Trying Farming
Recharge, Recovery
One -KB Io is all you need.
Realistically you can farm with common IOs.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Recovery should be at the bottom of the list especially on a Kinetics.
It would seem to me that you may want to take the stone APP instead of fire. You will likely be in melee range anyway (since you're a fire/), so fissure works out very well. Plus I find that rock armor is really nice for defense. You pretty easily could make a build with sof-capped smashing/lethal defense. Many powers Other than defense, I'd be going for recharge and at minimum frankenslotting powers for the key stats that each powers need. Quite honestly, frankenslotting is pretty cheap, and really boost the performance of a toon greatly.
You won't see me.
you dont "need" defense stacked to farm ion a fire/kin
recharge is hav fs and trans up on every mob.
i dont have one defense item in my build...only a 4 kb i.o
however i do have tough and fire shield..thats all you need. i dont even use flashfire half the time.
Realistically you can farm with common IOs.
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This is totally true. Even aside from Fulcrum Shift, the reason /Kin is good for Farming, or for any gameplay generally, is because you can replenish your own life and endurance. I farm occasionally on my Fire/Kin (maybe 5 hours a month at most) and I have almost no global recharge at all.
Now, Smurphy said you don't need recovery on a Kin, and you don't, but mine happens to have about 50% recovery in addition to stamina. It is nice for making it where you dont even need to click transference. However, I am NOT recommending you do this. I'm pointing out that my build is about as incorrectly IOed for farming as you can get, but I can do it just fine. I dont do it as fast as others, but its still fast enough. So you dont have to go for anything. The only reason I have recovery bonuses in my character at all is that I usually just IO for frankenslotting, because it is cheaper than going for recharge, and yet recovery bonuses are often low hanging fruit, needing only 2 set bonuses. So, it is pretty trivial to sneak recovery in. So, I managed to get more than 25% from low hanging fruit set bonuses, and I just happened to have room for a miracle and a numina for the the other 25%.
But you dont need ANY IOs on a fire/kin.
To be optimized, I'd say go for recharge first, and anything else is gravy. But again, you dont need IOs at all.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
It would seem to me that you may want to take the stone APP instead of fire. You will likely be in melee range anyway (since you're a fire/), so fissure works out very well.
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Except you have to be on the ground for fissure. If he is, then fine. However, I prefer Hover, because siphon speed with hover is a pure delight. If you want Earth's Embrace and you dont hover, then fine. I can never resist the temptation of Hover on a Kineticist. And you cant use fissure unless you are on the ground. At least, if I recall correctly.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Realistically you can farm with common IOs.
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OK, one of my goals is to play around IO Sets and see how these impact the play experince. I guess I should have been clearer, in that I farmed back when fire tanks were supreme. ( I2 ish )
I usually just IO for frankenslotting, because it is cheaper than going for recharge, and yet recovery bonuses are often low hanging fruit, needing only 2 set bonuses.
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I must admit I have never seen Frankenslotting defined. But from your description, I am believe it means, slotting mulitple IO sets in a single power at perhaps 2 slots per set rather than getting to 5 or 6 slots of a single set.
But you dont need ANY IOs on a fire/kin.
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I have done some farming with some PUGs and being in melee range with a tank ( that may or maynot have strong aggro control) gets my head handed to me more than once a run which is bad. So I figured getting to soft capped defense would be primary. But I will head advice and go for recharge...
Unless of course, other folks change my mind....
to solo farm(solo farm = you do the work not a team.anyone else doorsits) you just need tough and fire shield.
plus you need to know what your farming..their powers and such. then youll do better at it.
When i jump on my fire/kin def is a nonissue since i open up with flashfire(enuff recharge makes this useable every spawn), follow up with a cages to keep em from spreading. Then jump in the middle FS Psi nado cage Trans Nado move to next spawn. With enuff recharge you can get treu the "BM Farm" in bout 5-6 mins and never have a problem 20 mins if you take out BM solo, but i wouldnt recomend that as it takes to much time.
IO up for accuracy.
