My Warshade tri-form guide for I6




Double. Excellent guide. I only wish I'd read it before starting on my WS. Now all i need is that respec

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



It is mighty fine. I just started using the Double Mire->NovaZappage->Styg Circle tactic, and it is hilariously sick and fun.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just a little addition here guys.

/bind [ "target_custom_next enemy defeated" to target a defeated foe in battle, for ease of Unchain Essence, and Extract Essence.

/bind ] "target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_custom_next sapper"

Press that once and it'll pick up any potential bad day in the up-coming mob.




Nice guide to read over when I start my kheldian, or if. You deserve a cookie



It is mighty fine. I just started using the Double Mire->NovaZappage->Styg Circle tactic, and it is hilariously sick and fun.

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Having finally got my respec and just got Nova I have to agree entirely it is completely sick and funny... and provides hours of endless mindless humour in striga!

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Just picked up my Warshade (after a long time) and while most of the guide is OK, I had to laugh when I re-read this part, after playing a warshade a bit more

at the end-game, you may have leftover slots because of ED

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you really, really won't....

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



Well actually, you really, really will.......

Most Shades build as Tri-formers (as Doubles guide was about) and hence only really need to slot the powers which cross-forms, and deal the most damage.

The general consensus is that slots are more available to a tri-form WS than for example a human form PB.

By "endgame" (I read 35+) we're picking up 3 slots per "slot level", and have 10 of those in that stretch.
Thats 30 slots to play with.

Seeing as though we don't have EPIC's, we'll only be going back over our builds to pickup the powers not good enough to cut into our build in the first place, and in my experience, these powers don't usually require much slotting (default slot of Recharge in Self-rez for example).

My Shade is 41 and my slots were pretty much finished 5 levels ago.
Sure these extra slots are going to help, as all slots do, but they're in no way "needed".

Obviously YMMV, and yes pre-30 Shades are pretty slot tight, just hold out for those 3-slot levels



By that argument you don't need *any* slots since you always have the same powers available, even if their effectiveness is sub-par because they aren't enhanced.

My Bi-Form Peacebringer hasn't any slots left at 50.

Heck he could use at least 6 more enhancement slots to make him hit "peak effectiveness", and at least two more power picks. I dread to think what things would be like if I had've taken Nova form too...



By that argument you don't need *any* slots since you always have the same powers available, even if their effectiveness is sub-par because they aren't enhanced.

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I just mean that having Quasar slotted 3xDmg 2xAcc isn't going to be different from having it just 3xDmg due to a double Mire.

So by me saying "slotting finished" I meant they're at the optimum slotting that I need to perform, and that additional slots wouldnt improve my performance by VAST amounts.

My Bi-Form Peacebringer hasn't any slots left at 50.

Heck he could use at least 6 more enhancement slots to make him hit "peak effectiveness", and at least two more power picks. I dread to think what things would be like if I had've taken Nova form too...

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The general consensus is that slots are more available to a tri-form WS than for example a human form PB.

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An entirely different beast sir



Must be one of those "different playstyles moments"...

Surely by the nature of going "Tri Form" you'll need more slots to attain peak effectiveness than going bi-form. Now granted that much of a Tri-form Warshades' damage and effectiveness is from Double-Mire and Eclipse, then switching to Nova Form to AoE blast... but if you had the option to expand your abilities (say by perma-mezzing bosses through stacking your Human-form PBAoE disorient with your Disorient Cone attack) wouldn't that be improving your performance too?

I've a Tri-form Warshade planned in hero builder. I've tweaked it and tweaked it, but i'll be an Iconites' uncle if I can find a spare slot there at all. And it could still use Endmods in Dwarf, heals and an endred in stygian circle, slots in stamina, recharges in quasar, damages in dwarf attacks and taunt durations in antagonise. And the single target Nova Form blasts aren't slotted for damage either.

I'd quite happily use another 15-18 slots on that toon.



Must be one of those "different playstyles moments"...

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Hehe, I guess so mate, seeing as though....

Surely by the nature of going "Tri Form" you'll need more slots to attain peak effectiveness than going bi-form.

