I love my Kheldian




I dinged 50 on the 2nd March and had my PB rolled up and hitting the mean streets of Paragon within half an hour. As fifty started to loom as started lurking in this forum in order to gleen some information as to which way I would lean PB or WS.
I opted for the PB with a certain amount of trepidation as I've known a few people who gave up on their Kheldians before getting into double figures, levelwise, so imagine my delight when I discovered what an utter joy it is to be a PB.
Flight from lvl 1. A blaster from lvl6 which in the mid teens can not only match a blaster in terms of damage output but (assuming you've slotted right) doesn't suffer from quite the same endurance issues.
And yesterday I dinged 20 and immediately plumped for Dwarf form, still need some slot-loving but I could see the potential when I was surrounded by 5 +1s who couldn't damage me faster than I could heal it.

I'm posting this is a juxaposition to everyone who's played a Kheldian and hated it, who's claimed they're little more than a compilation of a sencond class scrapper/tanker & blaster. My personal experience so far is that this is a very powerful AT that's an excellent addition of any team and a great deal of fun to play.

Just watch out for those pesky void/quantums.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I got my PB "Chibi Jewel" to 20 last night on a 5 hours TF. Got me Dwarf form and I LOVE IT!

i've seen lots of 'rhinos' running around in Atlas from time to time. But never thought that it be so much fun.
I'm going human/dwarf form on the PB, she's a small girl but everytime i change to Dwarf form a text crosses my mind: "Chibi bash!"

Can't forgive myself that i restarted the PB about 4 times already. Not going to make that mistake again

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



One recurring theme was how difficult Kheldians were to lvl. I personally didin't it too bad. Certinaly harder than my regen scrapper, but no more challenging than my blaster.

I've gone tri-form, as I implied, but with the human component to be the least developed and my once annoyance is having to flick to human form to engage passive powers.

I do have a bind set up that switches me from Nova to hovering human form. In fact if I type (on the kepayd) 0132-enter I flick from Nova to human, engage hasten, essense boost and build up and explode back to Nova form and ready to lay waste to an entire spawn with enough time left in build up to get off three shots.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



my WS is mainly dwarf form.. use human form for buffs or tp foe + hold on tough enemies, nova most of times only if i got eclipse running or tanks in the team that can keep the aggro away (and even then i sometimes prefer dwarf )

Dwarf just got that sheer coolness like jewel said, each time you turn into that beast you get the "me bash?" feeling

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Dwarf just got that sheer coolness like jewel said, each time you turn into that beast you get the "me bash?" feeling

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god yes, except the times in which to get the feeling of "RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N"


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Dwarf just got that sheer coolness like jewel said, each time you turn into that beast you get the "me bash?" feeling

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god yes, except the times in which to get the feeling of "RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N"

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And you can't because the dwarf is as slow as a granite tank!



running is a poor man's dwarf tp

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



I'm curious. Someone said to me not 10 minutes ago that Kheldians are slow to lvl. Now, without PLing and just normal running and farting about with the normal waiting about for ppl to get their act together and whatnot I;ve got to lvl21 in 44 hours of play.

Is that slow?

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I didn't find my peacebringer slow to level at all. In fact I found it easier than my other characters. And like you I LOVE my Peacebringer.



I didn't find my peacebringer slow to level at all. In fact I found it easier than my other characters. And like you I LOVE my Peacebringer.

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I did have quite a problem getting to 22 (about 4-5 hours), but that was a teaming issue and nothing to do with the AT.
I need to do a fund transfer to get everything slotted with SO, but even with just the major items I'm very happy.
I've got dwarf form 3 slotted with SO defence and it can take a pounding. I've found myself hurriedly switching from Nova to Dwarf when the massive AoEs earning me a smidge too much attention.

Now, how many blasters out there would give their eye teeth to be able to switch to being a tank (with a self heal) when things got a little out of hand?

What I find amusing though is the shift in focus when it comes to lvling. When I ran through with my scrapper I always liked getting a new power and was a bit *meh* when it came to slots. Now that's completely reversed.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



running is a poor man's dwarf tp

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Now wats all this running away about jiaozy/double/stage...stand and fight to the death

u cna just get up again with self rez and nuke them all "Its the only way to be sure "



oh... oh... oh...

