In need of a home
Have a look at my SG's site and see what you think of us. Leave a message, or contact/email me ingame if you like what you see .
our SG is also heavy on CoV atm, but when the balance redresses, there will be an even stronger SG than there was before for it, im sure you understand.
maybe see you on there, i log my hero on most days to help anyone who needs him
The Guild is always looking for regular players. With a number of our main members playing CoV There has been an injection of new members making it a lot more homely once again.
Look out for any of my alts in game or send me an email (on my forum Bio) for further details of the Guild of Extreme Heroes.
Supergroup: Guild of Extreme Heroes
Addtional SG: Yes (Academy of Extreme Heroes)
No. of members: 50+ (excluding alts)
No. of lvl50s: 23
Coalition SGs: Freelance Peacekeeping Association / Plastic Army / Plastic Academy / Femme Fatales / Usual Suspects / InnerCircle / Sheepy Sheepy / Servants of Twilight
SG Base: Yes (Energy Room / Control Room / Workshop...only decorative items at the moment)
Website: Under Construction
[/ QUOTE ]
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

You would also be welcome in TANC ( The Awfully Nice Chaps ), as with a lot of other SG's many are playing COV at the moment ( We have an active SG there as well ) but with the number of other SG's we have a coalition with its still possble to find a team most nights.
If your interested PM either of my alt in game amd let me know, I'm on nearly every night.
You've got that advert on ctrl click now haven't you capt? *L*
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
We'd have you in ours but you're a "meat and two veg" too much I suspect
Sundae is all woman I'll have you know.
Thanks for all the offers guys, much appreciated. Hate having to choose - may have to pull a name out of a hat. If I had a hat (although I could borrow one).
Not sure I'll be on before the weekend now (silly real life) but I'll be in contact with one of you then.
sad to see pie go :'( then again i did notice not many on when i logged on either. give it a while and balance will work itself out i guess.
hmmm, faulty are you actually dis-banding the sg or just leaving it to see what happens? (wondering if organi will have an sg when i log on next O.o)
There were only about 6 people still logging on even before CoV came out. Thats dropped to about 2 at any given time now. Even PB has moved on. Not disbanding PIE and as I said Faulty shall remain til the end but unless someone wants to take charge of a full on recruitment drive...
You're welcome to stay with the few of us left but if Org or any of your alts want to move onto a more active SG, I don't blame you at all.
Hmmm, i'll have a think. I'll want to keep organi in there till the end hehe. Cos i think sooner or later it'll be a case of "when" rather than "if". I may move an alt or two to a friends sg so I can chat easier with him. See what happens closer to coming home (and for the christmas hammi raid!)
get in teh plastics faulty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Technicaly payback/harmony/free radical has moved on to cov, but 3 of us have access to coh/cov, and only 1 of us has moved on to cov. payback/harmony/free radical and now nhilandra will be around for some time to come.
If PIE is breaking up, then we will need a new sg also.
it's a shame to see PIE die but we must look to the future.
R.I.P. PIE.... we shall miss u.
Tylantia hidy ho havent spoken in a while.
PB, tis a shame i know, but i don't think Pie will be the only SG to go this route. Still, ill be listening to dawn on evo radio =)
Join the Plastic Army its home to people who are awsome yo O.o
I'm sad to say that my SG - P.I.E - has reached the end of it's days. We had some fun and got a couple of dozen people to 50 but its time is drawing to a close. My fellow SG leader Dawnrazor (and many others) has moved to CoV and the rest have just moved on, leaving only a few remaining die hards.
Like the leader he is, Faulty shall stay with PIE til the bitter end. My new project - Liquid Blue - is however looking for a new SG and when she finally comes out of retirement to face the changes of ED, Sundae will most likely want to join as well.
So if anyone would like to offer a home to a little level 6 Ice/NRG blaster being built for PvP and probably a level 40 PB as well at some point....