Boudicea slasher her way to 50




I would like to congratulate my good mate Boudicea for getting to 50, for those of you who know, he also goes under the names of Miss Chief ( another level 50 ) and Qinetiq, so this is his second level 50. As Boudicea he laughed death in the face, mostly from the floor, and very regularly. His gung ho attitude with his scrapper Boudicea earned him the nick name "The Suicide Scrapper", which I am proud to have bestowed on him.

He has always been good fun to team with and I count him as one of my best and longest mates in the game.


Oh and the magic moment Ding



Way yes well done. I wanted to be there but lately I been been at something else or other last few days.



man boud u rox well done and congrats for a much worthy level 50 sorry i couldnt be there :/ damn....One of the nicest people around made it to 50...roll on to next one boud



Gratz Boud!



Congrats dude Shame i wasn't there to help ya ding but RL got in the way :P It's always been a pleasure playing with ya and damn you for getting your second 50 before me!

/prescribes a large dose of altisis



woot congratulations Great achievement



Yeah cogratz we teamed a bit in the 10+s,which I thoroughly enjoyed
Just shows what playing CoV does to lvling in CoH



Gratz Bou, always a pleasure teaming with you



well done mate, good to see you have now got your second 50.. Congrats




Thank you one and all. I'd teamed with many, many nice people, especially Dimension (I just can't get rid of you! ) Quantumhoard and Streakshift who were my near constant companions from the late 30's all the way to 50. Finding a team around the CoV launch was damn hard work, but I was determined to get to 50 before succumbing to villainy, and now I have. having said that, i've got a few alts sitting waiting on some love, so I might still give the villains a miss! Special thanks to those that gave up the villain side to accompany me, and those that were more than happy to leave their alts and help me on my quest.

Here's to the next one!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Oh congrats, I didn't know that was you. Guess I should read the sigs properly



Yay! Grats Boud Always a pleasure to play with a damn good laugh and a bundle of fun! pssst!...Gimmeh INF!!



Yay boud!!! thanks for always includingme when u were around. soz i wasnt on the team when u hit 50!!

unfortuantely, Cpt Chick is still at 37 (lol) - exam time for me, but hopefully will see more of u (and our SG ) later in Dec.

Take care - and looking fwd to meeting u (or your alts) when u are next on!