Lets just Pull a Lisa


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



OI.. stop stealing my ****!! LoL

But yes.. you could do that



I'm curious. Someone said to me not 10 minutes ago that Kheldians are slow to lvl. Now, without PLing and just normal running and farting about with the normal waiting about for ppl to get their act together and whatnot I;ve got to lvl21 in 44 hours of play.

Is that slow?

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At my rate of play, I can tell you, no.. it's not slow.. some people just suck at them.



I'm glad to hear someone say that. Now at lvl25 I'm struggling to see why Kheldians earned their bad name. I find them to be ENORMOUSLY versatile.
The dwarf is a perfectly adequate tank, better defences than a */fire tank and with a self heal that's easily the */fire tanks match I find I'm perfectly able to tank against almost anything, and for something I don't like tanking against I can always switch to Nova form and do some stand-off blasting.
Come 28th lvl I get Quantum flight for those awkward moments. I mean, they just keep getting better and better. Why so many people I know, get their 50, start a Kheldian and ditch after after a dozen lvls claiming it's boring.
What's NOT to like?

Sorry if I'm getting a bit foamy at the mouth here, but I'm tired of hearing people claim they're a combination of 2nd rate scrapper/blaster/tanker. There's nothing 2nd rate about them, if built right these things could be truly epic, certainly it looks that way from 1/2 way through the lvls. I'm looking forward to that plase in the lvls where you start getting powers of 3rd lvl and 3 slots for the other two. I can finally start getting everything slotted right
I suppose it comes down to a bit of specialisation. You can do 2 things very well, but if you try to do 3 then you'll be second rate? Maybe? Thoughts, comments?

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



I suppose it comes down to a bit of specialisation. You can do 2 things very well, but if you try to do 3 then you'll be second rate? Maybe? Thoughts, comments?

[/ QUOTE ]I think it's the difference between doing things brilliantly and doing things well enough.

Personally, I'm currently running a more-or-less 2 form PB, Nova and Dwarf. I only really run my human mode when I'm soloing because of the low mob count.

Novo form can out-blast a Blaster, but only at range. We simply don't survive when it comes to close encounters. Blasters can Blapp, we can't. (Apart from /Devices Blasters, but with Caltrops and Trip mines, the enemies shouldn't be getting in melee range too often). Likewise, my Dwarf can tank, but as soon as mobs get too big, I start losing aggro control. The forms work well, as long as you don't push it to extremes.

My human form is now getting some love, and should be reliable as a form by level 39 (I'm planning a respec).

That was a bit of a rambling, but my point is: Kheldians are effective, but they have their limitations. Don't expect miracles, just functionality.



What's NOT to like?

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Basicly the things that you mention there can also be things people dont like. Its not 'supreme' in anything, its avarage in blasting, tanking, scrapping etc. Thats a thing that some just dont like, adding the fact that toggles dont go along into dwarf/nova is pretty annoying.

I like my PB, still lowish lvl but enjoying it for the time being. Human form with huge lack of endurance, nova is more squishy then a blaster. If i still like at higher lvl.. i dont know.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



That's why I love it so much. As mentioned before I'm a dwarf/nova specialist. You're right, the Nova can't blap, but it doesn't need to a quick costume change to dwarf means you can tank and complete set a set of shields that are the stuff of blappers dreams.
The dwarf is pretty tough with a fast acting self heal and if it finds it's lost agro then, we'll, back to Nova for some firepower. That'll soon get the mob's attention.

I find a well played Kheldian flirts with overpowered but isn't, and I've found this out first hand. JUST as you're your really starting to enjoy laying waster to all and sundry, up pops a void/quantum that just completely interrupts the tempo. If the team don't react properly I have to switch to dwarf form when the nova is what's needed and focus on the Void myself whilst bosses and Lts start chewing up the rest of the team.

Honestly I've seen a team going great, plowing through mobs like there's no tomorrow, come crashing to a faceplanting halt when we ran into a void and didn't react quickly enough to it.

