Rememberence Sunday
I'll be there.
I doubt very much I'll be there, but this is in no way a reflection of my feelings.
We will Remember.
A quick point.
It'd probably be better if you did it at 11am, when everyone else will be doing it.
Dead Calm's Defender Manifesto
hey i just copied what he said
editing it now though...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Sounds like a good idea, I'll be there.
Just a quick question / note. The traditional 2 minute silence is held at 11:00 on Armistice Day.
Is the silence observed on Remembrance Sunday also at 11:00?
EDIT: Just looked it up, and "yes" is the answer.
I was just thinking about rememerance sunday and I rushed to get a poppy the other day. So I will be there certainly.
I'd be there, but I usually watch it on telly with my family. I might leave my character there AFK though, saluting. How long until I auto-DC?
Rememberence Sunday
Pvt_Ringkobing: Remembrance Sunday
I'll be there too...
Villains cant gather at Atlas, going to be a villain option?
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
if you are RPing a villain then why would you want to remember?
If your not, how about (god knows not Mercy) Port Oaks Arena or just by hospital and base portal?
if you are RPing a villain then why would you want to remember?
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Um, i think this is something that transcends the game. The suggestion was made by Wire as a mark of respect, not as an RPing event...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
I'll be at work (BAH!) but I'll be rememberising.
I hope you don't get any idiots spoiling it for you. I shall be with you in spirit.
I'd love to be there, but i'll be out of the house from about 10.15am til gone 2pm. I'll be there in spirit, though, and also having my own 2 minute salute in Atlas tomorrow at 11am.
@Willow R
Main Hero:
Willow R (Emp/Rad Defender, lvl 50)
Matakoshi (kat/regen Scrapper, lvl 50)
if you are RPing a villain then why would you want to remember?
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Um, i think this is something that transcends the game. The suggestion was made by Wire as a mark of respect, not as an RPing event...
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What I meant was if I'm online I'm likely to be on CoV not CoH, so is there going to be something simular in the Villains area's? Also some people will only have CoV (as you can have one without the other) so wont have a hero to meet up in atlas. Was merely suggesting that the same thing happened in Mercy not trying to push any tasteless role play angle when sombre reflection was needed. Sorry that my post didn't make that clear
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I hope you don't get any idiots spoiling it for you
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on what you class as ruining it, as (with all due respect of course) nobody HAS TO do it. As long as you guys do it, then job done, doesn't matter about other peeps.
I won't be able to make it I don't think, so I'll do it the traditional silent way But will be there if I can.
if you are RPing a villain then why would you want to remember?
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Um, i think this is something that transcends the game. The suggestion was made by Wire as a mark of respect, not as an RPing event...
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sorry if that sounded wrong, but i wasnt saying it would be an RP event, just those that would be RPing as a villain wouldnt do it (lord knows no one with respect would be RPing at that time, i hope)
Sadly, I'll be at work as well, or I would have come for this as well.
I'll be there in spirit though.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

This was Posted on our super group forum by wire, who subsequently asked for someone to post it here. I think it's a good idea and hope to see many of you there:
I feel that Rememberence Sunday is slowly fading away from everyones life.
I think it'd be nice for as many of us to gather at 11am on sunday the 13th November at Atlas to lead a 2 mins typing silence.
Probably a stupid idea but I'll be there and Im hoping you will join me.
Never forgotten.
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Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender