Planned Storm Build
Don't take anything I say as God's honest truth but I would slot a few of the powers you have here a little differently....
06) --> Steamy Mist==> DmgRes(6) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(7) DefBuf(11) DefBuf(15) EndRdx(50)
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would definitly get some End Redux on this power. I think I slotted this 2 x end redux and 3 x dam resist
08) --> Freezing Rain==> Acc(8) Acc(9) DefDeBuf(9) Rechg(19) Rechg(19) Rechg(23)
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Never really saw the need for accuracy on this. Would go for 3 x DefDeBuf and 3 x Recharge
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Acc(34) Acc(36) Acc(36)
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again not sure how good accuracy is on this power. I used to have mine slotted like this but then I respecced to 3 x damage and 3 x recharge. Seemed to work a lot better
Don't worry about not slotting your attacks till much later, it was exactly the same with my storm/electric. The thing is stormies have so much to do you won't really notice. Out of the three defenders I have played this was by far the most soloable even with her weak attacks
On the epics. I have electric mastery currently but toying with the idea of going to power mastery so that I can use power build up... power sink is good... but remember to switch off hurricane first - I never do
Oh yeah and... I think I have gale with just one accuracy, once you have hurricane you really won't use gale that much so 3 slots seems overkill
Don't take anything I say as God's honest truth but I would slot a few of the powers you have here a little differently....
06) --> Steamy Mist==> DmgRes(6) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(7) DefBuf(11) DefBuf(15) EndRdx(50)
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would definitly get some End Redux on this power. I think I slotted this 2 x end redux and 3 x dam resist
08) --> Freezing Rain==> Acc(8) Acc(9) DefDeBuf(9) Rechg(19) Rechg(19) Rechg(23)
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Never really saw the need for accuracy on this. Would go for 3 x DefDeBuf and 3 x Recharge
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Acc(34) Acc(36) Acc(36)
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again not sure how good accuracy is on this power. I used to have mine slotted like this but then I respecced to 3 x damage and 3 x recharge. Seemed to work a lot better
[/ QUOTE ]Agreed, although I'd recommend 3 rech 2 DefDebuff 1 EndRdx for freezing rain.
Also, drop one ACC from gale and put it in tesla cage.
And I'd recommend taking the nuke instead of sentinel.
And I'd recommend taking the nuke instead of sentinel.
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I did have the nuke instead of the sentinel at one point but found it really annoying dropping all my toggles when I fired off nuke, so respecced it out pretty quick... It's probably just personal preference but I know I was definitly very much in favour of keeping all my toggles running
Some endreds are definitely needed in snowstorm and steamy mist, I only have those 2 toggles running and with blasting I easily get to low end (this is at a lvl 8 point of view though). Also, freeing rain definitely needs some endred, I was shocked when I used it and watched my endurance bar lose a big chunk. The recharges are a good idea, 30secs is too long to wait lol. Just dont look at the puddle when one is on top of the other, its blinding lol.
My gale is usually ok with 1 acc, even though it is a TO. My build is much the same as yours, apart from I havent got O2 Boost- opted for the second blast power instead.
How many slow enhancements are needed in snowstorm to hit the slow cap? Combined with rain, even at low level it looks to be not many.
And I'd recommend taking the nuke instead of sentinel.
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I did have the nuke instead of the sentinel at one point but found it really annoying dropping all my toggles when I fired off nuke, so respecced it out pretty quick... It's probably just personal preference but I know I was definitly very much in favour of keeping all my toggles running
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thats why I didnt take the nuke in this build, I cant be doing with having no end, especially when there are better things to be doing
Thankies for the advice guys, shall be changing a few of the slots as a result hehe
How many slow enhancements are needed in snowstorm to hit the slow cap? Combined with rain, even at low level it looks to be not many.
[/ QUOTE ]Depends on what level oes you're fighting, I think even levels will be at cap with one slot, at least with freezing rain on them as well.
hurricane 3endred/3accdebuff
steamy mist 3endred/3dmgres
freezing rain 3recharge/2slow/1defdebuff
snow storm 3endred/3slow
tornado 3recharge/3disorient (gotta love it in pvp)
thunder clap 3acc/3recharge OR 2recharge/2acc/2disorient
thunder storm 3recharge/2acc/1dmg
roll on uber debuff, low end drain and add hasten = perma tornado, 2 thunder storms, fast thunder clap recharge, and nearly perma freezing rain
bauhahahahha etc
dammit that looks good....
thunder storm 3recharge/2acc/1dmg
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you really think the accuracy makes a difference??
maybe I should try that... 3 damage just seemed really good tho
hurricane 3endred/3accdebuff
steamy mist 3endred/3dmgres
freezing rain 3recharge/2slow/1defdebuff
snow storm 3endred/3slow
tornado 3recharge/3disorient (gotta love it in pvp)
thunder clap 3acc/3recharge OR 2recharge/2acc/2disorient
thunder storm 3recharge/2acc/1dmg
roll on uber debuff, low end drain and add hasten = perma tornado, 2 thunder storms, fast thunder clap recharge, and nearly perma freezing rain
bauhahahahha etc
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Tanks must love you....
