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  1. I would like to apply to the VG. I currently have a level 39 mm but I'm thinking of creating a thugs/trap. I used to play on the defiant server but the VG I was in disbanded and I've noticed that the union server has a bigger population. If you would like to know any more info about me please ask.
  2. I prefer robots and thugs as they are much easier to control than the melee pets (ninjas, zomibes) I'm not really a fan of mercs as their minions and powers don't really compare to say assault bot and gangwar.
  3. After a year of playing cov on an on and off basis I've finally got coh. I was quite amazaed that there were double the heroes online compared to villians. I'm currently looking for an active supergroup, if there are any recruiting please direct me or post here. If you would like to know more info about myself please post here or send me a PM. Cheers.
  4. What powers do you have so far? Is this a toon for certain pvp zones or overall? I have a ice/rad toon so I can you give some advice regarding the rad powers. As you will very likely know a rad's debuffs are lethal in pvp.
  5. After a bit of break I have come back to COV, most of my old guildmates and friends have now left the game though. I am currently looking for an active guild or a group of people to do such things as badge hunting, PVP, SF and many more. I would prefer to join a guild that is very active and has quite a few high levels. My current toon is a level 50 Cor Ice/Rad. I'm still trying to get use to the game but give it a few hours and I will be ready . Thanks.
  6. Messy

    MMs and PvP

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    Some people think an 8 man stalker team is bad I'd say an 8 man mm team is even worse, they're a very underrated class

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    Man, you're speaking my language. What level is your thugs MM?

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    Level 26 thugs/traps
  7. Messy

    MMs and PvP

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    Pvping today I'd say the only class that would have a good chance standing toe toe to with a mm is a tanker

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    So you reckon a scrapper with throw spines, spines burst and energy torrent couldnt? Or a troller confusing MM's pets to death, or with fulcrum, force bubble or with rad debuffs? Or a blaster with fire ball/nova/sniping from distance so that pets in BG dont attack it? I think most ATs can fight a MM and have its chances even tho they dont have tp foe

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    Heres a few expereinces I've had with certain players playing these classes.


    I had an intresting fight with a tanker in sc it lasted for about 10 minutes neither of us getting the advantage over the other, could of lasted much longer until a brute came in, point being is any other class I've encountered would never last this long in a 1v1 before running or dying.

    Fire/Ice Blaster

    This guy was flying above me using a fire snipe on me, it did about 10% damage to me, my thugs took a tiny bit of damage each. I then managed to ground him with a web grenade after that he didn't last 10 seconds with my thugs attacking.

    Controller x 2

    I don't own coh so I'm not an expert to their powers these 2 controllers though were using a lot of wind and ice based imob,holds etc, to try and get me away from my minions. It could of worked but the amount of powers they were using on me left them with little endurance to do some damage to me, when I recovered I took them both out thanks to gangwar, caltrops and other traps. (however these guys were lethal in group pvp later)

    Spines scrapper

    There was 2 type of spines scrapper I fought. One that was jumping around spamming impale not really doing much, and a spines/regen that went in for the melee. The one that went in for melee died after I rooted him.

    These were based on the expereinces I had as my first day as a pvp mm which was yesterday. Some people think an 8 man stalker team is bad I'd say an 8 man mm team is even worse, they're a very underrated class.
  8. I can take one on as a ice/rad providing I get all my rad debuffs on them, after that it really messes them up. If they are using superspeed my lingering radiation along with my ice attacks slows them down. Their impale attack however is deadly and theres been many times I've been killed from it.
  9. Messy

    MMs and PvP

    It depends really.... if your talking about 1v1 or group pvp. Pvping today I'd say the only class that would have a good chance standing toe toe to with a mm is a tanker, group pvp being different story of course. The mm has one weakness and thats teleport foe get him away from his minions and hes pretty much done for. I was pvping today along with a few stalkers. I would attack first and use gangwar then spam a few traps causing the heroes to focus on me. You're right that the mm has to be attacked for bg mode to kick in but the heroes I've been pvping with simply can't resist, in the chaos the stalkers can then move in for the kill. Conclusion is a mm is great for distracting and casuing all types of chaos while his teammates move in.
  10. Messy

    MMs and PvP

    Tried my mm today level 26 thug/traps. I was attacked by a blaster in SC he stood no chance in hell, he barely scratched me while I was in bg mode. I'm going to get some taunt powers next.
  11. The 5th legion is always looking for new members. If you would like more information please check the link in my sig or send a /tell to Arktic.
  12. I'm a ice/rad cor which is a great build for 1v1 and support. If you get all 3 rad debuffs on a target you will seriously mess them up! Get them ASAP!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Wednesday or Thursday - doesn't matter to me

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  14. I need them all except for kill skuls. Could you please send a tell to arktic if your planning to do them. Thanks.
  15. Messy

    RV AV's

    I'm in, anytime tuesday evening will do me.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe in Sirens, I was once in a 8 man team, 7 scrappers and me, the only of course the villains picked on me. ^^

    In RV, I'd say Brutes were the most popular toon around, as Stalkers are easily seen/fought against, but they fare better in Sirens as people have less Perception/powers too help fight detect them.

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    I feel your pain, today I was in a 8 man team 6 stalkers 1 brute and me the cor. Half the stalkers would be stealthed at the time leaving a few targets for the heros, soon as I poked my head out the base I would be chased by about 4 scrappers. As for rv I find controllers to be pretty annoying, most of them will put you in a hold and wait for their heavy to do work, saying that I've done exactly the same with my freeze ray and slow debuffs.
  17. I've been in sirens call a lot recently and I've noticed that about 75% of the heros or villians there are either scrappers or stalkers. No this is not a whine but simply a discussion do you agree/disagree what do you think? I myself have been playing cov for about 2 months now (never played coh) and have started to pvp much more being an ice/rad cor is a fun build to play while pvping. I've also pvped in rv and bb (for shivian shard) warburg dosn't really suit my taste but sirens call seems to be the main pvp zone. Just wondering what people think about this.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously, did you hand out the first prize to that character because of the chest size? Not to sound degrading to anyone, but it doesn't really look like a very well made up costume, or very original.

    Check the last picture..there's a freaking Irishman in there! If that isn't original I don't know what is. <img src="/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

    Still, congratulations to the winners :P Just something I noticed. Not trying to be bitchy or anything! Also, I love it how you organized this. Stuff like this is what keeps the game interesting for alot of people. <img src="/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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    Creo (the guild leader) had his wife judge the contest she dosn't play the game, this would bring the fairness to the contest by having someone from outside the game to judge the contest. Yes the irishman was a great costume however he was one of our own members we wanted to avoid giving the prizes to our own members for obvious reasons. We are organzing a similar event in the future I have to keep quiet about it though
  19. The 5th Legion is hosting the biggest costume contest which is taking place in Port Oakes. The winners get away with a big wad of money. Correctly speaking 2 Million for 1st Place, 1 Million for 2nd Place and 500,000 for 3rd Place. Appear in Port Oakes the 13th August at 16:00 GMT/17:00 CET! BE THERE!

    Any questions regarding the event please send a message to creo or arktic.
  20. If any of you need an extra man for badge hunting, send a holla to arktic.
  21. I'm up for this badge as well, send a tell to arktic if ye want me.