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I'm pretty sure you've slotted all your shields for 3xDmgres, 1xEndred on your PB?
A tri-form Shade wouldnt, saving a good load of slots..

The point of tri-form Shade is Human to buff, Nova to Blast, Dwarf to Tank/take damage.

Now granted that much of a Tri-form Warshades' damage and effectiveness is from Double-Mire and Eclipse, then switching to Nova Form to AoE blast... but if you had the option to expand your abilities (say by perma-mezzing bosses through stacking your Human-form PBAoE disorient with your Disorient Cone attack) wouldn't that be improving your performance too?

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Well not particularly, as if im stood around in Human form, chucking out Gravitic Emanation and Inky Aspect, I'm not doing damage. In the instances that could require that tactic, I'd much rather either a) pop into Dwarf and Tank with my (already 6 slotted) Antagonise, or b) pop on Eclipse, double Mire, and hold more aggro in Nova.

I've a Tri-form Warshade planned in hero builder. I've tweaked it and tweaked it, but i'll be an Iconites' uncle if I can find a spare slot there at all.

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Lets see if I an help

And it could still use Endmods in Dwarf,

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Just put a single Endred on the two melee's rather than slotting Dwarf, the end return is a lot better.

heals and an endred in stygian circle

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IIRC 3 even level minions will fill your health bar, whereas you'll need at least 2 endmods to full fill your Stamina off it. Endred on the other hand IS a good idea, the amount of times I've dropped from Nova and missed a SC because i didnt have enough to cast it

slots in stamina

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Ouch, Stamina on a tri-form? Really?

recharges in quasar

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Yup, nice if you can find them, I've got Hasten and 1xRecred.

damages in dwarf attacks

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Also worthwhile, time and again you'll get stuck in Dwarf, unable to find a safe time to Nova (mezz'in enemies). Id put this towards the top of you priorities tbh. It's never going to do a tonne of damage but enough to take out the pesky lieut or forcefield generator (especially double mired)

and taunt durations in antagonise.

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Unfortunately also high on the agenda, that Taunt doesnt stick for very long........and with a WS being one of the 2 sets that can safely Tank Psi enemies, it's handy to have it.

And the single target Nova Form blasts aren't slotted for damage either.

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Quite understandable, if you've got Emanation and Detonation slotted well for recharges and run Hasten, you'll only be using ST blasts for bosses, and your Dwarf can do that.

I'd quite happily use another 15-18 slots on that toon.

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Tbh if I had 15-18 extra slots, Id put good money on all of them being Recred or Endred, and a 6 slotted TP




I'm pretty sure you've slotted all your shields for 3xDmgres, 1xEndred on your PB?
A tri-form Shade wouldnt, saving a good load of slots..

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I didn't take any shields.
...unless you count Light Form or Dwarfie...
No, not even the S/L one.
Peacebringers get more clickyheals than a regen scrapper, you really don't need shields.

Now if I was going tri-form, I'd want to keep my powers slotted exactly the same as they are at the moment (since I wouldn't want to be less effective at blapping or tanking) plus slot all my Nova form blasts for damage, accuracy and recharge/endred. That's a fair few more slots!

For the "boss thing" I was really thinking about Voids and Quantum bosses, which can one-shot you and don't die very fast. I've juggled a few quantum bosses on my PB, but never managed to solo a void boss. LTs are easy since I can mez them.


Just put a single Endred on the two melee's rather than slotting Dwarf, the end return is a lot better.

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Not when I'm tanking, I spam heals, footstomp (no real equivalent for WS) and antagonise. I imagine that a faster End return to "recover" faster in the safety of dwarfie would be more useful to a Warshade when you're soloing something tough and can't use Stigian Circle... like bosses or an EB.

I'm sure once I get around to actually levelling the 'shade that I'll tweak a few picks, but right now on the drawing board (level 12 ish) it's the one AT build I have that's really hurting for slots.

Ouch, Stamina on a tri-form? Really?

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Yep, at level 49! I ran out of other powers I wanted after 41. Stamina could still use two more Endmods though. I'm definately more in need of more enh slots than more power picks in the 40s...




I didn't take any shields.
...unless you count Light Form or Dwarfie...
No, not even the S/L one.
Peacebringers get more clickyheals than a regen scrapper, you really don't need shields.

