I7 changes to dominators




Apparently Domination will build much more quickly in PvP and the assault powers will even build it more quickly in PvE.

Sounds pretty good to me! Of course, this makes Hasten a must since I figure the recharge of Domination will now be the limiting factor.



...it says

• Targets. Each attack from the Assault secondary power sets adds a bonus of 8 points toward filling the Domination bar over the normal value.

....which means 10 attacks = 80 (+10) = 90% domination?

Well heck...jejeje...at last.



...it says

• Targets. Each attack from the Assault secondary power sets adds a bonus of 8 points toward filling the Domination bar over the normal value.

....which means 10 attacks = 80 (+10) = 90% domination?

Well heck...jejeje...at last.

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TBH that sounds a bit too good to be true. I was wondering about that.






It is too good to be true. This is a PVP change ONLY.


"Targets. Each attack from the Assault secondary power sets adds a bonus of 8 points toward filling the Domination bar over the normal value. "

Was this meant for PVP or PVE?
There are reports that this is not functioning in PVE.

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PvP only. Sorry for the confusion.

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"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."



PvP only is fine with me, Domination is not a problem to build up in PvE it's the extremely short life expectancy in PvP that makes it so hard to build up Dom.



PvP only is reward enough. I can't wait to try this out with Thorn Barrage .

Hmmmm... "Each attack from the Assault secondary power sets adds a bonus of 8 points toward filling the Domination bar over the normal value..."

I might be using Thorny Darts a hell of a lot more.



It is too good to be true. This is a PVP change ONLY.

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Ah well. But on a happier note, this had apparently slipped the original patch notes:

• Domination recharge time reduced from 300 to 200.

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Yay! I think I will need to get rid of my habit of sitting on Domination until it's really needed or mission ends.



...and also toggle dropping has been reduced across the board so there aren't any 100% toggle drop attacks anymore. Overall I think this is good, this will help Brutes Vs. Blasters.

It does also mean getting into melee is now even more dangerous for a Dominator, but at the same time Domination is more readily available.



Ice Sword Circle fixed......... that's the thing that's made my day. Well that and Fire Sword Circle for my brute.

Those two moves have caused a pile of CoV Debt

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I'm still not sure if ISC is fixed or not. Some say it is, some say it isnt.

I guess we'll have to wait until I7 hits test here to see for ourselves. But it seems seriously wrong if it's not fixed and FSC is.



If only one is fixed I'm content, if both are I'm happy. Its win win for me

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



They fixed the animation time on confuse also




Gravity anim changes, woot!

... wait, what? O_o



...and also toggle dropping has been reduced across the board so there aren't any 100% toggle drop attacks anymore. Overall I think this is good, this will help Brutes Vs. Blasters.

It does also mean getting into melee is now even more dangerous for a Dominator, but at the same time Domination is more readily available.

[/ QUOTE ]

ARRRRRRGH! LMAO, no can't have it all. It's just funny. I'd just learnt to use the toggle droppers in Thorns to effect. Best start re-learning again !!!

And yes, overall, a reduction in toggle dropping is good.



...and also toggle dropping has been reduced across the board so there aren't any 100% toggle drop attacks anymore. Overall I think this is good, this will help Brutes Vs. Blasters.

It does also mean getting into melee is now even more dangerous for a Dominator, but at the same time Domination is more readily available.

[/ QUOTE ]

ARRRRRRGH! LMAO, no can't have it all. It's just funny. I'd just learnt to use the toggle droppers in Thorns to effect. Best start re-learning again !!!

And yes, overall, a reduction in toggle dropping is good.

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It is a bit of a shame since toggle dropping was one of the things a Dom brings to PvP, on the upside it does also mean that Doms won't get CJ+Acrobatics, and whatever else (like the Ice PBAoEs for one) knocked off quite so easily, and this also appplies to the PPP armour as well which means more time alive for Doms \o/



Gravity anim changes, woot!

... wait, what? O_o

[/ QUOTE ]Mainly the fact that the physics engine reacts very well to gravity powers. Singularity collects debris (which shatters around when it gets hit), wormhole takes stuff with it as well as enemies, entities summoned with propel stick around...



They fixed the animation time on confuse also

[/ QUOTE ]

The confuse change may look small, but it is awesome!



There's a melee damage boost for dominators on test in US now:


<ul type="square">[*] Increased Dominator Melee damage modifier to 0.75 -- this increases their melee damage by 6.7% [/list]

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It's small but I like it. Melee damage was already on a higher scale than ranged and now it's even more so. 0.75 is same as corruptors. By all these changes it seems like the devs want dominators to be played very aggressive and in your face. I got no problem with that since it's how I wanted to play them anyway but it's another nail in the coffin of ranged and secondary light builds.

I just wish we didn't have to wait so long to get our second single target melee attack.



This should help, however I agree, it apears we are ment to be blappers. It would be nice to get blaster level hp to go with it.

This will apply to pool power melee attacks though. Maybe pick up Air Sup and respec it out as 35?

I really should do something about this signature.



Could be a good plan. With the shorter Domination recharge, I reckon anything single target, fast animating and fast recharging is good for doms. AS has same damage scalar as some of the starting blasts, so at level 35 the difference between AS and Ice Bolt is about 5 damage. Not a huge deal but quite nice, especially considering that the knockdown in AS increases safety in melee.



The knockdown in AS should also stack quite nicely with Ice Patch against tougher foes.

I really should do something about this signature.



I wonder what happens to the close range attacks that Psi and Fire have instead of melee, though. I've been alting a low level Fire/Fire and I have to say it doesn't seem to need help in the damage department but Psi could probably use some love.



I'm imagining that Incinerate from Fire will now become a favoured attack, I cant see fire having an issue really.

As the only non melee attacks I use regularly are Frost Breath and Bitter Ice Blast ( the other two aren't slotted, they're for jaegers/warhulks/anything with a damage aura only) I can see my actually gaining from this change

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Incinerate is already amazing. I can very nearly two-shot minions at level 10 with Char and Incinerate. I'd feel uber if the control in Fire/ wasn't so crappy, but I guess it all balances out. And at least Flares is sufficiently horrible.