Christmas Hami Raid
[...] christmas trees [...]
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Where as Invuln tanks can be the shiny disco ball for the new years eve party
Yeah sounds good to me, Make a nice change from the norm
Where as Invuln tanks can be the shiny disco ball for the new years eve party
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I better make a note of respeccing into Unstoppable by then .
So which costumes for which AT's?
Christmas Tree
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Hah! That's a brilliant idea!
Count me in!
Oh wow, I'd come out of Hami-retirement for this!!
And I remember during the raid, Pyra...
"Bah, they all say that. you'll be back next time."
"No, I really won't, I'm totally quitting!"
All I can say is: bwahahaha! See you there
It's purely the idea of seeing everyone dressed as Santa that I'm up for. A standard hami raid, no thanks.
And I'd never use the word 'totally' in that context, bleurgh!
OMG! Great Idea - I'll come for this one, even if I'm not the designated taunter!
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
No comment....
Should be interesting though.
And Evolution Radio providing Christmas Carols / Songs during the raid
Cant wait
With a bit of luck my Illusion controller should be lvl45 or even 50 by then
And Evolution Radio providing Christmas Carols / Songs during the raid
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It gets better. I love xmas! Lets challenge the devs to get Santa Hats into Icon before the big day
Can we sing along? In real life? On teamspeak?
Can we sing along? In real life? On teamspeak?
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God no! You think Dark Armour's bad? You haven't heard me sing...
Im smirking at Pyra. I was the one that said mid raid to Pyra its like that ill feeling you get after too much drink. We all say never again but we do it anyway. Ironic as what is the well known thing to do at xmas? Booze which brings me to the other point.
Well anyway I may be there but I have to say I cant do the xmas cossie thing or even listen to carols on evo radio. Years of indocrination at christmas time when we go into the stores 3 months before xmas only to hear that same 40 [censored] xmas hits album over again every year is too much fro me to bear.
Ill see about the cossie after all its for a bit of fun. I was trying to think how I could look like a xmas tree. I think Mighty Saguaro has an advantage there at least
Not for me this one, think ED has hurt it more than we suspect, i may jump in at the holding phase to help out though
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Not for me this one, think ED has hurt it more than we suspect, i may jump in at the holding phase to help out though
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Aye, you can never tell how many controllers we are short..
Maybe we could try the "have a battery of blasters sniping Hami below 50% and 25% from outside the bubble" tactic? With pets and debuffs, kinetics boosting the blasters, maybe? I have no idea what kind of range is needed..
And as for christmas theme, we could build a christmas tree from hovering people(group flight even) with PbAoE auras and invul tankers for decoration! Rad defenders! Auras of different sizes so they build up a cone!
There is a way round the ED issue during/for the holding phase, but it requires a great deal of organisation and co-operation by those attending. Plus the window of opportunity is greatly shortened meaning timing is of the essence when deploying Vanguards. But with ED, it does mean that holds can be stacked much much faster.
The major problem with a raid is the numbers. Even a battery of blasters would struggle as the lag appears to effect usage of powers rather than movement, they would also be fairly vunerable if mitos aggro was not contained.
I could reach Hami from outside the bubble with my snipe, but don't think anything else would get there. It's powerful enough, but the recharge time and time to deploy the power is fairly hefty.
But then I just want to see the Santas!
WE need base options for christmas trees and the like!!
Someone in the team I was with last night suggested another costume for the event could be elves... (not to be mistaken with elvis... tho to be air that could be another event...)
Christmas Tree
There you go. which At wants what?
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
And as for christmas theme, we could build a christmas tree from hovering people(group flight even) with PbAoE auras and invul tankers for decoration! Rad defenders! Auras of different sizes so they build up a cone!
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That would be so cool if we could pull it off.
I realised the other day that I am within one level of joining a hammi raid. I will get creamed but so what it would be a laugh if nothing else
This sounds double-plus good, count me in.
Santa is alread a blaster - I seen it! I'm therefore claiming Snowman theme for scrapperdom.
I've seen people posting on the old (failed
) hami raid thread about the next one being around Christmas time.

Can we please, please, please dsspense with the usual costume styles for this raid and instead have everyone dressing up as santa claus?
If we do need to diferentiate between the AT's maybe we can have snowmen and christmas trees as well (scraping the barrel with that one to be fair)...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender