Team Synergi!




As ever we owned most heartily, and the lowly AV fell in mere seconds. We need a harder difficulty that spawns multiple AVs at the end of these things, and maybe an elite boss or 2 in regular spawns

Just occurred to me that I'll be missing the Hamidon thing next week too. Ah well, we'll have to wait until the team is up that high - he might actually pose a challenge for us

Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell

Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation



Hmmm, all defender team against Hami, should be interesting.

Sister Psyche completed on invincible in 3 hours 27 minutes, has to be a record!

So on our to-do list are: respec, Moonfire, unlocking Hess, Hess, unlocking Croatoa TF, Croatoa TF, Citadel, Manticore, Numina, respec, Eden Trial, Sewer Trial, SS TF 1, respec, SS TF 2-4, ding 50 (not specificly in that order)

Almost there eh




If we need to, seeing as this is the most task heavy part of the game we could always skip Citadel. I doubt there'd be many objections seeing as its one of the worst tfs



But it gives a badge!!!!




What are we doing next week then? Who has the striga arc open? If its Ils/Syn, then we will have problems continuing that. In that case we can either have a week off or we can look at doing other stuff like PvPing, or start unlocking Croatoa.



I have that power!!




Do you think we can get our cossies ready and done for next week's session? If so can Tufty (or whoever's designed the cossie) post a pic here with body part names for the cossie creator?



We haven't agreed on a set design yet. I just got bored with my old one, had a spare costume token so used up my 2nd slot. If people want to see what their char looks like in it tho I can post the details.



I also posted a design a way back, just try some stuff out and if you like it, write down how you made it and post a screenie!




We all coming tonight?




** Cough **

May aswell continue the discussion over there