Why? Because you need to HIT things to use your self buffs. Transference, Transfusion, Siphon Power, Fulcrum Shift, and Siphon Speed all have to hit their targets first. Sure, one acc IO will cover most of your needs, but if you want to farm bosses or anything higher than even con mobs, you'll want the acc boost.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Lots of really horrible advice in this thread but also a little really good stuff.
Defense really does make a difference. Soft-cap smashing/lethal and then farm Smashing/Lethal types. Note that almost every attack in the game has at least a little Smashing/Lethal damage to it, and if it has even a fraction of a point of Smashing or Lethal damage, it uses your Smashing/Lethal defense against the whole attack.
I am away from my main computer or I would post my build for this - look at my other posts and you'll find it. It's cheap (you can forget a lot of the recharge stuff at first - focus on capping out that s/l) and works really well. It will make you your money back in a couple of days if you do things right.
Recharge in a fire/kin isn't that big a deal. With 70% global recharge, I typically sit at or near the recharge cap - and I don't notice that much of a difference between recharge cap and 100% below recharge cap. Keep in mind that recharge bonuses from globals and from things like Hasten/Siphon Speed stack with the enhancement in your powers toward hitting recharge cap - so if you manage 80-90% recharge as you definitely should in important powers, you'll be losing out any time you get above 300% recharge, and anything above 200% or so will be shaving tenths or hundredths of a second off of the recharge of your powers. An amount of time you will *never* notice and which will be mathematically/statistically very small. Your own reaction and skill will make a much bigger difference overall in your farming speed than that last sliver of a second.
I farm 8-man spawns of bosses, and I never use flashfire. I run in, fulcrum shift, set up containment with fire cages, and then spam my attacks with a break every third attack or so to hit something like Siphon Speed, Fulcrum Shift, Transference, or Transfusion. Transfusion comes up a lot less than you'd think with soft-capped defense unless you're fighting against defense-debuffing enemies.
In a word: Do the Stone thing. You won't regret it. Hovering is overrated when you've got soft-capped defense, Fissure does a huge amount of damage (220 to everything in the area for me at damage cap with containment), and Seismic Smash (I did not take Earth's Embrace because I really don't need any more survivability) does very well in taking down that one stubborn guy who was just outside the radius of your Hotfeet/Fissure. Also, you will love a Force Feedback proc in your Fissure. Having that +100% recharge for 5 seconds every 10 seconds or so makes that 5% or 6.25% or even 7.5% look pitiful. It's a -lot- more recharge on a frequently used attack that's AoE and almost guaranteed to go off in a big spawn where it hits 16 enemies. You know, like Fissure.
Just for reference as to how well this works: Recently I made 857m in farming in one day, and a GM banned the mission I was using even though it had no exploits in it. I since deleted the mission and got the slot back and have been keeping my farming more sane - but the possibility of making nearly a billion in a day if you're good at it and put forth the effort is there in a Fire/Kin that soft-caps lethal and smashing.
For now I'm taking a break from farming and have taken up AV soloing. I spent that billion inf I had on an Ill/Rad build.
Fire/Kin/Fire is cheaper and easier than Fire/Kin/Stone, but it's also squishier. Both can farm on common IOs or SOs but I'd steer away from Stone if that's your goal (IO bonuses really help Stone go the extra mile). Some people still go Fire/Kin/Psi but those have been few and far between since I14, that I've noticed at least.
When building a Fire/Kin/Fire, build for +rech, +acc, and +HP (cheaper builds can get away with taking Tactics). Accolades will help as well - you've got no defense and have to rely on your resistances and Transfusion to keep you up, so more HP means more reaction time to click powers. My Fire/Kin/Fire using only common IOs (and a -KB IO) can bring in about 80k inf/minute running the Battle Maiden map on difficulty 5 spawned for 6 (though that was before the I15 spawn changes, which added bosses to spawns like that). Best enemies (outside of MA) to farm with a Fire/Kin/Fire are Behemoths, and Battle Maiden if you bring along a few columns of Break Frees. Freakshow are a bit more tricky and throw a lot more mez, but are doable.
