand corrected, having looked it up again.

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Well, I guess this is entirely possible. In fact, I would be quite surprised if all those Warshades stayed on the heroes´ side of things for good. Some may have found out that being a hero is not that rewarding after all and would have tried other ways of life.
But if we look at the numbers and probabilities we might see that the number of Kheldians going from natural Kheldian to EVIL Nictus to Good Warshade to evil Warshade can not be that overwhelming.
All Warshades are former Nicti and if we reasonably assume that the number of deserters (Warshades) is significantly smaller than the number of "true" Nicti (They once made a conscious choice to be EVIL after all.) we will probably always have more Nicti than Warshades. So we have a relatively small pool of Warshades from which criminal Warshades might arise who are just evil and not EVIL enough to join the Nictus fraction again.
After these reasonable assumptions we see the following strength in numbers:
Nicti &gt; Hero-Warshades &gt; Villain-Warshades
and Nicti &gt;&gt; Villain-Warshades
Seeing this I would say that the large majority of Dark Novas and Black Dwarfs encountered by heroes are Nicti and only a small portion may be Warshades gone rogue.

And concerning CoV I see plenty of space for things like true Nicti. Of course there is a difference between striving for wealth and power and working towards enslaving the human race, but I don´t think those two goals are mutually exclusive if we talk about villainous inhabitants of a whole archipelago. There are villains who are just in it for the money, some others want domination over a part or all of humanity (although some may use strange strategies in their pursuits) and from there it is only one step further to Nictus "All your base are belong to us".
Sure, the majority of villains is evil rather than EVIL, but that does not deny the presence of EVIL beings.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



It still doesn't sit right with me - it's too much of a shoehorning them into CoV because they wanted something different to CoH but at the same time couldn't be bothered to come up with something genuinely new.

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I'm not having a go at the quoted poster here, but I hear this sort of comment a lot on these boards and I think this is a little harsh.

It's not as if the developers for this game are all sat on a beach somewhere swigging Pina Coladas saying "Anyone fancy designing a new AT... nah me neither... balls to 'em... pass me the sunblock"

The fact is that a "from the ground up" new AT has massive impacts on balance, back story, game play, mission design and numerous other factors. This means it is a significant task involving many people, careful planning, testing and design. As players will always be demanding new content and options in their game, sometimes the best option is to offer to 1 part of the player base a slightly altered version of an option available to another part of player base.

It's not that that they don't care or can't be bothered, it's just in terms of development, testing and release times it's just not practical to bang a new AT out in every single update.

Give them a break guys, I'm sure they are trying



Acording to the lore the nova/dwarf powers depend upon what previous hosts the keldian has had, and repersent different species, dispuite thier similar apearance. So a nictus could easily be a bright nova.

I assumed that the dark nictus powers where a coruption of peacebringer powers however. That would meen that a keldian with light powers is a peacebringer. However a peacebringer could go evil and still have the same powers, in the same way as a warshade is a nictus who turns good but retains thier powers.

Chances are even the villain nictus are renegades not working with the council.

I really should do something about this signature.



You misunderstand me. I appreciate that it's a lot of work to create a new AT from scratch. I also appreciate that they want something that's not just another PB/WS combo. However, making what will amount to cosmetic changes to the PB/WS ATs and sticking them into Villains as "new" ATs requiring a fair bit of stretching of the ole Kheldian lore just seems a bit lazy. I'd have rather they just stuck PB/WS into Villains - as I've said, there's nothing to stop them being bonded to evil hosts without being any different power-wise to "good" Kheldians.

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I guess many would have found this too lame and, honestly, I don´t see why they should be 100% the same power-wise.
They way I see many non-technological superpowers it is so that a hero can manipulate fire and can thus learn the art of hurling great balls of fire at his enemies. A different but less heroic person might have the same type of power (He can manipulate fire.), but may use it for totally different causes... like becoming the greates BBQ-chef in the world. The fire blaster might be able to fry sausages with his powers, too, but it is unlikely that he will use it ingame, so it is not implemented as a power-choice.
So, natural Kheldians don´t have the power to throw bolts of energy at their opponents, the power to heal themselves and others etc. That would be like using magical spells and the way I see it Kheldian powers are nothing like that. Instead they have the power to manipulate positive energy. So a Kheldian with an evil mindset might use this power for different effects. For example he might choose to not learn to heal others but to use his energy to overload his opponent´s senses and thereby blinding him.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



The Nicti/Nictupodo will have the same power sets as the hero side Kheldians but have 0.75 of their damage and 0.75 of their def/res but luckily they'll have an inherent to even things up.

But that won't work in PVP.



The Nicti/Nictupodo will have the same power sets as the hero side Kheldians but have 0.75 of their damage and 0.75 of their def/res but luckily they'll have an inherent to even things up.

[/ QUOTE ]And you of course have an official source to back this up...



Kheldian shmeldian.
I'd rather see coralax as an epic AT

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Fiend Space: 211464



Acording to the lore the nova/dwarf powers depend upon what previous hosts the keldian has had, and repersent different species, dispuite thier similar apearance. So a nictus could easily be a bright nova.

[/ QUOTE ]
And in just the same way it's possible that the new villainous khelds may have different forms to our heroic squiddies and lobsters.

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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Kheldian shmeldian.
I'd rather see coralax as an epic AT

[/ QUOTE ]
Seem to recall that this is rumoured to be coming... just that the villainous khelds are the 1st step to:
* even up the number of ATs/EATs between CoH and CoV
* then expand with 2 or 3 new ATs/variants for each side (good and evil)

Seem to recall seeing some of this around the US Positron woot radio transcript thread. (although I can't be bothered to check for sure right now... lazy JD)

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Just read that big Posi interview. He reveals that there will be Kheldians for CoV, but probably not with I8 (so it will take some additional time).
One will be the Nictus and be very similar to the Warshade. The other one will be some kind of Peacebringer with some powers swapped to make it more evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

The summary from the Woot interiew on the US site mentioned comment on the Nictus AT as follows:

"Nictus are confirmed as a lvl 50 villain Epic! They will be like warshades, but an evil version of a peacebringer, with some power tweaks."

Did Positron actually ever say there would be Nictus AND another "Evil Peacebringer" ATs? As far as my thoughts, I'd say in the above context the part about being an "Evil Peacebringer" is a fairly arbitray description connected to the same Nictus AT.

As far as I thought there has been one Nictus AT mentioned, and not a mention of another "Kheldian" themed AT. In another post about character slots, in the General section, Bridger only refers singually to one Nictus Epic AT.

I fully understand I might have missed something somewhere, I'm just not personally so sure atm that there is any more than one Nictus/Kheldian type villain Epic AT being planned.

Personally I can buy into the context of a villainous Nictus/Warshade character with no problem, and will level one for sure when they do get made available. I think it's a great concept that will expand the CoX mythos a littel bit, even if by nature there might be some similar themes or functions to the existing Kheldians.

'sides, comic book culture is rife with inconsistency, re-direction and re-invention .



The transcript is - as I said - borked beyond belief concerning the kheldian point.
I heard the whole thing and can assure you that Positron did indeed talk about two separate types of Kheldian: The Nictus as carbon-copy of a Warshade and one other which will be quite similar to a Peacebringer, but with a few tweaks to make it more evilish.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.