-Regen AV killer for hire ;)




Given the recent changes I thought I would dust of Control-obot, my lvl 33 grav/rad and pimp him about to assist people with any AV arcs. Happy to be SKd up and should really lvl him as hasnt budged for well over 8 months now

Send me a PM or tell in game and I will try to assist

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



He's lev 34 in your sig.

Somewhere you're lying :P

(EDIT - SOMEONE PLEV him to 40 by next tuesday though!)



He's lev 34 in your sig.

Somewhere you're lying :P

[/ QUOTE ]

my mistake he is lvl 34 (i think )

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



hehe us rads of old are so happy

i may dig out coggy or continue with kalvelis



Well, Radical Bolt (rad/rad lvl 33 atm) might just your best friend bashing AVs. Just gimme a holler @Boltmeister and if I'm not busy I'll come and provide the best -regen there is



One rad on every server *happiness dance* *happiness dance*



Oh noes rad/rad the new FoTM?:P


I don't get the AV's

we had 2 scrappers (1 sk'd up from lvl 17 tho>.&gt a bubble troller a kinetic troller and a dark defender..

2 rounds..

First one against AM..Spam transfusion on him and the dark did his stuff:P..down in like 30/40 secs (not a second more)..

Adamaster (Monster..so no AV you gits^^)..took about 30 minutes of -regen speedboost fullcrum..siphon power spamming..1 lvl difference...

No I don't get it:P



Once I get off of villains long enough to sort out her Freespec and enhancement shop SchrodingersCat will be looking for business

Edit: Unlike others I will AV debuff for free, so longs I dont have to exemp, cause getting the build I want wont be exemp friendly. I love watching AVs fall

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Captain Cathode Inc is now open for business...all your AV troubles taken care of for a reasonable price...say YOUR ETERNAL SOUL!



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr



I should bring my fire/storm back out, he's the ubah AV killer and will soon be FoTM, if he already wasn't.

FoTM GO!!!!!!!!!



Stupid Boards



Really Stupid Boards



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post i7 -regen was the only way to kill AVs that were not several levels below, without some form of -regen the 1000% regen increase of the AVs was unsurmountable, enervating feild without -regen wouldnt do anything to the AVs. However that is now going to be cut back by 80%. Seems the age of -regen as king was short lived

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

apparently the devs are rolling back the regen changes mostly, so this is all academical.

One kinetic wasnt enough to bring Adamastor (monster) down in our team(7 members). We needed another. After Adam stopped regenning it became easy.




Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post i7 -regen was the only way to kill AVs that were not several levels below, without some form of -regen the 1000% regen increase of the AVs was unsurmountable, enervating feild without -regen wouldnt do anything to the AVs. However that is now going to be cut back by 80%. Seems the age of -regen as king was short lived

[/ QUOTE ]

Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.




Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends on the team composition.



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post i7 -regen was the only way to kill AVs that were not several levels below, without some form of -regen the 1000% regen increase of the AVs was unsurmountable, enervating feild without -regen wouldnt do anything to the AVs. However that is now going to be cut back by 80%. Seems the age of -regen as king was short lived

[/ QUOTE ]

Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um following the post I7 changes I dont know of any team that managed to beat an AV without some form of -regen

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post i7 -regen was the only way to kill AVs that were not several levels below, without some form of -regen the 1000% regen increase of the AVs was unsurmountable, enervating feild without -regen wouldnt do anything to the AVs. However that is now going to be cut back by 80%. Seems the age of -regen as king was short lived

[/ QUOTE ]

Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um following the post I7 changes I dont know of any team that managed to beat an AV without some form of -regen

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to do a few with my SG tonight, just to prove you wrong!




Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends on the team composition.

[/ QUOTE ]

LR's better for protecting yourself from the AV's big attacks happening so often normally, suddenly it became offensive rather than defensive with the Regen changes, now its back to normal

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Decided to roll a Rad/Rad t'other night at about 1am, and found 5 other new Rad/Rads running around Galaxy...

[/ QUOTE ]
Rofl i hold my had up was probabbly me, I had to Make a Rad Rad before the free respec came, hehe sly ay, I'm not even sure if they are very good, but i love my power/empath Flush
And Rad Rad seems even better it's just all a balance of Buff, Heal & debuff, just the way i like it nice and fast paced on an 8 man Av mission, lol iv only lvled her to lvl 8 though, LOL.



Really Stupid Boards

[/ QUOTE ]
PMSL, why the chip on your shoulder?



Um you do know its not the -regen that really matters, enervation field is the reason why rads cut through AVs. In effect you are giving your entire team fortitude as long as you keep it on those suckers. LR is only really important in small teams or against AV with crazy regen like dominatrix. Its quite easy for 1 person to keep the regen down afaik. Same with kinetic, the secret isnt really the -regen(again allthou it helps, by freeing up more resources) its fulcrum shift and siphon power that gets the job done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post i7 -regen was the only way to kill AVs that were not several levels below, without some form of -regen the 1000% regen increase of the AVs was unsurmountable, enervating feild without -regen wouldnt do anything to the AVs. However that is now going to be cut back by 80%. Seems the age of -regen as king was short lived

[/ QUOTE ]

Except that you can easily damage over the regeneration with -resistance. -regen isn't important for killing AVs unless you're in a very small team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um following the post I7 changes I dont know of any team that managed to beat an AV without some form of -regen

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to do a few with my SG tonight, just to prove you wrong!

[/ QUOTE ]

Im not quite sure how you can disprove a statement of fact Clearly I dont know of any team that has took on an AV with NO -regen and won, I said so didnt I Unless of course you have me taped saying "pssst dont tell Xanthus but I really do know of a team that killed an AV without any -regen"

otherwise would be interested in how you got on, not AVs I know but took 50 heros to down Lusca today 30 for babbage and 30 for Adamastor and their health didnt budge till I hassled a rad to join us (Thanks Irradiator ) I actually enjoyed the GMs this way to be honest, was more of an event but the XP needs to be fixed.

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault




Um following the post I7 changes I dont know of any team that managed to beat an AV without some form of -regen

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to do a few with my SG tonight, just to prove you wrong!

[/ QUOTE ]

That was last night, so how did it go?