I would be up for it, 7pm BSt or later would be best for me although I can do during the day as well.
I'm in, anytime tuesday evening will do me.
pick me pick me
im there
Sign me up, AErys, 45 Corruptor, been trying to kill those bastards for a while now. Just send me a tell when you're doing it.
up for it
41 brute
On the test server we found a easy way to take the Heroes down, all you really need is 2 Kinetics and all 3 Heavies.. we tested this last night and was was able to take out Back Alley Brawler, Manticore, Sister P and Positron with ease.
The plan was, Get the heavies in as close as possible to do their melee attacks while the kins uses Transfusion to slow the regen and to heal the Heavies.. worked like a charm.. the only one we did have problems with was Statesman because of his Nuke.
Thank you spawnus that sounds like a plan, im sure we can get the heavies we need. Hopefully a few friendly /kins will read this and be up for a few badges and epic battles .
I would just like to add i made a rookie error RV is open to every1 40/41+. if you can get in your welcom on the team/s.
Dr E Genius we can make it about 7 pm meet wait for 15-20 mins for anyone late and to rope in fiends and any badgers that are interested if that sounds ok
I'd love to take part in some hero-smashing. Still need to take care of Back Alley Brawler. I will consider the others as a nice little bonus
"Style before purpose"
On the test server we found a easy way to take the Heroes down, all you really need is 2 Kinetics and all 3 Heavies.. we tested this last night and was was able to take out Back Alley Brawler, Manticore, Sister P and Positron with ease.
The plan was, Get the heavies in as close as possible to do their melee attacks while the kins uses Transfusion to slow the regen and to heal the Heavies.. worked like a charm.. the only one we did have problems with was Statesman because of his Nuke.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oi! My plan!
Hey i never said it was my plan did i
Get a stalker to jump into the pillboxe and fire turrets that is also useful.
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
Get a stalker to jump into the pillboxe and fire turrets that is also useful.
[/ QUOTE ]
Doesnt help much though, the aggro needs to be kept on the Heavies and the turrets dont do enough damage to warrant their use. It also removes the player from the fight, and the AVs/Heroes have leadership powers, so can still see stalkers.
You could use our tactic, its slower but fairly effective. What ya do is if you get a Hero that you dont want or need to kill again then get a couple of your team mates and get it to follow them back to a drone, they will get droned and then you can focus on just the one Hero.
LOL! one shot statesman cant belive recluse hasnt though of that one. So i will hopefully see a hoard of eger villains about 7:00 bst by the statue of recluse in GV ( i will check RV incase any1 is waiting there without arena on)where we can sort teams if nesersay. if we get multiple teams I could set up a tempory chat chanel for leaders and any1 with room for one.
Thank you every1 that turned up. I hope the late arivals got some bages if not you have my apologies, mabey we could try this again.
And i big thanx goes to all the heroes that co-operated and alowed/heled us get everyone of the phalanx. Expecialy Golden Girl couldnt have done it without you
You could use our tactic, its slower but fairly effective. What ya do is if you get a Hero that you dont want or need to kill again then get a couple of your team mates and get it to follow them back to a drone, they will get droned and then you can focus on just the one Hero.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye, did that to Manticore at least once, then realised we could kill him fast enough before the other hero came to help.
If you need a Rad/Rad corr (Dark Cobalt) for an RV team then look me up. Always up for it
Lvl 49 with all the usual Rad goodies, plus vengeance buffs
Any 45+ villains interested in hunting Statesman and his pals. if we get enough we could grab some pill boxes and hopefully get the whole Phalanx.
I was thinking tuesday 29th mabey around 6-7 to give people a chance to get back from work. if any1 is interested could u post here, and sugest a new time if nessersary. we can hopefuly get a day and tiem good for every1.
Hopefully we could get a bit of co-operation from the heroes in the zone at the time, but it cant be guaranteed.
any one likley to be playing a hero in RV when we do this could u please give us an hour, could be fun watching the face plants as statesman sumons up the insane lightning storm of his
could have some fun pvp battles after, fun for every1