Chesty LaRue Hits Level 50!!!!
Nice one H!! Great player and loads of fun! You coming to CoV now? I'd really like to get up to some mischief with ya!
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
Gratz on getting your little PB to 50 maybe some day I'll pull my finger out and get there myself XD
Whooohoooo! Monster Island FTW! Umm i'd just like to say ty to all the guys who were teamed with me....yea it was nutty and at times i ran like the girl i am screaming lol but after one dodgy group tp lol and 3 GM's later i got what i spent months tryin to get a nice lil lvl50 PB whooohoooo go me!..../em salsa!....ok so i've kept the local takeaway shop in business and drank that much coffee its a wonder i havent turned into a coffee bean...but its been worth it...ty guys!
.....oooo and one last little thing....CoV here i come! Countess Cupcake....comin to a base near you!
Oh A legend strikes again. Gratz to you. A great player, always fun to chat and team with and one of the nicest people on defiant so well deserved.
Im always up for teaming so Ill look out for ya in CoV.
BIG GRATS Chesty, known you for like forever now glad to see you made.
Very well deserved now im gonna be cheeky and ask to take a peek at your build
Gratz!!!!! especially since you stuck it out with a PB!
yo momma lvl50 D3 Sexy Man
M-C Hammered lvl50 Kin/Elec Rapper Man
Gimpman Lvl36 EM/SR he's behind you man!!!
Defenceless lvl50 earth/sonic Controller man
Gratz chesty only team a few times at at the end of our journeys but was always good and fun
Big congratz on getting ur PB to 50, looking forward to seeing the Spirit sends his gratz too
Yay congrats
Congraz Chesty!! One of the funnest nights I've had so far. The TG express did forget to pick you up at one stage and I still have issues with some of the pushing and shoving by some of the other passengers (Blue Rabbit, I'm looking at you ). The commentary by Dark Patriot was, as always, pure class "I hope you ding on this one" (the first GM that went down). And TG singlehandedly pushing up my old Empaths healing scores. I should get a badge just for healing him..
Wahay, gratz Chesty, nice to see another cool name hit the big 5-0
Shame I wasn't there to record it for you
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

And TG singlehandedly pushing up my old Empaths healing scores. I should get a badge just for healing him..
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Hey man u know since i cant pull 6 ft swedish blondes out of my hat thats the least thing i can do to please u....and as for the TG express uh well i found out from where u can go to Talos island without getting the ferry....
CONGRATZ Chesty, really great player and a real good hoot,
sooooh glad you made it to 50 with ur PB
gratzio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
gratzio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
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and thats a tornado warning issued in Greece
lmao! I'm still in parteh mode! whoooooooo!....go Rikti Martin!...../em salsa!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHESTY LARUE! o yeah lol wel done girl yeah yeah yeah yeah lol it was fun spamming up arena chat hehe ur the best
Big Gratz Chesty
Gratz chesty
Gratz Chesty . Like Tama looks like I'll need to pull my finger out.
Must stop playing COV, must stop playing COV.
Vig'rid - L50 BS/SR Scrapper
Captain in [color=Blue]The Divine Syndicate [/color]
Ka'moon - L27 FF/PSI Defender
Captain in [color=red]The Protangonists[/color]
but what about Busty St. Clair & Hootie McBoob
Possibly the most fun in ages.... A Malta and Carnies mission giving a near team wipe, exiting the mission early so that you could ding bringing down a GM on monster island. TG group TPing us to the island, forgetting to take you, then accidentally TPing us of the map back to Talos from PI...... Then when we got to monster island you failed to ding when we defeated the GM, and failed on the second one, thankfully you dinged on the third one........ Group TP to Atlas by TG for the big moment.....
Big gratz on the big 50
And now a couple of piccy's
Chesty dings the big one
The TG TP conga express to Atlas
lol omg i seriously need a GPS for that team tp thingy...
lmao! fun fun
Well She made it in Peregrine island with 3 nice GM's and dinged in style in her pink/blueish cossie...An awsome person a good player and always good fun to team and play with.
Well deserved and congrats Chesty was fun being along, now u can start stealing the cookies