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My apologies for false assumptions, my personal PB playing knowledge is limited to my little level 9

Now if I was going tri-form, I'd want to keep my powers slotted exactly the same as they are at the moment (since I wouldn't want to be less effective at blapping or tanking) plus slot all my Nova form blasts for damage, accuracy and recharge/endred. That's a fair few more slots!

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I have no doubt that a tri-form PB would indeed need a terrible amount of slots to avoid being Jack-of-All, master of none. Shades don't get this problem really, as the Human form may aswell fling a wet paper tissue at enemies for damage (outside Unchain and Quasar), and the Buffs it gets instead need a few less slots.


For the "boss thing" I was really thinking about Voids and Quantum bosses, which can one-shot you and don't die very fast. I've juggled a few quantum bosses on my PB, but never managed to solo a void boss. LTs are easy since I can mez them.

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Ah, I see, well tbh, I dont think any technique would help against these, usually I'd pop 2 purples, try to get a nice Eclipse...........then press /bind u "say Zomg $target, squish it before it kicks the Shnyet out of me!!" and run around in circles flailing my arms about it a slappy motion.
The mez plan would fall down because I couldnt deal enough damage to take it down and wouldnt trust my pets to deal enough damage to take it down before I fell asleep.
I do have my own plan for these cheeky chaps, but it involves stacking my Presence Pool, and has to be seen to be believed unfortunately.

And hence this discussion is the beauty of Kheldians. Completely different builds, completely different experiences, completely different fun.

Sounds like we'll have to get our toons together at some point matey, they sound like they'd be quite the duo.



This sounds a lot like my build ... I've got one shield in human form and that's that. But between the mires and the base forms, most of my slots up to 30 get gobbled up and that's before you look at any of the great human controllery powers I plan on using to make my grand entrance.

I don't deny you could take a bare minimum of 4 or so powers, slot them up and be effective - but there are so many great powers, all of which could *use* the slots that I'd quit happily give up every power pick from 44 up in return for an extra 3 slots at each level.

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



Here is a letter Double asked me to post here...

"First of all, you have to remember there is a difference between the two aliens. Although from the same planet (I think), they are dark and light, sun and shadow. In other words, the complete opposite. Add to that the difference between a human form PB and a tri-form WS, and it's an entirely different case. Then, add up the two playstyles...

All in all, the WS is a killing machine and the PB is the bounty hunter. A tri-form WS doesn't need to slot any attacks or shields, and barely even mez protections. All he needs is a powerful enough 85% resistance to all including psionic. This is easily gained using the Mire (+acc) and the dwarf Mire (additional +acc), which is enough to get Eclipse (+11.25% resistance per application) to max. Eventually, the nova form is brilliant for killing off enemies and dwarf for the hot period once ecplise runs out (if i recall, almsot perma using hasten), or just to BASH enemies out of the way, even covering the tanker. You don't really need all the slots to be put into the human attacks, res shields and mez attakcs. Then remember, that due to ED, non of the powers can be 6 slotted (hasten, eclipse, quasar, a lot of attacks), and you get a bunch of powers you really don't need if they aren't slotted fully, and leftovers.

The PB, however, is a different situation. My human form PB (50) had a big slotting issue. Due to not being able to do the things a WS can do (well, not as good as...), he needs to focus on the melee attacks, ranges attacks, shields and other stuff. A tri-form might not have that problem, but there are still some issues with good powers (IS) which will lose their value. Also, a bright nova won't get the support of double mire and ecplise to back it up, and neither would dwarf, so a player will eventually heavly slot the forms (otherwise, why pick them at all?). Even without the forms, there are shields, powers, and a lot of good (GOOD) human powers, then add power pools.

Eventually, the WS got a lot of powers which benefits, above everything, his EXP/Sec ratio , and the PB has lots of supporting powers and heals, and to be effective, he needs to have his powers picked out right, then slot them. While a WS has the double mire, stygian and ecplise (4 powers, excluding dwarf and nova), the PB has 4 shields (one passive), 3 heals(one with dwarf), and light form, and those can add up to 9 powers, plus stamina to hold it (so that makes it 12).

