build comments please




I want to be a strong scrapper type peacebringer with healing as a secondary emphasis. I'm keeping nova form for those occasions when I can blast away safely (when teamed with tank/controller for example)

I;m currently level 12 and I feel very squichy but im hoping when i get to level 22 and get a full set of so's things will improve

comments and advice please

Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powers - Ranged : Luminous Blast
Secondary Powers - Support : Luminous Aura

01 : Incandescence damres(01)
01 : Glinting Eye dam(01) dam(3) dam(3) acc(5)
02 : Shining Shield damres(02) damres(5) damres(7)
04 : Essence Boost hel(04) hel(7) hel(9) recred(9) recred(11) recred(11)
06 : Bright Nova endrec(06)
08 : Radiant strike dam(08) dam(13) dam(13) acc(15) recred(15) endred(17)
10 : Swift runspd(10)
12 : Stimulant endred(12) endred(17) inttim(19) inttim(19)
14 : Health hel(14) hel(21) hel(21)
16 : Aid Self hel(16) hel(23) hel(23) inttim(25) inttim(25) inttim(27)
18 : Incandescent Strike dam(18) dam(27) dam(29) acc(29) recred(31) endred(31)
20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(31) endrec(33)
22 : Pulsar acc(22) disdur(33) recred(33) recred(34) endred(34)
24 : Reform Essence hel(24) hel(34) hel(36) recred(36) recred(36) recred(37)
26 : Solar Flare dam(26) dam(37) dam(37) acc(39) endred(39) recred(39)
28 : Quantum Shield damres(28) damres(40) damres(40)
30 : Quantum Flight endred(30) endred(40) endred(42)
32 : Photon Seekers dam(32) dam(42) dam(42) acc(43) recred(43) recred(43)
35 : Build Up recred(35) recred(45) recred(45)
38 : Glowing Touch hel(38) hel(45) hel(46) endred(46) endred(46)
41 : Light Form damres(41) damres(48) damres(48)
44 : Restore Essence hel(44)


01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
02 : Rest enhancement(02)
01 : Energy Flight enhancement(01)
10 : Combat Flight enhancement(10)
06 : Bright Nova Bolt enhancement(06)
06 : Bright Nova Blast enhancement(06)
06 : Bright Nova Scatter enhancement(06)
06 : Bright Nova Detonation enhancement(06)



I wouldnt slot glinting eye, You can get a far bigger benefit out of gleaming blast. GB, Radiant Strike and I Strike chain pretty well, Adding in a solar flare every now and then.



Can I ask why you have taken Bright Nova but not slotted the attacks at all? Just curious.



nova is mostly just for endurance free travel and for the novelty - the base damage is pretty good anyway but then again I don't know much about how it scales up as you level - is it always pretty good damage unslotted?



I did wonder if it was a replacement travel power.
The damage unslotted is okay, but Nova is so weak that you really want to be hitting stuff hard (or just never use the two AoE attacks and stick with single target to reduce aggro).

In I5, a shot from each AoE would only leave a sliver of hp for minions when they had 5 dmg enh slotted. I'm reserving judgement now that I have replaced two of those damage with recred as I haven't had a chance to test it out yet....



Not just free but enhanced End replacement as you fly.



Seems to be a good build but why keep quantum flight now after the nerf its not worth having.

Also i have found that with photon seekers although they look cool they are dum they can draw un wanted agro and half the time dont attack who you want them to, i went for dawn strike it may not be as powerfull as a blasters nuke but it still packs a punch.
One last point I have found with my pb that he can be a very affective scrapper type but i went for a total human build, and also a few respecs to get him where i want him now



I've not really had chance to test the seekers or Dawn Strike under ED but I would imagine both are worse now. Seekers can't be buffed and now you can really only 3 slot for damage which makes them a little less useful (when they do actually hit something).

Dawn Strike is similar. You'll have to buff it a lot to hit the damage cap nowdays and I'm not sure how effective it is otherwise....



I still find the seekers useful, If you cast them in the middle of a tightly groupped up group, They will do a LOT of damage. The AoE may be small but it packs a [censored] punch.



Seems to be a good build but why keep quantum flight now after the nerf its not worth having.

[/ QUOTE ]

not even as a panic button?

or for when light form packs up?



I find quantum fly very useful as a panic button for those sneeky void moments. I'm not sure I'd bother slotting it though, as the speed is easly enough to shoot off without end becoming too much of a problem.

Dead Calm's Defender Manifesto



I'm probably going to make an awful PB at higher levels. I like playing blasters so much that I normally stay exclusively in nova form. I rarely escape without dying at least once in a mission doing that so I may have to have a rethink but, for now at least, the damage my PB does is really useful in a team. Just reached lvl 20 and have the dwarf form but I haven't the faintest idea how to tank, some interesting times ahead methinks



Quantum flight is an excellent panic button, It does not have the start-up time that Phase shift does, click it and you are safe ( ish ) it also has max flight speed from the off. It is an end hog though. Conserve Energy fixes most of that though with the power itself slotted with 2xRedEnd as well.

Dawn Strike is very good still, but it does need a few rage insps to get it going big time. Hit conserve energy before firing it off and you will not have the end problems after it has detonated. Works well with stealth. Hide in group, pop insps and BOOOOOM ! Group gone. Mine is slotted with 3xDm and 1xAcc

Photon Seekers are more trouble than they are worth.

I have six slotted nova attacks 4xDmg 1xAcc 1xDefenceDeBuff ( My ED config ) in each, and is just stunning. Later levels the Nova form can take a bit of a whacking.

Essence boost is a godsend, mine is slotted for 3xRecharge and 3xHeal, this boosts your HP or can be used as an emergency heal.

My forms are slotted thus:-

Nova 3xTohitBuffs 3XEndRecovery
Dwarf 4xDmgResist and 2xEndRecovery.

Made it to Level 44 a lot faster than my scrapper did, so must be doing something right.



Th idea for my build was to go for a blaster based Pb. Although I did find it useful to have a 3 form Pb. The reason is that we have the ability to be a tanker/blaster, I think this is something that you should take advantage of as you can switch between modes to balance the team out. I personally use macros which allow me to switch through forms and have my powers ready. I have all the human buffs as they work in nova mode, so before a big fight I use build up and conserve energy then switch to nova and land a few area blasts, once you got your 1st punch, switch to dwarf and begin the aggro control, once I know that the team is able to hadle what is left i take my pick between humn and nova to mop up. I find this works great and is mucho fun too. I have left out all melee powers in human form as my pb build is intended to be a blaster with tanker back up. If you do not use macros get sum on! They make life so easy and using a pb/ws much much easier.