Tanker: "I'm trying to control the aggro here, Defender, just stick to healing me"
Storm defender: "So.. do I understand you correctly in that your suggesting me to use my weak 2-3 slotted O2 boost instead of using 5-6 powers that are 6 slotted that will stop the bad guys from hitting you at all?"
Tanker: "erm.. yes?"
Storm defender: "Good to know" kick tanker/leave team.
hehe, my own storm/elec defender is just in her early 20s but already its chaotic enough. Looking forward to see how it will be in another 20 levels though
Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender
Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz
"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.
looks good, as far as i can tell...
thunder storm 3recharge/2acc/1dmg
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you really think the accuracy makes a difference??
maybe I should try that... 3 damage just seemed really good tho
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Here's a thing I've thought about. Does Range in Thunderstorm increase the things firing range? It does take Range enhances. I have one in it but I've never actually measured / checked the range increased.
If it does take em a wider "aoe" for it is pretty useful. If not : Bah devs. don't let it take +ranges so.
Tanker: "I'm trying to control the aggro here, Defender, just stick to healing me"
Storm defender: "So.. do I understand you correctly in that your suggesting me to use my weak 2-3 slotted O2 boost instead of using 5-6 powers that are 6 slotted that will stop the bad guys from hitting you at all?"
Tanker: "erm.. yes?"
Storm defender: "Good to know" kick tanker/leave team.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had a hurricane complaint the other day from a tanker so I told him I would switch it off and see how it goes. Needless to say I healed more in 5 minutes than I had in the previous week and several people died, even with me plus an empath in the group. The hurricane went back on and I think I O2 boosted maybe three times the rest of the mission.
Got a tell..
"youre an Empath?"
(well at least he didnt say healer)
"No, Storm"
(I thought about adding "we're better" but that would most likely be to controversial to say and later live down, so I didnt)
Never heard from him again, got another invite later on from a team that didnt ask or cared, any defender was good in their book. Was great grouping with them, even though they did add a empath later on (not that we had run into any situaton that had warranted it, so im guessing it was just some random person who had sent the leader a tell asking if there was room)
It made me think, any team that specifically asks for a empath is probably not a team I want to be in anyway...
Unless were doing +4 missions or AVs.. then its perfectly understandable that some people feel more secured with a empath, but for casual mishes, no.
Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender
Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz
"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.
hurricane 3endred/3accdebuff
steamy mist 3endred/3dmgres
freezing rain 3recharge/2slow/1defdebuff
snow storm 3endred/3slow
tornado 3recharge/3disorient (gotta love it in pvp)
thunder clap 3acc/3recharge OR 2recharge/2acc/2disorient
thunder storm 3recharge/2acc/1dmg
roll on uber debuff, low end drain and add hasten = perma tornado, 2 thunder storms, fast thunder clap recharge, and nearly perma freezing rain
bauhahahahha etc
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everything what teh hyperactive froglord says here..tho I still don't agree on the def debuff in freezing pvp its okay..if your teamm8's still don't hit with this power affecting your enemies they really gotta change some slotting
that was a spare slot gen
and to teh tank responce, dont fekkin team with a storm then....= solution
Do you need accuracy in thunderstorm? I thought it had 200% accuracy base?
I don't have accuracy in thunderstorm or voltaic sentinel and I think they "miss" probably once in a blue moon, or the 5% cap.
maybe I shouldnt bother with acc slotted in that then
I might just take thunderstorm down to 3 recharge and put the slots somewhere else.
I think thunderstorm seems like a nice chaos making power, but for damage I can see my blasts being much more useful.
maybe I shouldnt bother with acc slotted in that then
I might just take thunderstorm down to 3 recharge and put the slots somewhere else.
I think thunderstorm seems like a nice chaos making power, but for damage I can see my blasts being much more useful.
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ooooh... I would put three damage in the thunderstorm, much better than your blasts as you don't have to actually do anything once the cloud is up. Means you can concentrate on other things like healing, if required, or quickly chopping and changing between outfits.