So there you have it, my 2 cents.
PS, i'm not back to CoH *yep*, but I still read the forums..."



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
All in all, the WS is a killing machine and the PB is the bounty hunter.

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Had to laugh as I read this sentence, because I refer to my (or any "real") tri-form-WS (Sojobo) as "The Purple Flying Fortress of Doom" while my human-form PB (Phosphorus) is a former professional wrestler who had the nickname "Headhunter" in his wrestling days.
So, I guess I have to agree whole-heartedly with Double.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



First of all I wanna thank you double cause you helped me a lot to find out some pretty things for the ws !jiaozy helped here too with his build!my ws is 31 lvl now and iam enjoining him very much!he dies too much(I don’t care very much about it)but he rocks!i get used to him cause in the start was very difficult cause my first 50 was a scrapper and you all know how its like!i changed or preferred some things from the 2 builds I saw here!
I thing SS with shadow cloak helped me a lot in my current carrier and I wouldn’t change it in the world with anything else!in 10 lvl I got starless step instead of penubral shield or shadowblast and helped me sometimes to pull mobs(very useful I thing in some situations)!the other change I wanna ask your advise about is in 26 28 and 30 lvl!i first taked and used unchained essence but after double mire and aoe’s from DN either most mobs are killed from me and my teamates or so much scattered from knockback that if I use it it’s a waste of endurance and time!So I decided to go for gravity emanation that helped me a lot to NOT being hit and control the group and inky aspect that helped me disorient bosses with gravity emanation!i took aid other in 30 cause I want when I get the pets in 32 and its not for away to be able to heal em!
The most intresting thing I discovered is when I was about 29 lvl I went to test server to try to respect cause I hated the unchain essence!when I did the respec I found that let me use the slots from 3 th and 5th lvl to use em in DN And BD powers!so the 4 useless slots IMO I gave em to my BD mire and heal!i asked around and some ppl knew that some didnt and told me that it was some quind of prob that devs cant fix!
So this is my current build and hope that you help me choose the powers in 47 and 49 and the 3 slots that I have left and don’t know where to put em!

01) --&gt; Ebon Eye==&gt; Acc(1)
01) --&gt; Absorption==&gt; DmgRes(1)
02) --&gt; Gravity Shield==&gt; EndRdx(2)
04) --&gt; Orbiting Death==&gt; EndRdx(4)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova==&gt; EndMod(6) EndMod(7) EndMod(7) TH_Buf(15) TH_Buf(17)
08) --&gt; Hasten==&gt; Rechg(8) Rechg(9) Rechg(9)
10) --&gt; Starless Step =&gt; Acc(10)
12) --&gt; Sunless Mire==&gt; Acc(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13) Rechg(17)
14) --&gt; Super Speed==&gt; Run(14)
16) --&gt; Shadow Cloak==&gt; EndRdx(16)
18) --&gt; Gravity Well==&gt; Acc(18) Acc(50) Hold(50)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf==&gt; DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21) EndMod(23) EndMod(23) EndMod(42)
22) --&gt; Stygian Circle==&gt; EndRdx(22) EndMod(25) EndMod(45) Heal(46)
24) --&gt; Nebulous Form==&gt; Rechg(24)
26) --&gt; gravity emmanation==&gt; Acc(26) disdur(27) Disdur(27)
28) --&gt; Inky Aspect==&gt; Acc(28)
30) --&gt; Aid Other ==&gt; Heal(30)
32) --&gt; Dark Extraction==&gt; Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(33) Rechg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --&gt; Quasar==&gt;Dmg(35) Dmg(36) Dmg(36Rechg(36) Rechrg(37)Rechrg(37)
38) --&gt; Eclipse==&gt; Acc(38) Acc(39) DmgRes(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(40) Rechg(40)
41) --&gt; Stygian Return==&gt; Rechg(41)
.47) --&gt; Blank==&gt; IntRdx(47)
49) --&gt; Blank==&gt; Rechg(49)
01) --&gt; Sprint==&gt; Empty(1)
01) --&gt; Brawl==&gt; Empty(1)
01) --&gt; Shadow Step==&gt; EndRdx(1)
01) --&gt; Dark Sustenance==&gt; Empty(1)
02) --&gt; Rest==&gt; Rechg(2)
10) --&gt; Shadow Recall==&gt; Range(10)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Blast==&gt; Dmg(6)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Bolt==&gt; Dmg(6) Dmg(45) Rechg(45)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Detonation==&gt; Acc(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(15) Dmg(19) Rechg(31) Rechg(31)
06) --&gt; Dark Nova Emmanation==&gt; Acc(6) Dmg(11) Dmg(19) Dmg(25) Rechg(31)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Strike==&gt; Acc(20)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Smite==&gt; Acc(20) Dmg(40) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) Rechg(43)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Mire==&gt; Acc(20) Rechrg(3)rechrg(3) Rechrg(29)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Drain==&gt; Acc(20) Heal(5)Heal(5) Heal(29) Rechg(43) Rechg(43)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Step==&gt; EndRdx(20)
20) --&gt; Black Dwarf Antagonize==&gt; Acc(20) Acc(34) Taunt(37)
Taunt(46) Rechg(46) Rechg(48)

