46 -
Ok well to those of you that i have played with just wanted to say goodbye and thanks for all the fun
I will be back at some point hopefully but at present i dont have time to play and help run my sg so to my sg keep up the good work!
To everyone that helped me to 50 thanks specialy to busty boo, hidden healer,black mage,Etherial Queen ,Blackheat1,Telescope, and many more im sure i missed some of you and i apoligize now for that lol!
Anyways good bye for now and have fun guys and girls -
lol well where about 2 months old now we are coalitioned with flush and his sg now but not seen much of them :s.
Anyways if anyone else if looking for more coalitions let me knwo our sg trying to make some new friends:P
cheers -
i missed it damn it
gz anyways was fun teaming with you -
3 for dings infact i leveled jsut before you joined that group tylantia :P
cheers flush
flush is the leader of a sg where in coalition with -
Hey matey wed be happy to have you along knightsofparagoncity. com
im one of the four leaders we are a friendly bunch and can have a laugh while playing we got teamspeak if thats your thing
so if your intrested just reply here or soemthing
cheers -
Hey matey you seem to have the same outlook i have so i think we can help im on of the four leaders os knights of paragon city we are stil l only a month and a bit old but we are not inexperinced in the least
we are well established now with our onwn teamspeak and website also www.knightsofparagoncity.com
so you want to coalition leave a posto n our forums or reach me in game @knight99
cheers enjoy -
ill be there and ill be 50 as of tomorow so should be of more use than last week
Lol no hidden was sayign the exact opposite .
My grammars not great.
What i was saying is it was good fun, It was just shame certain people couldnt shut up and listen to xanthus as there where certain players bieng fools
hope that made more sense
i think xanthus did great jobwas good fun
it was brilliant was my first hami i died once worked off al the debt i had
only thing is im sick of the idiot who are all like who put you in charge xanthus now im not naming and shaming as thats against the forum rules but we all know who was guilty of that tonight. -
ill be there my first hami raid so dont expect a miracle on my part :P
one thing i would say is dont get hover get air supierority as hover is useless once u have fly and then you get another attack which against flying foes is very affective.
just a question but what is this for ? i mean i get your interviewing but are you actualy gonna have a site for these interviews or something ? :S
just let me know when your gonna do it again i keep logging at bout 3 am ish and up til lthen i have been soloing cant get good team during the week nights for the life of me
Any one intrested im wanna get one going from bout 12 tonight onwards.
lv 43 +
this was my last resort as im having trouble getting a team right now so
if anyones intrestedl eave a post or pm in game @knight99 -
hehe lol im not saying that its a bad way how they are listed now but i just think that the sites that where submitted a while back should perhaps have been put at the top before the newer ones like my site seeing as theyve been waiting longer but all the same im not complaining lol. jsut a thought
Just wanna say cheers to the guy who does fansite listing our sg site got second to top but i would like to add i think femme fatales deserve the top spot i know without some advise from them myt site wouldnt be there at all. i noticed it said newist recruits on the box on the homepage but i know i not logn applied but i think those like femme fatales should get on the main page first
and i know how long theyve been askign for it to be updated so mayb someone could look into this cheers for putting mine up there though its much apreciated -
Hey good look with the sg but one thing id say is read through the spellign a bit more i run an sg www.knightsofparagoncity.com with 3 other leaders and there always pulling my leg about my awful spelling people really take it into acount.
dont use my site as an example of spelling :P need to check that myself
im in lv 38 scrapper probly bit over 40 by next week tho but its cool dont mind exemping
had some issues with the site last night and tonght so if anyoen tryed viewing it when it was broke glad to let you know it is now up running as it shoud
Ok guys well where still recruiting but just wanted to direct some people to the new site and url www.knightsofparagoncity.com hope you like it and if anyone intrested injoing thats the place to look