Particularly when soloing my stormy, thunderstorm is the difference between me being dead and me not being dead... plus it's always amusing to drop a thunderstorm behind a corner, run into a room and herd it up with your hurricane and then run back and hide behind the cloud. This tactic only really works if the cloud is kicking out a bit of damage too
note: not many teams like you doing that, far better to do it solo
I have to agree. I have thunderstorm slotted 3 damage, 1 endredx and 2 recharge. With no hasten you can get a second storm up a few seconds before the first one dissipates.
Definately go for damage. You can get a whole spawn of mobs shoved into a corner and the storm will hit the lot with each blast. That's about 150 damage AoE every couple of seconds at lvl 36 on yellow/orange minions. It's my main source of damage. Ball lightning comes nowhere near in damage per second or damage per unit endurance. You just have to get everything tightly bunched because the AoE radius is quite small.
In Freezing Rain i would go for 5 defdebuffs and one recharge,possibly even 6 def debuffs, since you wont get that golden opportunity to sue it more than at the start of each group of mobs(generally speaking)and in hurricane 5 thit debuffs and 1 endrdx as with stamina you´ll be fine,six slto stamina though is my tip tooThis coming froma lvl 35 storm/rad defender....but your style is your style and my style is mine so do whatever you want
In Freezing Rain i would go for 5 defdebuffs and one recharge,possibly even 6 def debuffs,
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since ED came in it doesn't really make sense to slot with 5/6 of any enhancment type...
How come??
How come??
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Enhancement Diversification (ED) means that when you slot powers with more than one type of enhancement the boost they provide dramatically reduces. So much so that it becomes pointless to slot any one power with more than 3 of the same enhancement.
Basically the first and second enhancement you slot will enhance the power by around 33% each, the third will enhance the power by 30% and then if you slot a 4th you'll get something ridiculously small like 6% boost (and the 5th and 6th enhancement drop off even further..)
(Before ED I think all enhancements provided a set 33%-ish boost to a power...)
I've probably explained it badly so I would advise doing a search on the forums for ED and Enhancement Diversification

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name:Captain Hurricane
Level: 50
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Storm Summoning
Secondary: Electrical Blast
01) --> Gale==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Acc(15)
01) --> Charged Bolts==> Dmg(1) Dmg(31) Dmg(33) Acc(39)
02) --> Snow Storm==> Slow(2) Slow(3) Slow(11) EndRdx(17) EndRdx(17)
04) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(4) Heal(5) Heal(5) Rechg(23) Rechg(25)
06) --> Steamy Mist==> DmgRes(6) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(7) DefBuf(11) DefBuf(15) EndRdx(50)
08) --> Freezing Rain==> Acc(8) Acc(9) DefDeBuf(9) Rechg(19) Rechg(19) Rechg(23)
10) --> Short Circuit==> Dmg(10) Dmg(31) Dmg(37) Acc(37)
12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Hurdle==> Jump(16)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Hurricane==> TH_DeBuf(22) TH_DeBuf(25) TH_DeBuf(27) EndRdx(27) EndRdx(29) EndRdx(29)
24) --> Aim==> Rechg(24) Rechg(33) Rechg(33) TH_Buf(48)
26) --> Tornado==> DefDeBuf(26) DefDeBuf(40) DefDeBuf(46) DisDur(46) DisDur(46)
28) --> Tesla Cage==> Hold(28) Hold(31) Hold(36) Acc(37)
30) --> Ball Lightning==> Dmg(30) Dmg(40) Dmg(42) Acc(42)
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Acc(34) Acc(36) Acc(36)
35) --> Voltaic Sentinel==> Dmg(35) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Acc(40)
38) --> Lightning Bolt==> Dmg(38) Dmg(42) Dmg(43) Acc(43)
41) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(41) Rechg(43) Rechg(45)
44) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(44) Rechg(45) Rechg(45) TH_Buf(50) TH_Buf(50)
47) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(47) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(48)
49) --> Whirlwind==> KB_Dist(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Okies, Critique welcome from fellow stormies/those with knowledge/anyone!
I'm a bit worried about the slotting, as, it seems that I can't fit in attack slotting until much later, which is something I really wanted to avoid.
I feel she might be too much a defender, and her attacks will suffer as a result
Also, would anyone suggest Electric mastery, over Power Mastery, for power sink?The amount of end that this toon looks like she'll be using, I think an aoe end drain might be just what she needs!
Can power sink compete with conserve power?