Slot48) Slot(48) Slot(50)

So iam enjoing so much my WS from all the chars I have made!i have died a lot with him(I thing I got the second dept badge)but didn’t notice it cause he is so…that I don’t care!i got him 31 lvl in 2 and a half weeks and really he is something else!so I thing my current sloting in 31 is very good cause I have full sloted the 2 mires and they recharge the same time which is very good my heal in dwarf helped me lots of times not to die cause the most of the time I change in dwarf I have 1/3 of my hps and the 3 heal SO’s in there helps a lot!that’s all and hope you help me with the issues I got!Maybe 47 lvl I get shadow blast and slot it for dmg cause if iam in a team with scrappers and blasters the human form does some dmg!
Y.S have you seen a PB teamed with 7 scrappers do Incandescent Strike
In PVP with build up?you would laugh!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(341 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 31 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 29 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”



Just thought I'd add my WS build too. I'm having so much fun playing him at the moment and have just hit 39 (though I do have him planned out to 50 based on this guide.)

The ability to double mire / quasar virtually every third mob is just too much fun for words lol!

anyway... my build:

Aerin Elfling: Level 50 Science Warshade
Primary Power Set: Umbral Blast
Secondary Power Set: Umbral Aura
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Leadership

Hero Profile
Level 1: Shadow Bolt -- Dmg(A), Dmg(3)
Level 1: Absorbtion -- ResDam(A), ResDam(3)
Level 1: Dark Sustenance
Level 1: Brawl -- Dmg(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- None(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- None(A)
Level 1: Shadow Step -- EndRdx(A)
Level 2: Ebon Eye -- Dmg(A), Dmg(5)
Level 2: Rest -- Heal(A)
Level 4: Gravity Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(5)
Level 6: Dark Nova -- EndMod(A), EndMod(9), EndMod(9), ToHit(17), ToHit(31), ToHit(37)
Level 6: Dark Nova Bolt -- Dmg(A), Dmg(34), Dmg(37)
Level 6: Dark Nova Blast -- Dmg(A), Dmg(15), Dmg(37)
Level 6: Dark Nova Emanation -- Dmg(A), Dmg(7), Dmg(34)
Level 6: Dark Nova Detonation -- Dmg(A), Dmg(7), Dmg(34)
Level 8: Shadow Blast -- Dmg(A), Dmg(15), Dmg(50)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(11), RechRdx(11)
Level 10: Shadow Recall -- Range(A)
Level 12: Sunless Mire -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(13), RechRdx(13)
Level 14: Shadow Cloak -- DefBuff(A)
Level 16: Penumbral Shield -- ResDam(A), ResDam(17)
Level 18: Gravity Well -- Hold(A), Hold(19), Dmg(19), Hold(48)
Level 20: Black Dwarf -- ResDam(A), ResDam(21), ResDam(21), EndMod(50)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Strike -- Dmg(A)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Smite -- Dmg(A), Dmg(46)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Mire -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(25), RechRdx(25)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Drain -- Heal(A), Heal(29), Heal(46), Dmg(46)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Step -- EndRdx(A)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Antagonize -- Taunt(A)
Level 22: Stygian Circle -- Heal(A), Heal(23), EndMod(23), EndMod(40), RechRdx(40), RechRdx(45)
Level 24: Nebulous Form -- EndRdx(A)
Level 26: Unchain Essence -- Dmg(A), Dmg(27), Dmg(27), RechRdx(31), RechRdx(31), Acc(33)
Level 28: Gravitic Emanation -- Dsrnt(A), Dsrnt(29)
Level 30: Super Speed -- Run(A)
Level 32: Dark Extraction -- Dmg(A), Dmg(33), Acc(33), RechRdx(48), Dmg(48)
Level 35: Stygian Return -- Heal(A), Heal(36), RechRdx(36), RechRdx(36), Dmg(45), Dmg(45)
Level 38: Quasar -- Dmg(A), Dmg(39), Dmg(39), RechRdx(39), RechRdx(40), Acc(43)
Level 41: Eclipse -- EndMod(A), EndMod(42), EndMod(42), RechRdx(42), RechRdx(43), Acc(43)
Level 44: Grant Invisibility -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(50)
Level 47: Starless Step -- Acc(A)
Level 49: Maneuvers -- DefBuff(A)