When building a Fire/Kin/Stone, build for +rech and +acc. Given enough recharge through set bonuses and stacked Siphon Speed, you can perma (or even stack, for a short time) Earth's Embrace which means you'll end up with capped or near-capped HP all the time. Considering the Controller base HP is 1070 and the cap is 1606, that's a lot. Grab Weave to add to your smash/lethal defenses, and try and push for that magical softcap of 45%. Tough will help with the attacks that do get through, and when combined with capped HP and the stun from Fissure, you've got a very survivable farming build. Best mob types for a Fire/Kin/Stone are Freakshow and Battle Maiden (bring along a few Break Frees just in case, though your defense will help avoid most of the mezzing). My partially-purpled Fire/Kin/Stone pulls in 90-95k inf/min on 6-spawned Invincible BM maps.
Fire/Kin/Psi is the same general idea as Fire/Kin/Fire - build for +rech, +acc, and +HP. +Rech is more important to a Psi because if you get enough IO bonuses and stacked Siphon Speeds, you can perma Indomitable Will, which means you can essentially ignore most mez effects, making farming enemies like Freakshow trivial.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Lots of really horrible advice in this thread but also a little really good stuff.
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I wouldn't say there has been any "horrible" advice. Probably just things you disagree with.
Oh and OP frankenslotting is taking similar set IOs from different sets to maximize certain attributes in the fewest slots. i.e using acc/mezz/rech from sets A,B,C and D so you can have almost full post ED percentages in 4 slots, then you can either use the last two slots to soak up some set bonuses or place procs or damage or use them in other powers.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Depends on your target. Farming what? Solo, Duo, in a team with a tanker or scrapper?
Fire/Kin/Fire is cheaper and easier than Fire/Kin/Stone, but it's also squishier. Both can farm on common IOs or SOs but I'd steer away from Stone if that's your goal (IO bonuses really help Stone go the extra mile). Some people still go Fire/Kin/Psi but those have been few and far between since I14, that I've noticed at least.
When building a Fire/Kin/Fire, build for +rech, +acc, and +HP (cheaper builds can get away with taking Tactics). Accolades will help as well - you've got no defense and have to rely on your resistances and Transfusion to keep you up, so more HP means more reaction time to click powers. My Fire/Kin/Fire using only common IOs (and a -KB IO) can bring in about 80k inf/minute running the Battle Maiden map on difficulty 5 spawned for 6 (though that was before the I15 spawn changes, which added bosses to spawns like that). Best enemies (outside of MA) to farm with a Fire/Kin/Fire are Behemoths, and Battle Maiden if you bring along a few columns of Break Frees. Freakshow are a bit more tricky and throw a lot more mez, but are doable.
When building a Fire/Kin/Stone, build for +rech and +acc. Given enough recharge through set bonuses and stacked Siphon Speed, you can perma (or even stack, for a short time) Earth's Embrace which means you'll end up with capped or near-capped HP all the time. Considering the Controller base HP is 1070 and the cap is 1606, that's a lot. Grab Weave to add to your smash/lethal defenses, and try and push for that magical softcap of 45%. Tough will help with the attacks that do get through, and when combined with capped HP and the stun from Fissure, you've got a very survivable farming build. Best mob types for a Fire/Kin/Stone are Freakshow and Battle Maiden (bring along a few Break Frees just in case, though your defense will help avoid most of the mezzing). My partially-purpled Fire/Kin/Stone pulls in 90-95k inf/min on 6-spawned Invincible BM maps.
Fire/Kin/Psi is the same general idea as Fire/Kin/Fire - build for +rech, +acc, and +HP. +Rech is more important to a Psi because if you get enough IO bonuses and stacked Siphon Speeds, you can perma Indomitable Will, which means you can essentially ignore most mez effects, making farming enemies like Freakshow trivial.
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I run a Fire/Kin/Psi and its all about the +rech HP can be bypassed via useing flashfire +acc becuase fire has such low acc compared to other primary's. But i keep up with the fire/kin/fire's and youll likely see my F/K tanking on a Invic ITF or possibly tryin to go toe to toe with Recluse(cant but ive tried). Either way ive tried Stone and Fire both but they just dont have that pow and cool lookin effects that psi has, Besides if ya miss a minion or 2 with Cages you can always knock em back usein nado .
