Fire-Beetle hits 50
Shoot.. i've missed it
But big gratz to you
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Gratz Fire beetle on dinging the big 5-0, its been a pleasure to team with you on all of my toons, damn you and your outlevelling skillz
Good luck with your next project
Way to go fire beetle!
Gratz Fire-beetle
Gratz matey! Glad I was there to join in the celebrations. One of the nicest tanks I've teamed with and good luck with your PB.
The defiant one of the family.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
WooHoo, congrats Fire Beetle, well done mate, glad I was there, enjoy your PB and don't ask me for advice on em, mine is rubbish
Congratz again mate you earned it, now enjoy the pb
Congratulations. Sorry I had to quit and wasn't there to see it.
jo0 4r£ 5uRe1Y 7eH []D\/\/NZ0rs!1
you really deserved it mate, gutted I coudnt be there, CoH servers had connectivity issues, but I'm glad you've joined the family and look forward to many more levels with you and Mrs FB, hell you've only been with us for 3 months, ur still a newbie but you are wise beyond your MMO months
I'll be seeing you ingame mate, PB... nova - uber team dmg/boring, human - diversity in team situations/less boring less damage.
Plight, teh proud, again
gratz matey
now if i can get kal to 50 ovcer the weekend ill be chuffed, nights suck i can hardly play at all this week
GRATZ! and don't forget to tell proverbial to add you to the the lvl 50s of Defiant
Gratz Beetle! Nice to know someone else I teamed with has now got 50
Cheers all!
Grats Fire-Beetle!
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
Lots of thanks to all in the Order of the Cruciform Swords, you are a great bunch!
More thanks to those who have teamed with me (Kalvelis, Flamerad Strike, Frost Guardian et al).