Another question to Union RPers...
Don't look at me, looks like you've got some English toff running it, that's no place for a nice Welsh lad like Crow.
There have been a few British characters around. You may get somewhere, but I think you'll need to come up with something a bit more concrete than "a British Themed SG."
What are its aims?
What qualifies you for membership?
Why has it been formed in Paragon City?
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Dude.. Currently at GG there is a Russian themed SG, and a Golden Age Heroes themed one. These in addition to people main toons is quite a lot already... You really think people have time for a third?
Not trying to bash your idea, but there a limit to the number of toons people can run reasonably you know!! Especially roleplaying!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I was looking into doing this last year but didnt get much response. I have since joined and become a leader in the PCP and now we have quite a few flag flying Brits onboard. I wouldnt want to lose any of my members and i dont plan on jumping ship my self, but id like to offer you an invitation to join a coalition with ourselves. Im sure my people will relish the chance to help out any fellow Brits in Paragon city.
Dude.. Currently at GG there is a Russian themed SG, and a Golden Age Heroes themed one. These in addition to people main toons is quite a lot already... You really think people have time for a third?
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I barely find time for my second in line alt for RP...
Not trying to bash your idea, but there a limit to the number of toons people can run reasonably you know!! Especially roleplaying!
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And then there's Z...
If only we could all be like Z, but sadly, we're just her alts
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
The Oxford Knight and The Oxford Scythe are both willing to disband from the House of Hunter and sign up to... what's this British SG called again?
Anyway. send an in-game email to Pious Hunter or send me a PM and we can talk about invites and times hours of RP. i often enjoy a spot of low-level roleplay inbetween the tedious Peregrine Island missions.
This depends on the Commander, but perhaps P.P.E (Planetary Peace Force) RPSG could offer a coalition to ur British SG.
I enjoy roleplaying Lieutenant Lexmarc plenty but I'll see where the brothers of Old Oxford takes me. Is that okay?
woops. I think i've accidentally selected the wrong person to 'reply to'.. my bad. This isn't for ShadowGhost, its for Red_Saint.

I have to revisit Birdy's point and twist slightly... Is this British or English? The two do not mean the same thing.
I was looking into doing this last year but didnt get much response. I have since joined and become a leader in the PCP and now we have quite a few flag flying Brits onboard. I wouldnt want to lose any of my members and i dont plan on jumping ship my self, but id like to offer you an invitation to join a coalition with ourselves. Im sure my people will relish the chance to help out any fellow Brits in Paragon city.
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Grrr .
"Brit" is an Americanism. You are not a "Brit", you're at most, a "Briton"...but (imo) it's far better to refer to your true nationality (Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English).
As was stated: Britain =/= England.
Yes i did say Brits, i didnt realise Mrs Badcrumble the grammar(or is it grammer im all confused now!) teacher was reading my post. Humble apologies if i offended you. (I did spend the last 5 years of my education in an American school, but i do know how to spell colour!)
Wonka was asking the question to Red_Saint, not to Britanic, as he was referring to Ravenswing's post. (Whom we shorten to Birdy at times)
Dude.. Currently at GG there is a Russian themed SG, and a Golden Age Heroes themed one. These in addition to people main toons is quite a lot already... You really think people have time for a third?
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Heh, remember not all the Roleplayers out there are 'GGers'.
World of Jackcraft.
Dude.. Currently at GG there is a Russian themed SG, and a Golden Age Heroes themed one. These in addition to people main toons is quite a lot already... You really think people have time for a third?
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Heh, remember not all the Roleplayers out there are 'GGers'.
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That's very very true, far be it from me to suggest anything different.
Red_Saint, however, is a GGer!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Now I'm confused.. isn't it easier to 'RE: name' to the specific person the reply is for? According to you _Max_ Wonka said this to Brtanic:
I have to revisit Birdy's point and twist slightly... Is this British or English? The two do not mean the same thing
[/ QUOTE ]
perhaps it was accidental, but he RE: this post to me. ?? :/ ??
and I'm pretty sure this was meant for me:
Wonka was asking the question to Red_Saint, not to Britanic, as he was referring to Ravenswings's post. (Whom we shorten to Birdy at times)
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but u've posted it as RE: Britanic ?? :/ ??

Pious, replies are often made to the last message on a thread, instead of scrolling back up to an earlier post. Just because you see your name in the reply section, it doesn't mean that the poster is responding to you.
I think that's what it's for, a lot of people ignore it though.
World of Jackcraft.
They do. Usually if I'm responding to a specific poster, I'll type their name, or quote something they've typed.