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Mn you took stygian return over quasar and got in 41 eclipse!eclise is a must have in all situationsand you have to get it in 38!take stygian return in 41 and quasar in 35!

Rorix Bladewing 50 lvl Kat/Reg scrapper(345 badges)(For Death And Honour)
Soul Spike 31 lvl WarShade
Chalice Of the Void 29 lvl ill/Rad

As Master Yoda Said ”If So Powerful You Are..Why Leave?”



Meh, probably a good point but as I'm 41 now there's no point in changing. To be honest though I've not needed Eclipse all that much up until now, not with the suicidal scrapper i normally team with

Though I have swapped some slotting around on it now though.

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Just a little addition here guys.

/bind [ "target_custom_next enemy defeated" to target a defeated foe in battle, for ease of Unchain Essence, and Extract Essence.

/bind ] "target_custom_next void$$target_custom_next quantum$$target_custom_next cyst$$target_custom_next sapper"

Press that once and it'll pick up any potential bad day in the up-coming mob.


[/ QUOTE ]

Oh nice ! Never seen this one before .

Anyone used it?

Oh, have to say my tri-form WS is fricking good fun!!! And close to being my all time fave' characer after my Plant/Thorns Dominator .



Hmm, I don´t use the first bind as I find that most of the time this is easier to double-click the power in question for the same effect.
The second bind is very useful although I would take a different order (as this changes the priority in the case that e.g. a shadow cyst and a sapper are in the same spawn). I use something similar (a "lookout" macro, because it´s easier to adjust) on all my toons for finding sappers and special mobs like event monsters, hostages or named bosses.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Now using the second bind and totally loving it .
I had been utterly unaware of the "target_custom_next" command until now.

Great command and great posting posting it ! Thanks very much!

Yep the first one for dead enemies isn't that big a deal but nice to have around anyway.



I have been using /macro &lt;name&gt;, "$$targetname sapper $$targetname void $$targetname quantum $$targetname dark ring mistress $$targetname mighty saguro"

and when ya looking for somit like caleb or adamastor its easy aslong as ya spell correctly.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Aye, I use target_custom_next a lot. Even on the large open area maps trying to find that last ghost hostage. As long as you know part of the hostage name, you can use it to find them (or my current pet-hate, is the near-invisible bombs to plant on CoV, a nice "targetcustomnext bomb" sorts them straight out)

The enemy defeated one, I actually use instead of double clicking the power, because I usually look for the corpse while still in Dwarf form, hence wouldn't be able to fire the power to get the target. Also, I wouldn't want to target the mob thats been flung out of the centre by the over-zealous Nrg Blaster, I want this corpse over here, so it'll cycle to the next, rather than fire my power

Horses for courses i guess.

Glad they're helping somewhat anyway.

NB, if you want to change the priority of the target bind, remember that binds read themselves backwards, so put the highest priority last, hence why i had Cyst towards the back