I love my Kheldian




Honestly I've seen a team going great, plowing through mobs like there's no tomorrow, come crashing to a faceplanting halt when we ran into a void and didn't react quickly enough to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

you are gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Quantum PPs once they activate MoG :P

in this case ms. lisa, even stayin, fighting, dieing, rezzing, nuking doesnt work

must say it was quite fun to watch a whole 8man team run from 1 PP

[/ QUOTE ]

run.. HELL NO.. stay and fight it out MoG only lasts so long.. soo.!

He activates MoG just start counting..

[/ QUOTE ]

counting what? bodybags?

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Honestly I've seen a team going great, plowing through mobs like there's no tomorrow, come crashing to a faceplanting halt when we ran into a void and didn't react quickly enough to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

you are gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Quantum PPs once they activate MoG :P

in this case ms. lisa, even stayin, fighting, dieing, rezzing, nuking doesnt work

must say it was quite fun to watch a whole 8man team run from 1 PP

[/ QUOTE ]

Cant say iv ever let 1 MoG my dear Mr. Stage
*strokes warshade*




counting what? bodybags?

[/ QUOTE ]

no..how much i have left in your wallet




counting what? bodybags?

[/ QUOTE ]

no..how much i have left in your wallet

[/ QUOTE ]

*waves that voucher for 1 free full cavity search*
I'll count myself, thank you very much..

And only times they MoGged is when team decides to spread their attacks all over the room, not damaging even ONE PP enough

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. The dwarf forms are resitricted to 4 attack powers (which need slotting badly) and a useless taunt and now i think blasters outdo them no probs with defiance. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well. When people recruit to their team i find that if they need a tank, they go for a tank not a warshade or Pb and same with blaster. When i recruit for taskforces I usually go for Pbs and warshades as a last option, except for posi because the nova form isnt so bad.



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. The dwarf forms are resitricted to 4 attack powers (which need slotting badly) and a useless taunt and now i think blasters outdo them no probs with defiance. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well. When people recruit to their team i find that if they need a tank, they go for a tank not a warshade or Pb and same with blaster. When i recruit for taskforces I usually go for Pbs and warshades as a last option, except for posi because the nova form isnt so bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've noticed a lot of people seem to play Khedlians vert statically. In that during the course of a mission they pick a form and stick with it. Myself, I'm constantly shape shifting which each form offering a very situational benefit.
I can nuke a even level spawn in 2 shots, when I have some spare slots I'll put some damage boosts into the human form AoE as well. Couple that to build-up and you have MASSIVE multi-target damage potential and of course if that's not enough you can drop down and Nova the survivors. Of course, if it all goes pear shaped (assuming you haven't Novaed) you can flick on Quantum flight and ride out the backlash until the rest of the team pick up the agro from the now heavily damaged spawn.

My opinion currently is that ppl tend to think of them as 2nd grade blaster or 2nd grade tank is becuase they try to play them as a blsster or tank, when quite clearly they're neither. They, imho, have to be played as what they are; something entirely different.

My PB is 28th lvl now and her survivability has just taken an enormous jump (thanks to QF). I don't see her being noticeably outdamaged by blasters. I've seen her do some fairly admirable tanking and I've seen her take a beating and thanks to three self heals be back to full strength in less than 10 seconds (and that's without them being fully slotted).

They're clearly not for everyone, they're very different from other ATs, but for me my PB is a dream. I spent 50 lvls as a regen scrapper who I loved dearly but when I go back to him now my thoughts are with my PB

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. The dwarf forms are resitricted to 4 attack powers (which need slotting badly) and a useless taunt and now i think blasters outdo them no probs with defiance. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well. When people recruit to their team i find that if they need a tank, they go for a tank not a warshade or Pb and same with blaster. When i recruit for taskforces I usually go for Pbs and warshades as a last option, except for posi because the nova form isnt so bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think your teams could be missing out on a serious damage dealer. Playing to 33 means you missed out on eclipse and had not got either quasar or extracted essence - all of which adds to the potential sustainable damage output of your WS.

Knowing what a WS can do post 38 and even before in many cases, goes a long way in understanding the place they form in a team. I wouldn't get a ws in a team solely for their 'tanking' ability or 'blasting' ability - but for the numerous attributes they can bring to the team.

For me, the WS within a team that can support it, is the star of a team. In some team-makeups (like most ATs) you don't get to see their potential. But in the right team - an aggro manager present i.e controller/tank - its open season on Mobs.

No messing



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. The dwarf forms are resitricted to 4 attack powers (which need slotting badly) and a useless taunt and now i think blasters outdo them no probs with defiance. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well. When people recruit to their team i find that if they need a tank, they go for a tank not a warshade or Pb and same with blaster. When i recruit for taskforces I usually go for Pbs and warshades as a last option, except for posi because the nova form isnt so bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

as said before, dont think of a WS as either a tank or a blaster, cause yeah, blasters and tankers are specialized ATs, they either cause damage or take damage.. the WS however does both. It's the same error people make like comparing a brute/stalker with a scrapper, then go all moaning. You can't compare, because they are 2 totally different ATs.

Bout the teams looking for a tank if they need one.. well I kinda lost my hope in PuG team leaders. Cause most of em seem to think a team consists of a:

Defender which of course ALWAYS is a healer
6 others to do damage

Most tend not to notice the gray area, of how a team with no damage whatsoever but with the right buffs can deal loads of damage. Or a team which tries to go for the pure damage approach can find itself in trouble real soon (Diabolique anyone?).