Yes i did say Brits, i didnt realise Mrs Badcrumble the grammar(or is it grammer im all confused now!) teacher was reading my post. Humble apologies if i offended you. (I did spend the last 5 years of my education in an American school, but i do know how to spell colour!)
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That's "Miss" to you.
Mrs Badcrumble the grammar(or is it grammer im all confused now!) teacher
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However you spell it (and I can never remember), it's nothing to do with it. Calling people from the UK 'Brits' will result in your face getting caved in in some localities. My ex-partner had a real thing about it.
Anyway, while the idea of a 'British SG' sounds great, I think it could only posibly come about due to the British Government stepping in. Otherwise what you'd have is a group called "The UK Knights" or something, which had nothing but English (probably south eastern) heroes in it.
The Welsh, Scottish and Irish aren't going to voluntarily join a group founded by an Englishman, unless it was Hero 1 (or One) or someone, and a group started by a Welshman (say) would never get any English people joining.
A government sponsered group, however, would likely end up with a team featuring all sorts of exciting people (mostly English) who have been 'persuaded' to join to make the group look good. The Welsh guy would come from Cardiff, the Scot from Edinburgh, and the Irishman would have spent his time talking to both sides of the sectarian divide... a lot.
TBH, they'd come off better as an NPC group, but you could probably put something together if you got a lot of like-minded people and assigned roles.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
The Welsh, Scottish and Irish aren't going to voluntarily join a group founded by an Englishman, unless it was Hero 1 (or One) or someone, and a group started by a Welshman (say) would never get any English people joining.
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Why? Im an Englishman if i wasnt already happy with my current group i would have no problem joining a group founded by a Welshman, Irishman, or a Scot. There would probably be light hearted banter between the different nationalities but if i liked a group concept i wouldnt allow the founders nationality cloud my decision. (Although if SG base is in Wales can somebody write the address down on a piece of paper for me, BIG WORDS HARD!)
Although if SG base is in Wales can somebody write the address down on a piece of paper for me, BIG WORDS HARD
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Yeah... oddly, the Welsh don't find that funny. And then there's the point that, if the base is in Wales, a large proportion of the population of England wouldn't go live near it. Hell, a large proportion of the population of England think civilisation ends just outside the M25!
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Okay, people seem interested in this. However, I'm going to clarify what the themes are going to be.
BRITISH, firstly. That includes the Welsh, the Irish, and the Scots as well as the English. Hell, if you wanted maybe you could even add an Indian character who was persuaded to join because his government and the English one want to improve relations (that is PURELY an idea, it should be pointed out.)
Secondly, government sponsored. As was said in an earlier post, that way we have a little more leeway from both a technical point of view, and why the characters would join.
Thirdly, I want to try and see how the characters would deal with their prejudices against each other. For example, the Englishman who thinks all the Irish are drunken idiots run into the calm, intelligent Bellfast man, or (to go for REGIONAL differences) the Sheffield man who dislikes Londoners because he feels they're all "Stuck-up snobs" actually meets a Londoner who isn't majorly stuck-up. In short, it could be about how they find their prejudices are off the mark (or the opposite, of course).
So, anyone interested?
Although if SG base is in Wales can somebody write the address down on a piece of paper for me, BIG WORDS HARD
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Sorry never thought about that, i withdraw that statement. My old Welsh boss used to say place names in Wales were designed to scare the English into keeping on their side of the river, and i thought that was funny! The point is little differences in thought are what make any human interaction interesting. Context in what something was said can sometimes be misread. I dont really think that Ravenswing believes that all Englishman, Irishmen, Scots and Welsh hate each other(although i could interpret his post that way)and i hope he doesnt feel i think less of non-Englishmen. I can see this group being an incredibly complex but fun group to be involved with and Red Saint is going to need all his leadership skills if he goes ahead. I hope you are up to the challenge i think you are on to a real winner!
I had a very simmilar idea when I made British Bulldog. I was thinking more along the lines of a British Empire/Commonwealth idea though in order to broaden the appeal.
My RP in Co* has pretty much reached as low an ebb as it possibly could right now, but I wish you every success. If you ever need a spiffing patriotic hero from the more civilised side of the pond, don't hesitate to give me a call old man!
Perhaps Samuel Whickham-Bankes will make a reapearance under the staue. After all, if there are staunch country men and women fighting the good fight this far from old Blighty, The British Bulldog is honour bound to lend a hand.
Since the Dark-themed SG fell through, I came up with another idea for a themed SG.
Would anyone be interested in playing a Britain themed SG? I have an idea for a leader (A hero going by either White Knight or England's Rose) but I'd like to know if anyone would be interested first. Post if you are...