Hamidone 4th June
gj all...was good
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Nicely done peeps
Boo yah done. and I didnt even make you read Apocalypse Now quotes.
Ok you know what to do now. Didnt get HammiO you want? Me neither and we cant be the only ones. Lets see about a trade.
Went really well thanks to Xanthus and all who where involved in the raid and to everyone who turned up and made it successful
it was brilliant was my first hami i died once worked off al the debt i had
only thing is im sick of the idiot who are all like who put you in charge xanthus now im not naming and shaming as thats against the forum rules but we all know who was guilty of that tonight.
Knight, im kind of confused... what are you talking about??? If you mean why is he in charge, he has been for alot of raids... without a leader we have no plan, no idea what we are doing and it becomes chaos... I think thats what you mean..
Knight99's not having a pop at Xan, he's missing some quotemarks around part of his sentence.
There DID seem to be more people this time around that just would not follow the basics. Xan was having to repeat himself more and more.
Please, if you're at the raid, have the courtesy and decency to listen to the organiser.
Yeah, listen to Xanthus guys.
He had to type in caps lock for almost the entire time cuz some people just weren't listening.
A note to everyone: For next raid plz read the guidelines at the forum and listen to Xanthus.
Anyways it was another nice raid, can't wait for the next
Yup nicely done peeps, and i think xanthus's caps lock key is now worn out and broken...
Yup nicely done peeps, and i think xanthus's caps lock key is now worn out and broken...
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Im fairly certain he had "PLEASE LEAVE THE BUBBLE NOW" as a bind..
Yup nicely done peeps, and i think xanthus's caps lock key is now worn out and broken...
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CAPS LOCK is "fire and forget"... .
Yay the majority of people were pretty good
But I minority are still tryiny to solo Hamidon/Wearing Capes and using the wrong pets (phantom especially).
Cheers to Xanthus for organising us all!
A great raid.
what i would like to see in the future though is a speed raid - how fast can we do it all - it wont happen though, too many ppl not listening/following instructions.
One day though. /em, Dreams
one way to get all out of the bubble is for the hami-tank to stop taunting for a minute works a treat
one way to get all out of the bubble is for the hami-tank to stop taunting for a minute works a treat
lol what a fantastic idea haha
Well done guys sorry i couldnt make it this time though RL got in the way.
A great raid.
what i would like to see in the future though is a speed raid - how fast can we do it all - it wont happen though, too many ppl not listening/following instructions.
One day though. /em, Dreams
one way to get all out of the bubble is for the hami-tank to stop taunting for a minute works a treat
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Well this last one went by in little over 60 minutes. It seems to get a bit faster every week.
But good raid all, I think we had quite a few new people who may not have read the guide. Hopefully next time Xan won't have to go perma-caps.
one way to get all out of the bubble is for the hami-tank to stop taunting for a minute works a treat
lol what a fantastic idea haha
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Hey not a bad idea ,hehe
But good raid all, I think we had quite a few new people who may not have read the guide.
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Think yourselves lucky. On Union, we're lucky if 15% of those turning up even know a guide exists
Yup nicely done peeps, and i think xanthus's caps lock key is now worn out and broken...
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Im fairly certain he had "PLEASE LEAVE THE BUBBLE NOW" as a bind..
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't, though after this raid I'm tempted to just bind the stuff I have to say over and over again to my numpad. I'm pretty sure my capslock is broken, I was hitting it on and off so much.
I'm actually pretty glad that people haven't griefed my raids. It seems more like a lack of ability to understand what I say, though I do try to make stuff as obvious as possible I suppose you could mistake "GET OUT OF THE BUBBLE NOW!" for "STAND AROUND IN THE BUBBLE FOR A WHILE!"
one way to get all out of the bubble is for the hami-tank to stop taunting for a minute works a treat
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No! I would never instruct the Hami tank to go and stand next to people who aren't leaving the raid so they get caught in Hamidons AoE. I wouldn't ever dream of doing something like that. No sir, not me.
I think my favorite part of this raid was when someone said "SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL NOVOCAINE, EMPATH AND EXTREMUS TO GET OUT OF THE BUBBLE!" over broadcast. I can tell they were clued in as to what was going on, and had definitely read everything I said over request.
I'm actually pretty glad that people haven't griefed my raids. It seems more like a lack of ability to understand what I say, though I do try to make stuff as obvious as possible I suppose you could mistake "GET OUT OF THE BUBBLE NOW!" for "STAND AROUND IN THE BUBBLE FOR A WHILE!"
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In all honesty I suspect several Hami raid first-timers hadnt read hte guide, hadnt anticipated the amount of lag and graphical requirements, werent listening to request channel necessarily or the spam in broadcast, or in general had trouble figuring outwhat was going on.. But I try to think positive first..
A well run raid again last night Xanthus and thanks for the organisation.
Great turn out of PA droppers as well
Lol no hidden was sayign the exact opposite .
My grammars not great.
What i was saying is it was good fun, It was just shame certain people couldnt shut up and listen to xanthus as there where certain players bieng fools
hope that made more sense
i think xanthus did great job was good fun
Roll on the next raid, Im getting quite a hord of hamio's...lets keep it up and get fully kitted
Another succesfull raid!
Nice one guys, good one.