IMHO a skillfully played Kheldian can be more of an asset to a team than any other single AT. Which is right and proper for an EPIC AT.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Basicly the things that you mention there can also be things people dont like. Its not 'supreme' in anything, its avarage in blasting, tanking, scrapping etc. Thats a thing that some just dont like, adding the fact that toggles dont go along into dwarf/nova is pretty annoying.

I like my PB, still lowish lvl but enjoying it for the time being. Human form with huge lack of endurance, nova is more squishy then a blaster. If i still like at higher lvl.. i dont know.

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I'd agree with that. I can imagine that for those with a touch of the powergamer in them (by no means a bad thing, don't hit me ) Khelds can look like a frustrating 'jack-of-all-trades'. Others of us love the versatility. You pays your money, etc.

I'm pushing on to 30 with my PB (gotta get that aura!) and I'd say it just keeps getting better. Just got Conserve Energy, looking forward to Quantum Flight. I'm loving picking the right form for different situations. Switching to Dwarf to take out Quants/Voids, dipping into human for a quick BU+Incandescent Strike, back to Nova... I had a blast tanking a bunch of missions in Striga last night on a PuG (with excellent Empath help I have to say - Ms Lee thanks you all wherever you are!) which was a great change of pace. All good stuff. The only thing that bothers me is I'm neglecting my WS.

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



oh... oh... oh...

Lets just Pull a Lisa

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Hehe it works dont it
*remembers ss tf*



Basicly the things that you mention there can also be things people dont like. Its not 'supreme' in anything, its avarage in blasting, tanking, scrapping etc. Thats a thing that some just dont like, adding the fact that toggles dont go along into dwarf/nova is pretty annoying.

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Being unable to use self buffs when in Nova/dwarf form is annoying and switching form to use them can be an awkward affair if you haven't got your binds set up, almost certainly impossible to do in the middle of a fight.

I think with a bit of planning you *could* outblast the majority of blasters running around out there - especially now, after ED, but it involves some quick form changing which isn't easy. And I think that's the reason they're not more popular; their not as easy to use to their full potential as other ATs. Of course, being epics I see that as being the point, they're supposed to be more challenging to play.

On more than one occassion I've been on a team. We've been facing the next spawn, I've went ahead and nuked the entire spawn in two shots (happens especially if I've had fortitude cast on me) and people have commented that they didn't know squiddies could do that.
And I think most squiddies can't - certainly not by their early 20s unless they've specialised.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



My nova does outblast most if not quite all blasters when it comes to consistent AoE damage. Two AoEs with high damage, quick recharge and relatively cheap endurance use amount to awesome stuff. It also doesn't hurt to be highly mobile, so it's easy to keep out of harms way and reposition myself for optimal use of AoEs and knockback.

On the other hand, my ST damage doesn't really compare. It's decent, but blaster melee attacks and snipes are just too hard-hitting. Incandescent Strike is great but everything else is basically passable, not awesome. In a large team with lots of benefit from Cosmic Balance it might get closer, though.



Honestly I've seen a team going great, plowing through mobs like there's no tomorrow, come crashing to a faceplanting halt when we ran into a void and didn't react quickly enough to it.

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you are gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Quantum PPs once they activate MoG :P

in this case ms. lisa, even stayin, fighting, dieing, rezzing, nuking doesnt work

must say it was quite fun to watch a whole 8man team run from 1 PP

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Is there actualy a even worse mob then a Quantum PP? I only once met this PP, luckely with my granite outfit. Just kept taunting him untill that stupid MoG was over.

I'll await the day that there will be a quantum AV or Eliteboss (hence a nemesis would be fun already) will arive in the missions

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Honestly I've seen a team going great, plowing through mobs like there's no tomorrow, come crashing to a faceplanting halt when we ran into a void and didn't react quickly enough to it.

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you are gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Quantum PPs once they activate MoG :P

in this case ms. lisa, even stayin, fighting, dieing, rezzing, nuking doesnt work

must say it was quite fun to watch a whole 8man team run from 1 PP

[/ QUOTE ]

run.. HELL NO.. stay and fight it out MoG only lasts so long.. soo.!

He activates MoG just start counting..