New SG Recruiting Helpfull & Friendly !!
Hey good look with the sg but one thing id say is read through the spellign a bit more i run an sg with 3 other leaders and there always pulling my leg about my awful spelling people really take it into acount. dont use my site as an example of spelling :P need to check that myself
Hey good look with the sg but one thing id say is read through the spellign a bit more i run an sg with 3 other leaders and there always pulling my leg about my awful spelling people really take it into acount. dont use my site as an example of spelling :P need to check that myself
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Lol Just call me Miss Misstye of You cant Tye Or Spell, LOL.
im intrested, my SG doesn't play coh anymore just cov, now i feel im alone on the game, is your SG going to be active in both pVe and pVp, i enjoy both and want to be able to team alot with the SG, you can contact me by PM or ingame tell, my global is @ Silent KIlla.
P.S my spelling just as bad, without spell checker i'd be lost.
hey m8. ill keep red in the stars because he belongs there but i want to get TJ to your SG
lol dun bother reacting on it seeing how much i check thsi forum it will take me a couple months to notice it .
First I'll start off by telling Bridger, i know i have posted this in the wrong place im sorry, i have Also psted this in the Recruitment Sg hub, but i am posting it here also if it's ok??
I have just made a new Super Sroup names "The Paragon School For The Gifted" (Defient) I'm am in the process of recruiting.
We are a New Help full & Frindly SG, Iaimes maostly to help new player's Also get then Into PvP (If would Like To thats there Choise).
Anayway, if you are interested in this SG & need help this is the Sg for you .
We are new at the moment, once we start to get more Active then i will set us up a Private Chat & Forum, maybe a websight to, but 1 thing ot a time, lol.
This Post is NOT!!! only aimed to new players but also to anyone reading in need of a SG.
Etiher Forum Private Message me or just mimply reply to my post, thn we can set a date & time suited to all where We can meet in Atlas and i will recruite you.