The "Do we need an Uber RP SG?" thread...
Personally, I'd vote in favour of this, as the current state of prestige makes it next-to-impossible to create bases on the scale people want with small SG's.
As for the 75-player limit, on a quick think, I don't think there *are* 75 main characters at GG yet. A lot of characters are low-level alts, who can be invited in using the Team Invite option thingy.
I created this thread seperatly since it focuses on the GoD, but the data within it and the discussion to follow may be of interest to this thread.
Basic Bases: Lowdown from A GoD Perspective
I don't know if we want one from the heroes perspective, but I do think one for the villains is a good idea.
There's no established heirachy to cause problems, and an evil base is always nice, and raiding it can be a way for Villains and Heroes to meet safely....
I'd like to see it set up as a GM toolbox, but that's a community decision.
I'd tend to submit that it's either a good idea for both, or none.
Just because there's no hierarchy to get in the way, doesn't mean that egos wouldn't clash. In beta, we already had at least two groups forming since the Doc/Hiki/Z villains were totally at odds with the style created by Reb and Wordy. My toons was a member of Doc's SG, purely because I was there at the time, but she wouldn't have fitted with either of the two groups in reality.
The existance of existing groups means nothing here. Either we need one big group to make bases useful in any way, or we don't.
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Doc/Hiki/Z villains were totally at odds with the style created by Reb and Wordy.
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Actually, only Geiger was, and she was a throwaway who I used as I hadn't the time yet to make a proper character with background. Professor Prion got along well with Jimmy Deadeye, And Mister Mesmerand Deadeye had some comedy moments.
Was just using those as an example, Z. One of your characters is always able to fit in with just about any group... but then, you have so many of them.
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One of your characters is always able to fit in with just about any group... but then, you have so many of them.
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Tis be the reason behind my alts. I'm not addicted, honest...
*Shivers in a corner*
I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).
Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?
I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.
I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).
Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?
I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.
I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).
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I didn't because the lag was so bad it was unplayable.
Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?
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Nope, you can't.
I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.
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Correct, it belongs to the SG. You can use Influence to 'buy' Prestige, but it's not actually worth it unless you happen to be retiring a level 50.
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It's all a bit poorly thought out, isn't it.
Um... no comment.
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in a Occ Perspective ((me used a big word go me..)) its a very good idea, since you guys should be able to have a very good base with the members.
so how bout each room is for like one sg.
urm the Vigil could have there set of rooms ect.
there could be like a hangout place for the rest with a tv a arm chair ect.
Fairly new here, trying to get onto Union with some issues surrounding my transfer. =P
However, while this is a good idea if the numbers are really as bad as I hear (haven't checked them out for myself so I can't really say) I don't particulary like centralizing all RP activity into one SG. Smaller SG's means more individuality, more choice and foremost, more immersion. Creating one big SG for the need to make use of Bases feels forced and the it would probably reflect the gameplay.
It does however, bring the problem of base-costs to light and if it's this bad, I doubt that Cryptic will refrain from tweaking the costs. They most certainly need to find some middleground so that both smaller and larger SG's can make use of the terrific base-system.
My suggestion is to hold off on this for a while, CoV has only been out for one day so far. =P And I know for a fact that the prestige influx and base costs were not thoroughly tested in beta. At least not in the US. If things don't change for the better, then I'll be more in favor of this suggestion. But right now, it doesn't strike me as a good idea.
As for the SG-chat issues... With global chat on it's way, such problems will be swiftly eliminated. I know me, my SG and my friends stopped using SG-chat and the regular friends list almost entirely. Global Chat/Friends list is just that handy. =P
EDIT: A quick gander on the US forums would tattle that this is the most common complaint in the Base Construction section. I really doubt they'll keep it as is. Especially with all the good calculations and results players have been presenting both here and on the US forums. Prices are just not feasible as they are.
For current purposes and the ability to have some supergroup-chat-coordinated activity (due to the lack of global chat) in City of Villains, I have created a supergroup on Union CoV called 'The Concord'.
While this will be for RPers, it will have for the moment (until and unless substantive plans change on the subject of smaller SGs) no RP agenda for itself, merely acting to provide co-ordination and a chat channel, rather than an backgrounded grouping.
For an invite, PM 'Doctor Macavity' or 'Professor Prion'. I will update people to contact as we increase the numbers. All GG crowders are welcome, and it will help folks bimbling onto CoV to find people to level alongside.
Alts are welcome, with rarely used alts / temp alts to go in at 'Assistant' rank, regular alts to go in at 'Concordant' rank, and people's mains will go in at 'Unity Advisor' rank allowing them to invite other people.
Issues of base construction and so forth can wait.
I also may be on Mister Mesmer or Betaman, in which case poke me through there and I'll get on the Professor for an Invite.
Ghost and I tried something out yesterday afternoon. We setup an SG, and filled it with 15 alts, then we hit the base designer. The money from the alts gave us more than enough to add a fairly large recreational room with still a LOT of prestige left over to decorate it with. Z had a look around and we've added more since then, and have still got a lot of prestige left over.
