If you hero had a themesong, what would it be?
For Funeral Pyre it was Killing in the Name of by rage against the machine.
For Shadowplay Hall of the Mountain King as performed by Apocalyptica
I could never fit a tune to High Voltage for some reason and I haven't RPed the rest of my characters to give much consideration there.
Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito
for my tank since i5 as he's running from a mob, "i need a hero" by bonnie tyler
Well for Aeronaut, it has always been Man on the Edge by Iron Maiden.
Fleetfoots is Here I go again by Whitesnake.
and my villain, Truck's theme is Enter Sandman or maybe The Unforgiven, both by Metallica.
Funnily enough, the Truck was originally a Tanker that I rerolled when I fell in love with En/ Brutes and when this question was asked way back in May last year his theme was Enter Sandman then too, I guess I always wanted him to be the villain
For Grav it would be... "It's a kind of magic" (by Queen?), or "I've put a spell on you" (by Joe Cocker?)... but when activating the Personal Forcefield... it's "Can't touch this" (by MC Hammer?)
(Yes, I'm not sure who performs those songs, so sue me)
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
You were right about the Queen and Hammer songs, don't know about the other one.
War Crow's is "Eye-to-eye" by Propaganda.
Why? Katana Scrapper, minions go down in three strikes...
The first cut won't hurt at all.
The second only makes you wonder.
The third will have you on your knees.
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"i put a spell on you" is/was sung by Billie Holiday (lord could that woman sing)
for Cassandra i would go with "outtathaway" by the vines or possabliy "block rocking beats" by the chemical brothers
For my Patriotic Tanker Yank hero, Raptor Rogue I'd choose Battle Hym of the Republic.
And for my newly created Villians, General Skull would get Ironman by Ozzie Osbourne and Black Sabbeth and Doctor Spelimino I haven't decided yet.
Bubbleman: Forever blowing bubbles thing
Grim Rainbow: Echoing 'Somewhere over the Rainbow'
The Smoking Demon: Fat Boy Slim remix of 'The Monster Mash'
The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor
@The Smoking Demon
Hmm. For Gabbleduck I'd go with Surf Terror by Man or Astroman.
Hmm. For Gabbleduck I'd go with Surf Terror by Man or Astroman.
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Surely, "You can keep your hat on." Tom Jones.
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Surely, "You can keep your hat on." Tom Jones.
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Far too obvious -- besides, when it comes to Tom Jones songs, I've already reserved "Thunderball" as the theme song for my Mastermind.
I think Miss Ellie's would have to be the theme tune from the movie "Aliens"
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I think Miss Ellie's would have to be the theme tune from the movie "Aliens"
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I'd go with Cat People by David Bowie. I mean, it's got some great lines in there for Ellie. "Putting out fire with gasoline."
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I'd go with Cat People by David Bowie. I mean, it's got some great lines in there for Ellie. "Putting out fire with gasoline."
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Hmmm.. That would work too!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
"Fanfare for the Common Man" for Weasel (Aaron Copeland)
Pink's would be (currently) " Cold and Ugly" by tool and also "The Patient" by Tool (again)
Amaya's (currently) "Bottom" also by tool
I know it's both tool tunes, but the lyrics do say alot for the characters' state of minds ^_^
April (TK's) gotta be the timewarp!! couldn't be anything else :-P or Queen's "one vision"
Send in the clowns by COLD
But, Jest er was rolled to Schism by Tool
Tainted would pick Solider by Eminem im sure of it.
For Gentleman Rogue: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal. Don't think it needs any explanations. :>
oddly enough way back when i first made jo for a different rp i was also hearing that tool album for the first time ^_^
Grav should list Dance magic dance after "i put a spell on you" just because.. i can picture the hair.. and the singing.. and the dancing minion goblins....
Theme tunes by character:
DREAMWEAVER: "Wish I Had An Angel" - Nightwish
Elegant and floaty, yet with sheer power of ROCK to back it up
POWERSTAR: "Angel Interceptor" - Ash
Relentlessly upbeat and driving
RANGER EMILY: "Running #1 Remix" - Run Lola Run soundtrack
Mean and downbeat but with 70s cop pulse behind it
AGENT FLUX: "Spybreak" - Propellorheads
...because somebody had to
PAPA LAZAROU: "Enter Sandman" - Metallica & The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
From the S&M album. Massively overblown Spinal Tap version of a classic. It'd be funny if it wasn't so damn scary...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

Oh yeah...
Jason Caine - Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen, though for plot reasons, he has a call on Missing by Evanescence.
Velvet - Centrefold by the J Giles Band.
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Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
for my Brute Evil One "Evil" by interpol, just because.....
Dark Stone, Cheesy as hell but... Meatloaf - Bat Outta Hell
Verse, *laughs* no you seriously want me to answer that?
Jay Cee Bee, Nizlopi - JCB song
Lycaos... forgot the name of the band but - Of Wolf and Man
Lycaos... forgot the name of the band but - Of Wolf and Man
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That would be Metallica.
Sylpheed: Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine
Arachidamia: Manowar - Warriors of the World Unite
Sara Aegis: Powerman 5000 - Drop the Bombshell
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Forgetting all that copyright nonsense (hey, this is a different setting and all) if your hero had his, her, it or their own themes what would it be?
For Red Commissar, The Soviet Union's Anthem would be the only logically choice, Either vocal or techno.