DasBert and Macskull have given the most useful advice. I'd listen to either, or both.
Lots of really horrible advice in this thread but also a little really good stuff.
Defense really does make a difference. Soft-cap smashing/lethal and then farm Smashing/Lethal types. Note that almost every attack in the game has at least a little Smashing/Lethal damage to it, and if it has even a fraction of a point of Smashing or Lethal damage, it uses your Smashing/Lethal defense against the whole attack.
I am away from my main computer or I would post my build for this - look at my other posts and you'll find it. It's cheap (you can forget a lot of the recharge stuff at first - focus on capping out that s/l) and works really well. It will make you your money back in a couple of days if you do things right.
Recharge in a fire/kin isn't that big a deal. With 70% global recharge, I typically sit at or near the recharge cap - and I don't notice that much of a difference between recharge cap and 100% below recharge cap. Keep in mind that recharge bonuses from globals and from things like Hasten/Siphon Speed stack with the enhancement in your powers toward hitting recharge cap - so if you manage 80-90% recharge as you definitely should in important powers, you'll be losing out any time you get above 300% recharge, and anything above 200% or so will be shaving tenths or hundredths of a second off of the recharge of your powers. An amount of time you will *never* notice and which will be mathematically/statistically very small. Your own reaction and skill will make a much bigger difference overall in your farming speed than that last sliver of a second.
I farm 8-man spawns of bosses, and I never use flashfire. I run in, fulcrum shift, set up containment with fire cages, and then spam my attacks with a break every third attack or so to hit something like Siphon Speed, Fulcrum Shift, Transference, or Transfusion. Transfusion comes up a lot less than you'd think with soft-capped defense unless you're fighting against defense-debuffing enemies.
In a word: Do the Stone thing. You won't regret it. Hovering is overrated when you've got soft-capped defense, Fissure does a huge amount of damage (220 to everything in the area for me at damage cap with containment), and Seismic Smash (I did not take Earth's Embrace because I really don't need any more survivability) does very well in taking down that one stubborn guy who was just outside the radius of your Hotfeet/Fissure. Also, you will love a Force Feedback proc in your Fissure. Having that +100% recharge for 5 seconds every 10 seconds or so makes that 5% or 6.25% or even 7.5% look pitiful. It's a -lot- more recharge on a frequently used attack that's AoE and almost guaranteed to go off in a big spawn where it hits 16 enemies. You know, like Fissure.
Just for reference as to how well this works: Recently I made 857m in farming in one day, and a GM banned the mission I was using even though it had no exploits in it. I since deleted the mission and got the slot back and have been keeping my farming more sane - but the possibility of making nearly a billion in a day if you're good at it and put forth the effort is there in a Fire/Kin that soft-caps lethal and smashing.
For now I'm taking a break from farming and have taken up AV soloing. I spent that billion inf I had on an Ill/Rad build.
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I must admit I have never seen Frankenslotting defined. But from your description, I am believe it means, slotting mulitple IO sets in a single power at perhaps 2 slots per set rather than getting to 5 or 6 slots of a single set.
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It just means mixing different sets to get the best overall numbers on a power that you can. Most people dont bother unless they are trying to keep costs down, because most people go for perma this or that or huge massive recharge so they do full sets. Being on a budget, I frankenslot, simply to get the best overall numbers I can on each individual power.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Go with much recharge as you can.. you need 105 base recharge for perma hasten. right now, I only have 90% base recharge with my fire/kin

I am going to give farming and IO's a try with an old fire/kin/fire toon.
My basic question is ( after doing some reading about things) what makes the most sense to start building towards from an IO perspective?
Here is my priority list ( if it is correct)
1. Melee Defense
2. AOE Defense
3. Knockback
4. Recharge
5. Regen
6. Endo
I have the standard farming build and at this time NO IO's on the toon, just SO's that are ED friendly..
Any advice would be much appreciated... see ya down on the farm..