I think doing it this way will work you know, though we don't have any functional items. Once the prestige is spent, most of the alts will be dropped from the SG as the bonus from them will be spent. Rent isn't a worry as we don't have any functional items.
Did notice a few things though... We need more decorative furniture like rugs, decent beds, and ability to put things on top of coffee tables!! Oh, and a plasma screen that cycles through TV pictures instead of computer screens would be nice too! Oh, and exiting base edit mode you sometimes can't see everything you've placed, so exit the base and re-entering should sort it out.
All we'd need is some coalitions setting up. We tried the invite a team member bit, but couldn't seem to get that to work, any ideas on how that works anyone?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Is it possible to "farm" alts for prestige by repeatedly creating/joining/deleting?
In theory it should be. What I've not yet determined is if the SG end up in Prestige debt if an alt leaves when there's not enough prestige to cover the 20k bonus. Once we've spent all the prestige in the base (maybe later today), we'll try it!
However, prestige debt won't really matter as only functional items gets disabled in your base if you can't pay the bills, the base itself is still accessible, and for RP, we have no functional items.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
However, prestige debt won't really matter as only functional items gets disabled in your base if you can't pay the bills, the base itself is still accessible, and for RP, we have no functional items.
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Don't you mean: "and for RP, all items are functional."?
There's a decent decvider wall which we used to devide the walls... and with a little creativity, we used other items to simulate functionality. ( small bookcases in a oval made a bathtub )
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Is it possible to "farm" alts for prestige by repeatedly creating/joining/deleting?
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No. When you join, you provide 20k, when you leave, it goes away again.
Having had a look at the actual base system now... I'm of two minds. Anyone can have a very basic, one room base with no functional items as a refuge and a place to invite guests.
OTOH, an actual functional base is likely outside the budget of even a large group. The calculations the GoD have made suggest that any old group can build themselves a base, with functional kit, it just takes time. Lots of time.
On that basis, merging the groups is not going to work and, humbly, neither is the Concordat unless it is a roleplay group. I've had a non-RP SG for roleplayers for ages on Union and the only people in it are my alts and one of Aisla's.
Base-wise, unless it's treated as a pure resource and you can't expect to find it the same way next time you walk in since someone needed it to be an arcane retreat and last time you saw it, it was a laboratory, even a large group isn't going to be able to put in enough rooms to please everyone, especially if anyone wants functional items.
Roll on individual apartments.
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Yep, but the question is, if you'e already spent that 20k, what happens? Do you go into debt, or do parts of your base vanish?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I think it's debt Gid, but not sure... Might be able to find out later today, unless Ghost can do it sooner and boot one of my alts from last night out (The Ms Ellie one please...)
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
On that basis, merging the groups is not going to work and, humbly, neither is the Concordat unless it is a roleplay group. I've had a non-RP SG for roleplayers for ages on Union and the only people in it are my alts and one of Aisla's.
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I agree that without a motivation to unify, a nonrp RPers SG might not do too well. However, the intent behind the Concord - initially - is to provide the benefits of a functional base (non-raid teleporters between zones, resurrection within bases and reteleport to missions, inspiration selling items, and so forth) to the RP community.
I concur that it is perfectly possible for an alt-padded single or dual person SG to create themselves a nicely decorated huge room within a base. The idea here - besides getting all my comrades into a supergroup to actually enjoy the game in team rather than now-limp solo mode, one of the primary drivers - is to provide the benefits of a functional base (you may consider them unnecessary, that's a personal choice) to fellow RPers.
Personal spaces could be an added option for 'villain groups' within the Concord, that would of course take more prestige and so longer. The more people involved, the less time it would take.
However, it would seem easier to establish something like this in CoV since we currently lack pre-established SGs which have their own goals, likes, and dislikes, necessitating seperate decoration / base provision.
Okay, we currently have a large proportion of the Union RP community spending their time trying to get Prestige instead of roleplaying (
), and all so they can get a small shoe box with interesting wall hangings.
Now that CoV is officially out, I think it's time to consider creating two great big RP SGs, one in CoH, one in CoV, so we can 'make the most of' the base system.
* Larger number of members = more active members = more funds for bigger base.
* Too many leaders.
* 75 member SG limit.
* SG chat is going to become a nightmare.
* We lose our old SG identities, and have to resort to RPing them (but then we RP despite the game mostly anyway).
* And lastly...
Is it going to actually benefit us?
Even if we fit nothing functional at all, as the base grows, we end up with it costing more and more to actually put things in it. Each group is going to want at least a room, but I can't see even a max-sized RP SG actually being able to afford four or five rooms from scratch, which means someone's going to miss out.
And then there's that happy future period when we have arguments about adding rooms or features because "you can't have it, you lot have hardly raised any Prestige recently."
Please note: kind of neutral about whether or not we do this, I'm just pointing out that there's a lot of potential for ego clash, and there may not be much potential for actual benefit.
So... discuss...
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