Team Synergi!
syph is still here
So is Sound, although I cant even get my CoH updater to actually update!! , it's getting annoying now...
So is the suicidal empath (fpr teh win!!11!) DOn't suppose the corruptor thing can be on a different day? Fruit bowl is on wednesday and Chilli is trying to rop me into that!
Good to hear you're still with us folks
Unfortunately Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my two most reliable days for putting aside for regular teaming. Other days I'm more likely to have things coming up on a regular basis. We'll see what happens anyway.
EDIT: Chill, did you try the moving the CoH stuff elsewhere and putting all the CoV beta stuff in its place? Worked for me.
(two thing to note are:
1) the CoH stuff should be moved outside of the CoH folder you'd be moving the CoV stuff into, not into a subdirectory or somesuch,
2) delete/move the majorpatch and checksum files)
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
Ye I tried but it seems the same as last night, overcrwoded login server or sumthing. I simply can't connect to it. I'll goof around abit tonight with the files and if that doesn't work I'll have to re-install and re-download tomorrow morning.
Anyway, enough of the I6 problems, we got enough threads on that .
Well if it helps you connect any easier, I've just logged, so there should be a slot free
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
I'm afraid (as you have probs noticed by now) I will be absent tonight. RL stuff. May be on later; If I am I'll see you on there. Have funn guys!
As I said, no worries FR. It was down to just me and Syph by the end, and tho we had a minor setback against the big bad boss, we did for the ugly sod in the end!
Still no lvl 12 for me yet, but I'm edging ever closer
Have fun folks, and all being well I'll see y'all next week.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
aye, was good fun as always
was a bit pee'd off when i got home yesterday so i actually found it a very good stress relief. Having a part time char that doesnt really matter if u get debt on is good.. can jump in and be as suicidal as i like.. surprised i only face planted 2 times last night.. silly gragnok or whatever he was called
Pavement inspecting is a fun, and indeed necessary, endeavour for the heroes and villains of Paragon City. We just try to make the villains do it more often
For next week, I was thinking meet in Perez Park at the Steel Canyon exit. We can Kill Skuls (or whatever it is!) on our way down to the Atlas Park entrance into the park proper, and down to a nifty cave I know that's just great for some Spelunking!
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
perez is fine with me.. altho skulls are probably too low but a bit a hydra bashing may be good
Well true enough the skulls are only around lvl 9 and 10, but then so is half our group, and I figured it'd just be a leisurely bout of arresting on the way to our objective Besides, there's a couple of badges in it for us
I certainly don't have any qualms about visiting the hydra - if we're lucky we might even bump into the Kraken - we'll show the world what Defenders are made off
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
Midevil Diamond, Dark/Dark defender signing on! Cya all in Perez on Tuesday!
wont be on tonite guys.. bloody women again!!!!
its like 5 nights in a row now shes nerfed me... i need a laptop (please make all donations payable to me )
Yeah I could do with a laptop meself. Not for gaming mind, I'd want a brand spanking new dual-core system for that. I reckon 2gb of Ram would suffice. One of those dual graphic card setups. Sounds about right
Ahem, anyways... has there been much in the way of advances in lottery rigging?
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
arg! ignore that.. now loggin on!
why cant they make up their minds?!?!?!
Argh! Apologies for the bail guys. Family stuff. COmplicated and anger ridden.
I may be on for the back end, so hope to see you there.
Had a great teaming with you all, being the lowest level I was able to enjoy a mass of xp. (I did not powerlevel, was sk to highest level there it's just that you don't need much to go from level 6 to 8.5) Looking forward to next week!
was a fun night (as always). everythin seemed to go without a hitch.. only 1 faceplant (well a few before i turned up aswell from what i gathered).
think we need to find something more challenging next week (when can we start posi ), tbh i thought the hydra's would be harder than they were.. shame kraken didnt just suddenly appear for us
Grrrrrr I have never done those! Awwwwww.... it's not fair. Apologies again guys!
If we're starting Posi next week I need to get quite a few more levels first!! When the ALT Rangers did Posi we were all exemped at the end of it, so it's a great way to nullify the level difference between us.
wasnt bein that serious about it altho i'm up for startin it one week tho if everyone else wants. tho it might be hard to arrange. its gonna take 3 or 4 weeks to complete and we have to make sure everyone is around when we start if not they wont be able to join in the later weeks. i'll leave it for Ils to decide anyway
i'm happy continuin with missions at the moment.. altho we could either go into the sewer network or trolls tunnels if we wanted to in the next week or so
I think we could do with a bit more stuff to face. I think we are all on INV?
I think attacking the sewers might be a good idea.
Good thing Midevil Diamond has a full body armor then, sewers are dirty!!
You'll have to forgive my naming the team after my own character
Besides, I didn't want to keep referring to it as "the all-defender super-TEAM" - it's a bit long and clumsy. Plus I'm the leader. Kind of. And the meaning of 'synergy' also makes it pretty appropriate:

So come on guys, let me know what's happening.
1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.
2. Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect.
So yeah, now that I've done justifying my choice of title for the thread, I can continue
For those not in the know, or in case anyone forgets, we meet at 7pm on Tuesdays, real life, acts of God etcetera permitting.
Synergi is presently at lvl 11. I think everyone who attended earlier this week is at lvl 9 or 10?
And if I recall, our Dark Miasma, Trick Arrow and Force Field members are presently unaccounted for. I'll still hold their spots open for a couple more weeks unless I hear from them - if nothing else I always thought Safe Haven was a pretty keen name for a FF defender
And as I said before, I'd be looking for a similar setup for CoV with Corrupters, so I'll start a thread up about that on the Union Villains board over the weekend. It'd be Wednesdays at 7pm, and may or may not begin this Wednesday.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation