End of teh Spammer
Bye Tylantia. You sound exactly like I did at the end of last year. If you don't come back I wish you all the best, if one day you do i'll welcome you home
You will find that after a few months you will miss it. A break from the game is a very good thing if you feel like you do. Hope to see you again one day.
/em Cry :'( Gonna miss your Over the top greetings on /Arena cya and I hope you have good luck in your life.
T, gonna miss ya been good fun getting to know you
Hope we see you back on here, but if not have a wonderful life
50 inf says she will be back within a month :P
All the best Tyl. For a week now I have ben trying to write my goodbye post but havent been able to express it.
A shame I missed your spam on arena chat but I had to disable it due to others abuse of it. So you can blame them .
Take care Tyl.
Awwww hey dude!!!
Well, I wish you well in whatever you do in your life, don't forget about us all in Paragon and hopefully you'll be back one day, ready to spam us out of existence again!
And thanks for all the defence in Sirens
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Nooo! Tylantia! you can't go O_o what about PvP.
Gonna miss ya. I wish all the best. I'm gonna miss being killed in PVP, the next time I get stabbed in PVP by any other stalkers, it wont be the same.
Being one of my best friends throughout the entire time I played this game, I'm gonna do something for ya. Seeing as your personality inspired me to create the third main character, I'll give ya a special mention in my book .
good bye, my friend
50 inf says she will be back within a month :P
[/ QUOTE ]
shh! dont say that! having a sister who does psycology helps, if you bet against them, they'll be more determined and theres more chance they wont be back!
Noooooooo! </Darth>
Well, I guess it has to happen sooner or later, huh? You'll be missed. If you do one thing for us all, then please make sure it's enjoying yourself no matter what you do!
-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
U take care pal, all the best with RL, and I hope U come back one day. The Fatman misses u already!
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
Enjoy what ever you decide to do with your time next........ what is there other than CoH/V anyway??!
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO teh n00bzer is leaving
Bah, known you for a long time tyl, and its always been great laughs with you. Good Luck with whatever you go on to do.
Take Care Tylz0r!!!111
You are going to be sooooooo missed it has always been fun with you tyla and you are one of the nicest and coolest persons i met around her....you ll soar the green pastures of WoW for a while but hopefully u ll be back
Take Care my friends
This is for you
youn prolly don't remember but you sk'd me on my fist ever up against L50+ mission, after we'd done Jack in Irons or whoever it is and I'll miss you :-(
Have fun in whatever else you do & never forget us....you fashion victim xx
The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute
Will miss you, you are a great friend to alot of folks and are truely a wonderfull person. the place won't feel the same with you gone.
I wish you well in your time away from CoH, and hope that you decide to return back to the game one day.
Always been good to group/team with you.
take care now you hear
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Tyl don't go ! I promise I won't try and chat you up again !
No seriously, I know how you feel and I can't blame ya. I have been in the same shoes and will be again. I sure will miss you in and outside of PvP
Hope you find a new love in gaming if that is what you're going for. You won't be forgotten around these parts though and hope the new peeps you meet will love you as much as we all do
May real life threat you well and don't forget to write on msn!
Bye bye n00bst3r you are the r0xz3r !
where's that bloody hanky!
Aww, nooooo!
Never good news to see nice people leaving - but as the guys say, good luck and hopefully you'll be back one day....xxxx
Awwww Tyl
Sorry to hear you're going, all the best for whatever you choose to do now. Kinda feel like I'm reaching the same point with the game so can certainly understand your decision.
Take care
Bye Tyl, Enjoy WoW and good luck in life
Cant believe im gonna say it but it wil be wierd without u tyl, although the spammin is kinda meh sometimes it does make people smile
good luck mateo
Lui - lvl 50 energy/energy prat
Ill miss you Tyl!!!!
Still chat on msn, there are some nice new songs out now
Take Care Tyl, miss you loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
ta-a-roo all
i'll load tiny chesty etc some days then maybe on last day, dependant on work etc etc la la do do DODODOODODODOODO......ive had too much ribena again >.<
hey, I got an idea, why dont we get a group photo with everybody like they did on union, just so we can all have something we can remmember you by. I'm sure that a selection of people have a pic of you, but why not one last blast on the defiant server, say on the city hall steps or something?
Well its happened
I am (this time) finished with CoH/CoV on march 3rd / 4th.
Tons of uber peeps made it really good
then you got the fools
(as with all games)
and gl 

For the good majority this games been drop dead god damn fun
I've decided to leave this time and for good, mainly because theres nothing more i can really get from this game fun wise, community yeah, but play wise nah....
So to the plastics, femms, danity's, goeh, bote, and all the other SG's fair well
And a special goodbye to teh uber peeps in my spammy circle of total n00bness! XD j00 know who j00 r !!
So long and Tylantia signing out !