My Warshade tri-form guide for I6




NB, if you want to change the priority of the target bind, remember that binds read themselves backwards, so put the highest priority last, hence why i had Cyst towards the back

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They read themselves forwards, each target instruction just overwrites the one before it. So if you tell it to target A then B then C it will... but since it happens in order, C will be targetted last.



NB, if you want to change the priority of the target bind, remember that binds read themselves backwards, so put the highest priority last, hence why i had Cyst towards the back

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They read themselves forwards, each target instruction just overwrites the one before it. So if you tell it to target A then B then C it will... but since it happens in order, C will be targetted last.

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.........which is what I said......I'm glad we agree



NB, if you want to change the priority of the target bind, remember that binds read themselves backwards, so put the highest priority last, hence why i had Cyst towards the back

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They read themselves forwards, each target instruction just overwrites the one before it. So if you tell it to target A then B then C it will... but since it happens in order, C will be targetted last.

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.........which is what I said......I'm glad we agree

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Does Black = White too?



NB, if you want to change the priority of the target bind, remember that binds read themselves backwards, so put the highest priority last, hence why i had Cyst towards the back

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They read themselves forwards, each target instruction just overwrites the one before it. So if you tell it to target A then B then C it will... but since it happens in order, C will be targetted last.

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.........which is what I said......I'm glad we agree

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Does Black = White too?

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It would appear so

Read backwards / Overwritten commands

Tomato / Tomato



There's also a notmyteam parameter that can be added to the target commands which should stop team members targetting my shade when looking for Quantums, Voids, Cysts (QVC maybe I should call that shopping for them)

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Well this is a great guide just hit 50 today and made my first Kheldian this guide will come in very useful. Thanks again.