Remember once when he had to fight Diabolique, and the team insisted on getting more higher lvls (of course you need 4 50s... DUH! everyone knows that ) to help, none of them being a controller or non-empath defender. No, they wanted more and more blasters so they could defeat her. This didnt work, and half team left. So I asked for the lead and invited some of my mates (2 controllers and a rad defender) and what do ya know? immediately the fight was easier cause of the buffs and mezzes flying around.

So what I'm tryin to say is, teams might look for a specific AT cause they lack knowledge of the full potential of other ATs.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



I could not agree more with Innigo. To be able to go from ranged attack, where I soften up a group for my teammates - to Dwarf, where i can assist in taking some of the aggro burden from the tank or keeping strays away from the squishy's - to human, where build up + incandescent strike can finish off the boss - All in one fight. What's not to love?



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. The dwarf forms are resitricted to 4 attack powers (which need slotting badly) and a useless taunt and now i think
blasters outdo them no probs with defiance. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well. When people recruit to their team i find that if they need a tank, they go for a tank not a warshade or Pb and same with blaster. When i recruit for taskforces I usually go for Pbs and warshades as a last option, except for posi because the nova form isnt so bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

The whole idea of the forms isn't that you are Uber in everything, it's the fact that you are capable of filling a slot in needed...ie: stand in &amp; tank in an emergency. No dwarf form doesn't do loads of damage but then tank are there to take it not dish it!
I just hit L20 &amp; love all my forms...can't wait for L21 &amp; SO's .....tri-form ftw!!

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



Having previousy got a warshade to 33 and deleting it because it sucked I can say that imo, Khelds and warshades are sucky versions of a tank and blaster. They are both an exremely unepic AT which i found do not fit in to teams very well.

[/ QUOTE ]

You deleted it just b4 it gets to godlike status!

k maybe exaggeration abit but it is most certainly epic.

warshades r not imo there to fill the roll of a tank or blaster..they are simply warshade

they enhance the team their on with there buffs and inherants.They can outdmg blasters with mires or a team with a few scrappers/blasters.

True ws takes longer to shine and u may vomit everytime u hear a pb on about IS..but trust me daniel son..good things come to those who wait.

come with me or double sumtime..u may be suprised
(and stage i spose )



come with me or double sumtime..u may be suprised
(and stage i spose )

[/ QUOTE ]

and maybe J's WS... and cap's WS... maybe even Raz's WS...
Seriously, they are just uber at 38.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I still don't see its use in any team - any form it goes in weather its human, dwarf or nova, it is not as strong as its counterpart. Thats why I feel like they are like a last resolution for any team that lacks a particular AT i.e tank or blaster.



I still don't see its use in any team - any form it goes in weather its human, dwarf or nova, it is not as strong as its counterpart. Thats why I feel like they are like a last resolution for any team that lacks a particular AT i.e tank or blaster.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not so sure about that. Unfortunately I'm not a numbers guy, but Eclipse + Dark Dwarf gives some good Damage Resistance and Mire + Dark Nova = Not to be underestimated damgae output.

+ Extracted Essence
+ The occasional Quasar
(+ the mini-nuke - keep forgetting the name )

= Comparable to Blaster damage output?

I play a lot of tanks myself and whilst it has no taunt aura, I feel that Dark Dwarf + Eclipse can compare well with most tanker builds as a damage absorber.

However, as has been said earlier - its not the forms, but the totality of the forms and powers that makes a warshade



Spacedog makes the case better than I could. The totality is what's all important, now how good Nova is compared to a blaster or dwarf compared to a tank. That is simply limited thinking that leads to limited playing.
Dwarf and Nova are nothing more than 2 rather powerful powers in powesets that are littered with other excellent powers.

Their asset is versatility. You (Duffy) call them a 2nd rate tank. How many tanks can nuke an entire spawn? You call them a second rate blasters. How many blasters can loose off 2 AoEs, 2 cones and then ride out the agro?
Lets call a scrapper the middle AT in this scenario.

Where does that fit in the team? Wherever the player MAKES it fit for its the player's SKILL and not his AT that's the defining attribute as to whether he's an asset. I think Kheldians show up skill level much more prominantly than other ATs.

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



nova, it is not as strong as its counterpart.

[/ QUOTE ]
I can outdamage a blaster any day with my WS, but after a nuke I'm left with 85% resistance to all types of damage and full end and health..
On a map full of Psi foes (mother Mayhem or the Psi clocks)there's nothing as powerful as an Eclipsed WS

Honestly I see your point talking of PBs(not any offence meant)because they're kinda low damage scrappers in human form and they perform a lot worse than a WS in shapshifts..

But a properly played tryform WS can be astounding, seeing is believing tho



come with me or double sumtime..u may be suprised
(and stage i spose )

[/ QUOTE ]

and maybe J's WS... and cap's WS... maybe even Raz's WS...
Seriously, they are just uber at 38.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice to know I get given my dues even on the WS D

cheers for that. XD



come with me or double sumtime..u may be suprised
(and stage i spose )

[/ QUOTE ]

and maybe J's WS... and cap's WS... maybe even Raz's WS...
Seriously, they are just uber at 38.

[/ QUOTE ]

not J.. he's a n00b, i just agree with the original list of 3

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright