Da Old School!
just out of sheer curiosity seeing as coh has hit its 2nd b/day how many of us day 1 players are left in the game i remember running around with capt solaris in boomtown at a mighty lvl 12 and TG as well but how many are actually left
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Momma your avatar still cracks me up as much as your cossies and character names . And yeah still around
Im still arround
A Paragon Defender
Still here, Sadly
My gf quited, but i'm still going around
(US -> beta EU player, never got to finish my lvl29 blaster on freedom server... pfew i was a n00b back then )
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Still here too, and probably always will be
sssh, I'm not really here...
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Aye, I'm still here... sorta. Left for a while, but back for now. Does that count?
I'm here,and still not lvl 50 yet
Still here, Sadly
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OUT!!!! :P
ye i'm still ere moooooooomma! well, u know that since i spam you everytime your online xD
Heh, I still remember my first raid, being told Defenders cossies were in blue. You *just* about fulfilled that criteria Mommma
I for some reason haven't managed to quit yet, so I'm still here.
Still around out of sheer bloody-minded stubbornness
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Not really a day 1 player.. but i came on here 1 month after it came out
been here from day 1
Too Many Characters To Name
Still here
Also still here
Yeah we're still here Silver Spirit and I,we were on on the 1st day of retail,tho sharing an account ,now of course we have 3 in the EU and 1 in the states
You're unlikely to see my 1st char tho he still exists as Caduceus is on Silver's account and he's not that keen on healers
Im still fighting the good fight, been here since day 1
ive been here from day... 5 well people were just starting to hit level 16 when i started
I'm still here Momma, haven't seen you for a while.
It's good to now some of us are still here.
still around. Was 3rd toon live in Europe I think. Have been here since 2.wave EU Beta.
just out of sheer curiosity seeing as coh has hit its 2nd b/day how many of us day 1 players are left in the game i remember running around with capt solaris in boomtown at a mighty lvl 12 and TG as well but how many are actually left
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As long as there's people like yourself, the core of our SG (and Blizzaira of course ^__^ ), then I'll still be here...unless if the game gets nerfed to kingdom come and a large exodus of us "old skool" players decide to move onto another mmorpg.
Its a good getaway from RL, which I haven't found in any other mmorpg I've played...yet.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Here since day 1, 9 lvl50s but starting to slow down now :P ...but i do still like PvP
As long as there's people like yourself, the core of our SG (and Blizzaira of course ^__^ ), then I'll still be here...unless if the game gets nerfed to kingdom come and a large exodus of us "old skool" players decide to move onto another mmorpg.
Its a good getaway from RL, which I haven't found in any other mmorpg I've played...yet.
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Well said Capn, I feel much the same myself. Good to see a few old names surfacing again with the 'soonish' release of I7 too
just out of sheer curiosity seeing as coh has hit its 2nd b/day how many of us day 1 players are left in the game i remember running around with capt solaris in boomtown at a mighty lvl 12
and TG as well but how many are actually left
yo momma lvl50 D3 Sexy Man
M-C Hammered lvl50 Kin/Elec Rapper Man
Gimpman Lvl36 EM/SR he's behind you man!!!
Defenceless lvl50 earth/sonic Controller man